I love what you are doing, yet I'm hesitant for more alerts from you or any news source. Unless of course, there is a true emergency and one needs to be notified immediately, is a weekly notification possible? Like many people, I have alert fatigue. I don't want your important signals to become just ambient noise. I've unsubscribed from more publications recently because it's just all too much.

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My goal is to avoid unnecessary alerts and ensure every email is worth your attention.

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I agree. My delete button has become my best friend. Urgent or not at all is my new motto.

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I too have alert fatigue. Using my unsubscribe option more and more every week - wish u had put in tour voting - thank you NO I DI NOT WANT ANY ALERTS!

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Exactly!! I don't want to unsubscribe but I don't want emails

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Congratulations! Your work is my family’s truth in many ways . Thank you for all you are doing . Changing the World . ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Thank you so much for your kind words and support! I am really excited about the future of this Substack.

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Thank you for all of the work you do! I trust your perspective and your informative writings.

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Thank you, Elaine!

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Love your work. Also can’t say enough about Maria Zeee - winning combination!

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Good for you!! Congrats!

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Congratulations and best of luck with your expanded Substack! I’m looking forward to seeing the new Vigilant Fox!

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I think you'll like it, Kathleen!

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Congratulations, I check in each day for any updates

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I'm so glad to hear that, Remi. A lot more updates are flowing in as we speak!

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Please don’t worry about being one of the biggest. That will lead to compromise.

We need you to be very even handed and unbiased. Radical thoroughness. Even if it doesn’t pay as well.

Give us the good , bad, and ugly.

Pay close attention to Trump & Co’s relationship with the Federal Reserve, big banks, big business, & the Blackrocks of the world.

Be on top of the threat that a cashless / crypto/bitcoin world poses.

Thanks for all you have done up to now.

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projectjura. go look uk more andmorechashles

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Best of luck on this venture!

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Looking forward to this information

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P.S. I like the daily notifications. I pretty much just use email to identify what to drill down into. For example this notification got me here to upgrade and comment "The Simple Routine That Slashes Your Cancer Risk by 60%". I get over 100 emails a day but most are Rumble notifications not Substack. I'm trying to reduce them but so many things now to be concerned about that I want to stay informed on: globalist activities, US status, cancer, health misinformation, transhumanism/singularity, history censorship, religious machinations, reality simulation possibility, etc. However, I did free up lots of time by not watching TV and not caring anymore about sports and Hollywood productions.

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I love reading your posts. They're always spot-on and I rarely even need to go any where else to catch the latest. You're such a warrior, even after all these years. Respectfully, Jeanie

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Congratulations VF! Well deserved!

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Good on you, but I sure missed like crazy MEDIA BLACKOUT, my favorite thing I look forward to every week!

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If you could stop the "verify email" you would be a true hero.

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Great! Feel free to republish, edit or use as you wish all my content. You might especially be interested in this:

There's a plan to slow-murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Who’s got THAT kind of power?: to vanish a ratified Amendment!


Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?



Why mason LBJ killed JFK?


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia


Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!

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