Maybe the anti-ivermectin propaganda was about more than just covid?

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It sure seems like it.

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Use the horse type the Satanic scum are now adding nanotechnology into ivermectin now that they admit it cures their biological weapon covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/

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Now I wonder if the IVM that I have has nanotechnology in it? I purchased some from India about a year or two ago. Also, some back in 2021 which I picked it up at Walgreens. Then some also in 2021 from a compounding pharmacy near me. Can nanotech be created in granular form so that no one knows? Could it be why they pushed IVM to get all the anti vaxers to take the nanotech along with the vaxers?

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There was never a push for IVN-just the opposite-"horse dewormer."

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That is exactly right

The treatment is cheap but what would that mean for big pharma?

THAT is why they did not want Ivermectin or Hydroxy used

NO $$$$$$$$$$$$ as R&D was gone

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They did not want it because under EUA if an existing therapeutic exists, they cannot issue & mandate vaccines. Also some treatments like antibiotics are indeed cheap & no longer under patent so the pharm & stockholders can't make massive profits (revolving door patients pay more than those cured).

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The main issue was no $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ given R&D no use

and CONTROL. . .

CRIMINAL intent cost lives and left maiming but that's okay because

big pharma not only made $$$$$$$$$$$$$ but those who were and still

are obsessed about CONTROL thrived

Also those in 'congress' who had their pockets stuffed by big pharma

(the list is long and arduous both parties)

crow about RFK. . .They prove ladies strutting their stuff any street corner USA

are not the only action in town

For those who claim Ivermectin and Hydroxy would be off label for COVID,

that is regularly done on numerous drugs.

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Yes it was. They have known for a long time how powerful IVM was in treating cancer. I had read a study early on during he COVID scam about it.

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Same thing happened to GHB. Same thing happened to DSMO.

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Now you know why the drug companies and medical cabal and media cabal lied about this drug over and over and over!

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Fauci and Don Lemon should clean Joe Rogan’s toilet in penance. They’re already servants of Big Pharma, this just makes it literal.

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If so, so called COVID virus might be reclassified as a parasite, no?

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Sure - but we know who the REAL parasites are!!

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People get parasites. This is very important to know. So I am going to repeat it. PEOPLE GET PARASITES!!! Our over lords want people to think parasites only happens to animals. WRONG. Parasites happen to people too. Once people get rid of their parasites then their body is free to heal. The parasites stop their body from healing properly.

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Use the horse type the Satanic scum are now adding nanotechnology into ivermectin now that they admit it cures their biological weapon covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/

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Of course, even viruses feed off our bodies so why wouldn’t you call them a parasite.

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Nanoparasites? Viruses as COVID 19 are unbelievably tiny that are not visible even using a single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) and have not been isolated using true scientific methods, yet.

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Use the horse type the Satanic scum are now adding nanotechnology into ivermectin now that they admit it cures their biological weapon covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/

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Ivermectin IVM for humans also has been developed...

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Use the horse type the Satanic scum are now adding nanotechnology into ivermectin now that they admit it cures their biological weapon covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/

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Because they’re viruses.

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I don’t think so. When first found In Japan and chemically developed into a drug by the partner of the discoverer, it began to be tried on animals for safety reasons. It then was used on humans with a variety of diseases, many being viruses. It is not a Johnny One Note drug, which is why we can’t speculate that viruses or cancers are actually worms. Viruses remain viruses and Ivermectin is effective against many of them. Cancer is the over replication of cells, and it has been known for a few years now that it has efficacy in cancer prevention and treatment.

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The doctor said there is nothing more I can do. That's because he only knows what the AMA and big pharma has indoctrinated him to know. In every sense of the definition, he is not a doctor. For he has refused to consider the dozens of alternative remedies and treatments that are not part of the medical mafia's regimen. These masters of health are a joke.

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Think of them as big Pharm employees, they you have them in proper perspective.

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Use the horse type the Satanic scum are now adding nanotechnology into ivermectin now that they admit it cures their biological weapon covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/

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No, no, no!!! You can’t talk about anything, but the existing narrative!!! Stoooooop!!!!!!

Shockingly, ivermectin is a fantastic drug that was marginalized because it was an inexpensive drug already on the market that would block the ability of big pharma to make billions from drugs and vaccines that are ineffective…not shocked at all and neither should you be…if you’re paying attention.

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and the HCQ? That one is good for RA... so it definitely is mediating something in the immune system..

