O'Reilly overlooks one important point - The Democrats have a massive voter fraud capability and few leaders at the national or state level appear to have any interest in doing anything about it. No Democrat-run state will do anything to address it, and few Republican-run states will take any decisive action.

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Voter fraud is easy to prevent, if you want to...

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Good point and true. We have 4 years to remedy that.

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Golden Rule Number 1 - The UNIparty never ever ever arrests its own and therefore never gets close to executing its own for treason.

Golden Rule Number 2 - If we see no arrests and executions of those who we all sat and watched commit treason in the whole West for the last 40 years then we know that the UNIparty is in control worldwide and that we are watching a circus and that we are the clowns for putting up with it.

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One might say, two wrongs never make a right and that disgrace and irrelevance may be enough.

That being said, I think ill gotten gains should be recouped, and I wager not much of that will occur.

I'd not suggest devolving into the French Revolution, but thats just one man's opinion. History shows a lot of overreach done by election winners that serves to weaken their cause.

Finally, good living is still the best revenge

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Trump derangement syndrome is real, but no one ever discusses where this intense hatred comes from considering Trump was a nationally beloved character prior to 2015. How could allegedly savvy Democrat politicians hate a man so much they would literally destroy their own political party over him? Taking the most unpopular, anti-American positions on every issue has been a disaster and their behavior at his speech the other day was probably the last nail in the Democrat coffin for so many Americans. The mainstream media are no better; sticking to a model that has obliterated their ratings and driven viewers anywhere else but them. Is it desperation to protect their grift and their spoils? Maybe, but how does it explain the belligerence of every day people? Is TDS a CIA brainwashing operation that has run amok? Maybe, it would sure explain a lot, because none of this behavior makes logical sense.

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It’s not only Trump the Pink Party hates. It’s anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

I just had a horrifying flashback of Maxine’s mandate to storm Republican representatives at social venues, at restaurants enjoying dinner with friends and family, and being turned away by dining establishment, etc.

That hatred has been cultivated on every level of our culture. It has been refueled by their devoted mainstream media, into the homes and holiday tables, on social media. It has broken up families and friendships. It has caused riots and property damage.

Hate begets hatred. All that fanatical energy - so poorly spent by certain elected leaders. It must be such a burden weighing thousands of lbs. in the hearts and souls of the hateful. It is also a burden to the observer.

A shift in the paradigm begins with one “pink” leader, a single thought, one action. Not everybody in the party is hateful, many are good, hard working contributing patriots. But, the spewed hatred casts a shadow on the goodness that resides in the party. On us all. Is that your legacy?

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And its not just hatred, its a dehumanized, zealots feeling or compulsionto hate and destroy as some sort of righteous imperative.The kind of hatred that feels no remorse. Hatred unmoved by seeing the suffering of a child.

Is that pathological?

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It is certainly a shunting of personal consciousness and sovereign identity. It’s an unhealthy entanglement of group think. Nobody is questioning the ideology or weighing the consequences. There is no moral compass in that particular group - just a failed bully mentality. Lemmings running toward the cliff.

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Someone should have filed congressional ethics charges against Waters for those comments, but no one did. Promoting or inciting violence is against congressional policy. Same with Schumer's comments towards the SCOTUS. It's constant with them, yet they have never been held responsible. Maybe this changes, but I won't hold my breath.

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Thank you.

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I agree, just personally a lot of people I thought I knew's personalities changed when they became Trump deranged.

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Yes, I lost a few friends I loved very much. I see the world as missing the bigger picture - “Connection.” I feel sorry for this mental shift, how taxing to dump all that adrenaline and cortisol and chronic spiritual darkness.

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Not just trump hatred. Even more than this it was the woke mind virus. Americans have made it clear to the Dems they do not want boys in girls' bathrooms or on girls' sports teams. They do not want censorship. They respect the spirit and the word of the US Constitution. They do not want to be frog marched to injecting stations for poisons. They do not want genetically engineered food or food laced with chemicals. They do not want their liberty taken away over the sniffles. They do not want propaganda 24/7. They do not want their money spent to fight other land's civil wars. Goodbye Dems. See you in 20 years. I am thinking the 2020 election fraud that got a senile man into the Presidency was, strangely, the best thing that could have happened.

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The Democrats created their dark future. Trump just exposed them in all their evil glory.

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Don’t forget to factor in:

Thanks to Obama, propaganda is legalized now. Voter fraud is very legal in general now in various forms and no prosecution exists on a higher level, only rarely is an average citizen prosecuted just for show…

A lot has changed since 1930 and it’s always in favor of the democrats. The system is rigged and that is why they can afford to be so brazen in their TDS madness. They know the American people are easily manipulated in a short amount of time just before any election they want to install their puppet…

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One would only hope and pray

There is no place in America for those who seek her demise while wrapped up in a sanctimonious stance of 'democracy'

Last night, in a discussion with Dr. Jordan Peterson, Michael Shellenberger stated that those who coined the Constitution were 'hardcore' believers in all they created.

