I have come to the conclusion that any treatment that the government attempts to block/censor, one must really take a look to see where the hidden benefit lies. You have to understand that the government is a slave of big Pharma and anything that threatens the financial health of that entity, will be challenged. I worked in the Pharmaceu…
I have come to the conclusion that any treatment that the government attempts to block/censor, one must really take a look to see where the hidden benefit lies. You have to understand that the government is a slave of big Pharma and anything that threatens the financial health of that entity, will be challenged. I worked in the Pharmaceutical industry for 20 years and I can tell you that products that "work" are often ditched for those that will keep customers for longer periods of time. Chemo kills cancer cells as well as healthy ones and greatly challenges the immune system. Then in order to continue chemo, one has to take an immune enhancing drug so that they can continue the chemo which is detrimental to natural cancer fighting ability. Doesn't really make a lot of sense.
I don’t disagree that it might help people with some types of cancer.
However, people are being driven in 100 different directions at this time. Keep in mind that ridiculous claim that Pepcid AC (Famotidine) was effective in reducing mortality in COVID-19 patients? Well, it wasn’t. It might have helped with some symptoms, but that was it.
Sasha Latypova has a post about how Famotidine was used in a study along side Remdesivir, and two other medications, not because they thought that Famotidine would work — but because they already knew that it wouldn’t. It was simply used to get the number of test treatments up to (4) or whatever the requirement was to complete the study and find that Remdesivir was the most effective.
But yes, anything meds that are existing that are hidden or banned by the government is a definitely a red flag.
Yes, I've seen that version too. The "devil" version came from John O'Looney, the mortician in the UK. He said that is what the nurses were calling it at one of the hospitals he worked with.
I was diagnosed with stage 4 triple n breast cancer a year ago. I know my onc thought I was totally screwed, both lungs were full of tumors and triple n is just a nasty, aggressive cancer.
I started taking ivermectin daily as soon as I was diagnosed.
Well .. I did so well that my iv chemo was cut short. All my tumors disappeared six months in. My mastectomy was cancelled, I never needed radiation, all my numbers returned to normal and have stayed stable.
Valora-appreciate your speaking out. The revolving door of patient care makes more money & until we decide life is more important than profit, the greedy will rule.
Idk if you saw, but Merck rep here discusses child vax injuries (she oddly died of a blood clot after & had allegedly told friends if anything happened to her, to question-?).
I have come to the conclusion that any treatment that the government attempts to block/censor, one must really take a look to see where the hidden benefit lies. You have to understand that the government is a slave of big Pharma and anything that threatens the financial health of that entity, will be challenged. I worked in the Pharmaceutical industry for 20 years and I can tell you that products that "work" are often ditched for those that will keep customers for longer periods of time. Chemo kills cancer cells as well as healthy ones and greatly challenges the immune system. Then in order to continue chemo, one has to take an immune enhancing drug so that they can continue the chemo which is detrimental to natural cancer fighting ability. Doesn't really make a lot of sense.
When Trump suggested Ivermectin and the media promptly hammered him into the ground as an idiot, I immediately went out and bought boxes of it.
It is good to remember that the FDA is a corporation funded mainly by big Pharma. Transparency? Non-existent.
Yes, absolutely. Dr. Martin has appeared in excellent presentations and discussions on who is behind all of this in the US govt.
Here is a website that lists all his work:https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-david-martin/
They always hide the truth to protect the narrative.
I don’t disagree that it might help people with some types of cancer.
However, people are being driven in 100 different directions at this time. Keep in mind that ridiculous claim that Pepcid AC (Famotidine) was effective in reducing mortality in COVID-19 patients? Well, it wasn’t. It might have helped with some symptoms, but that was it.
Sasha Latypova has a post about how Famotidine was used in a study along side Remdesivir, and two other medications, not because they thought that Famotidine would work — but because they already knew that it wouldn’t. It was simply used to get the number of test treatments up to (4) or whatever the requirement was to complete the study and find that Remdesivir was the most effective.
But yes, anything meds that are existing that are hidden or banned by the government is a definitely a red flag.
I recall UK mortician John O'Looney speaking about Remdesivir. He said that at one hospital they had renamed it, "Run-the-devil-is-near."
Sounds about right. John has been in the forefront of this for years now, a very brave and articulate man. Take some time to listen to him.
More from John: https://totalityofevidence.com/john-olooney/
Run - Death - Is - Near
Yes, I've seen that version too. The "devil" version came from John O'Looney, the mortician in the UK. He said that is what the nurses were calling it at one of the hospitals he worked with.
I was diagnosed with stage 4 triple n breast cancer a year ago. I know my onc thought I was totally screwed, both lungs were full of tumors and triple n is just a nasty, aggressive cancer.
I started taking ivermectin daily as soon as I was diagnosed.
Well .. I did so well that my iv chemo was cut short. All my tumors disappeared six months in. My mastectomy was cancelled, I never needed radiation, all my numbers returned to normal and have stayed stable.
It saved me.
Valora-appreciate your speaking out. The revolving door of patient care makes more money & until we decide life is more important than profit, the greedy will rule.
Idk if you saw, but Merck rep here discusses child vax injuries (she oddly died of a blood clot after & had allegedly told friends if anything happened to her, to question-?).