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Yes unit they list it that they are adding nanotechnology to it on the NIH website

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Good thing I got my supply earlier then... very small amt, hoarding for use as needed. In the meantime, IVM large supply and Doxy large supply that are 'older' and must be used. Doxy and IVM trying it out to see if it helps...

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Use the horse type the Satanic illuminate cabal has to tell us their plans, nanotechnology is real. Use nizonide 500, hydroxychlorquine, horse ivermectin, chlorine dioxide and fenbendazol as alternates to people ivermectin. You were warned we all need to detox daily if you want to survive. Trump isn't coming to save us he is one of them


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what is nizonide? Is that: Nitazoxanide? That is prescrip only in the US of A, can't get it via no prescription meds for animals/fish ... gotta get via a doc.

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Another parasite med go to alldaychemist.com

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This is what they were really hiding. This will kill the cancer industry profiteering and will save people from the nastiness of chemotherapy. Praise God.

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Dr. Ardis says most cancer is not really cancer, but parasite egg sacs.

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Not sure if this basis is support in the medical research literature, even though I have followed several of Dr Ardis’s videos I am not convinced of his thesis...

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Who is Ardis?

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Whether parasite egg sacks or the body’s way of corralling a toxic invader, they use biopsies to set the substance free to roam to other nesting sites 💸☠️🙏

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Cancer can be from parasites.

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pubmed has literally HUNDREDS of articles and studies on Ivermectin and Fenbendazole.

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You always have to be careful with these things though.

Could ivermectin be effective in treating some types of cancer? Perhaps.

Just keep in mind that ivermectin is OTC in many countries, where people are still dying from cancer.

If it were extremely effective, there would be much more anecdotal evidence of that -- before the COVID-19 scare. There would also be many more studies from numerous countries to that effect.

It seems a little too good to be true. Be that as it may, if you have terminal cancer -- try everything!

The part that bothers me the most is the government trying to block off-label use of anything. There were no studies that showed where ivermectin was dangerous to those with COVID-19 (contraindication) so there was never a reason to attempt to stop people from using it.

Drinking is definitely not recommended while getting over the flu, but you never heard anything about that. In fact liquor was really available all throughout the COVID-19 scare. No doctors ever came out in the media and said, "If you're very ill with COVID-19, don't drink, or slow down on drinking." We all know that slowing down on drinking would aid in recovery -- from anything. But there were crickets from the medical community. 🦗🦗🦗🤔

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You raise an interesting point and it makes me wonder if these cancers being cured with Ivermectin are cancers that happened after the bioweapon jabs rolled out. Everyone has cancer cells in heir body on any given day and a normally functioning immune system takes care of it…the jabbed do not have a normally functioning immune system and after a couple boosters, just about no immune system left, thus the alarming rise in cancer in the last 3 years.

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I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer last year and no I was not jabbed

I did take ivermectin .. all my tumors disappeared in six months, never needed surgery or radiation and all my numbers returned to normal.

It works.

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Wow! Thank you for your testimony! ❤️

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To your point, you might like this post I did. There's also a link to an NIH comparison of mRNA and DNA vaccines you might find interesting. I read it in 2019 long before the COVID-19 scare. I was looking at RNA vaccines because of something me and my wife saw on "The Incredible Dr. Pol" and stumbled upon this study which was quoted in a Wikipedia article. It went on to list the many issues with mRNA and how they were never able to get it to work correctly. Also that there were many inherent issues with the tech -- regardless of delivery mechanism.

When I went to look it up on Wikipedia, after COVID started and there was mRNA vaccine talk, Wikipedia had been updated, and the WayBackMachine (internet archive) only had history for mRNA vaccines on Wikipedia going back to 2020. I read about mRNA on Wikipedia in 2019. Wikipedia and the WayBackMacnine was scrubbed!


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Yupsie Doodles.. history re-written or obscured...

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I have come to the conclusion that any treatment that the government attempts to block/censor, one must really take a look to see where the hidden benefit lies. You have to understand that the government is a slave of big Pharma and anything that threatens the financial health of that entity, will be challenged. I worked in the Pharmaceutical industry for 20 years and I can tell you that products that "work" are often ditched for those that will keep customers for longer periods of time. Chemo kills cancer cells as well as healthy ones and greatly challenges the immune system. Then in order to continue chemo, one has to take an immune enhancing drug so that they can continue the chemo which is detrimental to natural cancer fighting ability. Doesn't really make a lot of sense.