THAT is STILL what America needs if we are to survive

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“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

From John Adams academy.org:

"Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free. Virtue is an inner commitment and voluntary outward obedience to principles of truth and moral law. Private virtue is the character to govern oneself according to moral law at all times. Public virtue is the character to voluntarily sacrifice or subjugate personal wants for the greater good of other individuals or the community. Specific moral virtues include charity, justice, courage, temperance, reverence, prudence, and honesty. These virtues are the moral fiber and moving force to act in accordance with wisdom."

Unless the country not only fully emraces this truth, but also aggressively defends and teaches this as the foundation for education and governance, the United States is toast. It may already be too late. Lawyers and politicians may have "won" in the name of "individual freedom" and "tolerance", but in so doing, destroyed the foundation that supported the Constitution. Democracy is a curse.

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I am a Constitutional Conservative

I am not party affiliated save for voting here in Orygun, which was at one time

open primary

I don't suffer party affiliation any more than our founding fathers did

The failure of so many to support and defend our Constitution is deeply troubling to me

It is particularly troubling to see those who took the oath I did discard all that the

oath represents

The difference is, while I took it in truth, honor, and integrity, their behavior

leads me to believe it was for them a mere formality

As deeply disturbing are the general/flag officers who have no only betrayed

their oath, but violated UCMJ Article 88/92/133, but have never been charged

Had I done what they have done, the Navy would have court martialed me, taken

my stripes and sent me off to NAVCONBRIG (no females in Leavenworth)


I am proud that my ancestors (father's side), were Sons of Liberty

(highlanders who arrived in steerage in early 18th Century)

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Is there a reason why we cannot have a national voter ID law? Such as, are all facets of elections under specific state laws? I wouldn't think so....

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Yes, the democrats have stood against any form of voter ID requirements, or clearing state and local voter rolls, and basically any legislation at the state or national levels that would make elections secure and make election fraud impossible.

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What would prevent anyone from getting bogus ID any more than they do now?

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This is what worries me most. This is the argument for biometric, digital ID and once that is in place, we become slaves to all the many control systems that will be so easy to enable. CBDC, social credit scores, privileges given or taken at a click of a button. Mandates.

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Anyone who has a bank credit card and/or a smart phone payment app is already a slave.

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Multiple factor authentication makes it harder. Multiple forms of ID to prove who you are is used for obtaining a driver’s license, such as birth certificate, passport, and 3 other things. Of course, documents can be forged or faked, but it’s better than nothing.

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My mother's presence was all I needed to get my drivers license in 1970.

Multiple factor authentication only prevents people having their online identities stolen, and is totally useless if the criminals have all of the information used.

The only legitimate reason for voter ID is to prevent repetitious voting, and election ink has solved that problem throughout the world forever. Voting is supposed to be anonymous, and anything that make it less so facilitates identity theft.

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Democrats don't want voter ID, and most Republican politicians don't want it either. Both parties' politicians are satisfied with endless vote fraud.

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I hope they’re locked out of the White House for a 100 years!

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Exactly right! I am reminded of the psychology statement about how holding onto hatred and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Sorry Democrates, it doesn't work that way.

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No doubt hatred blinds a person. Constantly looking for another “thing” to feed the hatred because the “thing” from before doesn’t fuel your hatred anymore.

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Step 1 New World Order “Great Depression”.

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If the democrats are not locked out of the White House for decades then we should all understand how corrupt our “election-systems” are.

There is absolutely no way anyone in their right mind would vote for those individuals who didn’t stand for the young brain cancer child and especially for the young woman murdered by an illegal!

If this kind of behavior doesn’t make sense, then those who agree with these “sitting-rats” are a huge part of the problem!

What’s wrong with our “voting-systems” has taken years to create, providing openings / gaps / holes of which these, absolute deplorable democrats have been filling-in, where needed, when needed, and or flipping voted “R’s” to “D’s” in order to win elections. This is and has been verified.

The switching of letters to win “fraudulent-voter-ballots” isn’t “rocket-science” nor does “We the People” need a rocket-scientist” to uncover this verifiable “voting- fraud.”

There’s a myriad of reasons why nobody should vote for such “deplorable-candidates,” especially those who need to lie, cheat and or steal votes.


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The D Party allowed the Commies to take over. Not hard to understand and not impossible to get rid of them.

Hang on

Where we go one we go all

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Hating Trump is one thing. Hating people who vote for him is an entirely different thing. It brings division, strife, and hatred among family and friends.

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The fact that no one talks about is that the democrat party is in lockstep with Euro nations in that they are trying to foment WWIII and a resultant globalist world. They are lackeys that mostly learned from the WEF, and receive laundered money from Israel and oligarchs like Soros, who want no more sovereign nations.

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