I hope everyone in McConnell’s and Graham’s states finally primary their sorry asses!

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You do know them elections are rigged. Take Kentucky for example.. Everyone in Kentucky hates Mitch McConnell. Everyone! Both democrats and republicans hate that man. Yet, he gets elected every time. How does this happen? Think about it…

Look at the down ballot races in this past election.

I swear Americans have been so demoralized that they can’t see the forest for the trees 🌲 🌳

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Do you live in Kentucky? I do. When an election comes around, it's either McConnell or a leftist democrat. So you pick the worse of 2 evils. Our GOP needs to come up with a good candidate.

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I learned a new term this past election cycle: “primaried”. I guess the GOP will leave a senator or congressman alone (to fight for their seat again) if they are “behaving” and/or are effective. However, if there is too much backlash, that person will be primaried— the GOP will find and back a better candidate for the position. McConnell is about 104 years old now, right? 😳. Time to primary him if he doesn’t retire.

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The alternative to primaired is a quiet chat that riding out on your horse to a wonderful retirement is better than being carried out on your shield.

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True. But those needing to be primaried are not typically the ones who will put down their sword. Hopefully McConnell will be the exception if it comes to that. .

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I do not live in Kentucky but the idea of attacking elections with no actual proof is offensive to me. I believe that you are right about McConnell, the Dems just keep running people who will be easily beaten even by him.

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There is proof, but no judge has even allowed evidence to be heard or shown. Over the last 4 years fraud has been found in different states and persons even found guilty and sent to prison. The media won't talk about. Hopefully, it will all be exposed.

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That would be great. I live in Kentucky. Our republican party are rino's. The only choice we have had is McConnell or a horrible democrat.

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I eas a Democrat and although I have a house in Kentucky. The state is a cesspool.

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Those should be McConnell's last term. Gass bag Graham will just such off the tit as long as possible.

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They better come up with a good candidate. Our republican party in Kentucky are rino's.

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Totally shocked to hear Shanahan ranting about primarying opponents. That little sweet face! Did not know she had it in her, but she surely does.

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Good for her.

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Feb 1Edited

Any, whether democrat or republican that would not vote to confirm RFK are voting for the same corrupt healthcare system we have and/or the payoffs they receive from the same corrupt system.

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Based on what? He has not been in politics, per se, in the past, and has certainly been vocal enough about the evils of our current corrupt and greedy system! Do you know Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street own big chunks of local pharmacy distributers, drug manufacturers, and the middle man organization? Major conflicts of interest there! And WE pay for it, in lack of health as well as fiscally!

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The far left always claims to support all these causes like civil rights and the environment but when it comes to health care they are owned 100% by the evils of pharmaceutical corruption.

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Spot on Bill Maher!

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If you dig deep enough, those senators whose phone numbers are posted....they probably receive a lot of $$$$ from the Medical Industrial Complex...which brings up another system that's broken....our Congress and Senate.

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The big pharma donations to the RFK Jr. confirmation panel have been posted elsewhere. Not insignificant sums.

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It’s not probably they do

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Exactly why they will not confirm RFKjr

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I am hoping you are wrong and crossing my fingers to that effect, Kennedy is practically the ONLY chance we have to correct these insanities.

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You gotta hand it to Maher! He’s all over the board with his opinions, but every once in a while—WHAM— he hits the nail right on the head.

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Congress needs to know: vote against OUR President’s appointments? FAFO why 70% of us voted for Trump.

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It's fascinating to me how healthy food and opposing big pharma and big agribusiness became right wing positions. As someone at the old end of Gen X, I remember health food stores and co-ops at the end of the 70s into the 90s and those were lefty things, as would be getting local milk in a bottle. Both the left lost the thread that the hippies and Amish who are right wing have something in common. Glad to see that, the left done fucked up with woke and faith in supposed "experts" in bureaucratic institutions. Getting healthy is the best revenge.

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So well put, our family avoids doctors and pharmacists and vaccines and we have for over 10 years and we have healthy joints and sleep well and are not obese even late in life.

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I just cannot fathom why any senator would not want to get to the bottom of what causes autism and other chronic diseases. If these senators are more worried about their wallets staying full of pharma bucks instead of truth they deserve to be primaried.

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ALL they are worried about is keeping the cushy, guaranteed income job!

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So well and correctly put, the entire political system is a circus of lies.

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Mitch McConnel and Lindsay Graham

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I have never watched Maher, but this time he makes some good points. But we have known much of this for years and years and even decades. Especially the part about having the most expensive health care and some of the worst results.

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He actually does that every once in awhile.

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Maher has to me, always spoken with guts and directness.

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Bill Maher is nothing more than a limited hangout for confused leftists.

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Great reporting as always❣️

Thank you for always bringing us the TRUTH & the receipts.

I trust your reporting a thousand times more than any MSM!

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Maher is an economic stoner w occasional glimmer of understanding how much he f*cked up

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Thanks for the recap, which I read as if it were a highlight reel. When Maher is good, he is very, very good. Otherwise, he can be just an aging stoner.

I do not know if I can summon the fortitude to call the too-aptly-named senator from Rhode Island. I shall steel myself and submit for the good of the confirmation.

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Those phone numbers are available on the US gov't page under elected officials, as they have been for decades! Thing not mentioned is you cannot comment to any but your OWN elected officials, not even speaker of the House or Senate pro-tem! So unless you live in their states, don't bother; neither will they get your e-mails; I'm honestly not sure about snail mail, but those probably get deep sixed as well, without even being opened.

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Just called!

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