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When Trump suggested Ivermectin and the media promptly hammered him into the ground as an idiot, I immediately went out and bought boxes of it.

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It is good to remember that the FDA is a corporation funded mainly by big Pharma. Transparency? Non-existent.

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Yes, absolutely. Dr. Martin has appeared in excellent presentations and discussions on who is behind all of this in the US govt.

Here is a website that lists all his work:https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-david-martin/

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They always hide the truth to protect the narrative.

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I don’t disagree that it might help people with some types of cancer.

However, people are being driven in 100 different directions at this time. Keep in mind that ridiculous claim that Pepcid AC (Famotidine) was effective in reducing mortality in COVID-19 patients? Well, it wasn’t. It might have helped with some symptoms, but that was it.

Sasha Latypova has a post about how Famotidine was used in a study along side Remdesivir, and two other medications, not because they thought that Famotidine would work — but because they already knew that it wouldn’t. It was simply used to get the number of test treatments up to (4) or whatever the requirement was to complete the study and find that Remdesivir was the most effective.

But yes, anything meds that are existing that are hidden or banned by the government is a definitely a red flag.



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I recall UK mortician John O'Looney speaking about Remdesivir. He said that at one hospital they had renamed it, "Run-the-devil-is-near."

Sounds about right. John has been in the forefront of this for years now, a very brave and articulate man. Take some time to listen to him.

More from John: https://totalityofevidence.com/john-olooney/

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Run - Death - Is - Near

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Yes, I've seen that version too. The "devil" version came from John O'Looney, the mortician in the UK. He said that is what the nurses were calling it at one of the hospitals he worked with.

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I was diagnosed with stage 4 triple n breast cancer a year ago. I know my onc thought I was totally screwed, both lungs were full of tumors and triple n is just a nasty, aggressive cancer.

I started taking ivermectin daily as soon as I was diagnosed.

Well .. I did so well that my iv chemo was cut short. All my tumors disappeared six months in. My mastectomy was cancelled, I never needed radiation, all my numbers returned to normal and have stayed stable.

It saved me.

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Valora-appreciate your speaking out. The revolving door of patient care makes more money & until we decide life is more important than profit, the greedy will rule.

Idk if you saw, but Merck rep here discusses child vax injuries (she oddly died of a blood clot after & had allegedly told friends if anything happened to her, to question-?).


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Right. I had taken my sister-in-law to and from urgent care throughout her recurring remitting SARS infections and pneumonia. When she asked her attending if there were any dietary restrictions that could assist her recovery, she was told "No, eat anything you want to eat". I responded by asking, "Like a box of doughnuts"?

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Keeping the liquor stores open was for the alcoholics. You do not want to go cold turkey without medical care if you are a heavy drinker.

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Now a hot toddy is my family's historical cure for certain colds, do keep the liquor stores open, lemons, and honey are needed as well

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I think it was all just part of the psyop plan. They wanted people locked down amd messed up. You couldn't get a haircut but liquor stores and dispensaries were safe!

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Yes, but I'm talking about potentially reducing alcohol intake for those who are chemically addicted/"real alcoholics." People who will have DTs if they stop drinking.

However, nobody in the media ever mentioned that regular non-alcoholic people, should reduce their alcohol intake while recovering from COVID-19. Is that no a little strange?

Just mix the liquor with Gatorade and you'll be just fine! 😂🤣

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add in IVM

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Stage IV most aggressive Ovarian cancer here July 2024. I just finished chemo and debulking surgery BUT I also took Ivermectin and Fenbendozole daily. Oncologist has no idea but I can tell you my strongest evidence so far is my planned 5 hour surgery to scrape out any cancer not shrunken by the first half of chemo. Surgery was 2 1/2 hours. The lesions on my liver as recently as a week prior had disappeared, my liver was cancer free!!! I just finished second half of chemo and I feel cancer free. My cancer marker is well below normal. Doctor will think it was their in-the-box treatment, I know God is great and Iver and Fenben absolutely killed cancer and will keep me cancer free going forward. Oncologist is convinced I will have recurrence somewhere within two years. I look forward to blowing past that without cancer. Maybe someday they will ask what I am doing. Until then, I will keep them in the dark. They don’t want to know.

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I'm glad to hear you're in remission!

When someone is diagnosed as terminal, worrying about off-label drug use is like telling the patient that skydiving is dangerous.

If you're getting better when they weren't expecting it -- what else is there to consider?

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Ivm was research circa 1980s, known to help cancer as was Fenbendy (the human variant of the drug named Menbendazole) ... BUT NOT a PENNY to be made, therefore shut down and cancelled research. What is PAID is researched.. what is NOT profitable is shut down. I rest my case.

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No it would not be, because WHO would take it for cancer... IF THEY DID NOT KNOW? The vets were the ones discovering Fenben and Ivm working... not the MDs... and then it doesn't

get out there in the Main Stream.. you have to be LOOKING for these papers and discoveries.. they are shut down, marginalized and DEFUNDED... as with anything do your OWN research and due diligence... the truth is out there as they said on that TV show...

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I was diagnosed with stage 4 triple n breast cancer a year ago. I know my onc thought I was totally screwed, both lungs were full of tumors and triple n is just a nasty, aggressive cancer.

I started taking ivermectin daily as soon as I was diagnosed.

Well .. I did so well that my iv chemo was cut short. All my tumors disappeared six months in. My mastectomy was cancelled, I never needed radiation, all my numbers returned to normal and have stayed stable.

It saved me.

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His Truth is Marching On 🙏

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He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;

He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword:

His truth is marching on.

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Right?! Doesn’t it feel like truth is relying out everywhere and ramping up? He has a plan and HE wins!!! It is fun and amazing what we are witnessing

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If people still do not realise they were being scammed into a life shortening Jab, then what will wake them up?????

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Masks…oh wait…

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The sudden "completely unexpected" death of a loved one.

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Most get their info from doctors who are given barking orders from cdc. And then MSM reinforces the verse. Not everyone reads or corresponds outside of MSM.

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Another jab and a cytokine storm in their body?

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Alex Jones talks with Robert Malone about the agenda to use wars and pandemics to force the WHO agenda of transhumanism, vaccine passports and single digital currency on the Western peoples. How the security services of the Western nations are using war, mass immigration and illness to suppress nationalism to promote the globalist agenda and to enslave us. 

53 minutes.


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Robert Malone is a very knowledgeable scientist on the mRNA platform and its many problems. A number of people have worked hard to undermine his credibility by claiming he is working for the ‘other side’ against humanity as ‘planned opposition’. Yet in all of his speeches, his activism, his book ‘Lies my Government Told Me’ he is clearly working tirelessly to get the truth out to the people and to save our country and as many of the people who will listen. Thank you Dr Malone for all you and your wife Jill do for all of us!

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That's good to hear as I have read here on Substack many references to Malone being on the "wrong side," & idk what to believe. But during cvid, he not only spoke out, but was issuing statements opposing govt recommendations regarding children, getting vaccinated for COVID.

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A totally different Ivermectin story

Ivermectin & Population Control Poison: a Deep Dive into a Nobel Prize Winning Medicine



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Sorry I call BS on this.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 triple n breast cancer a year ago. I know my onc thought I was totally screwed, both lungs were full of tumors and triple n is just a nasty, aggressive cancer.

I started taking ivermectin daily as soon as I was diagnosed.

Well .. I did so well that my iv chemo was cut short. All my tumors disappeared six months in. My mastectomy was cancelled, I never needed radiation, all my numbers returned to normal and have stayed stable.

It saved me.

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Hugs!!!!! So thankful for your outcome. I too have….had😉 stage IV aggressive Ovarian cancer …short version, I also used Ivermectin and Fenbendozole in conjunction to medical box of chemo and surgery. I also have the gene prone to cancer mutations…all that to say I am positive I am now cancer free and my cancer will not be back. Thank you, Jesus!

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Wow-amazing! Congrats!!!

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This information presents medical research on avermectin (a form of Ivermectin) and how it can cause a number of serious problems with fertility/reproduction and other issues, in animals. It is also used as a pesticide and is toxic per the the MDS.

Yet, it isn’t clear if these issues affect human beings. There is literature on the drop in sperm production in modern males but the causes are not pinpointed, toxins in food and water or medicines are suspected.

Yet if I am beyond the age of reproduction and have cancer or seek to prevent it, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole appear to work for cancer in emerging research and anecdotal reports. Having watched the useless painful treatments of surgery, chemo, radiation in my loved ones, I would take my chances with the anti-parasitics. Paul Marik, MD has a new book out on cancer and it appears these drugs may interfere with cell signaling in cancer, among other things.

Also, billions (!) of human prescriptions for ivermectin since it’s inception do not show serious adverse events regardless of dosage.

I recently tried my Ivermectin as an anti-inflammatory for arthritis in my neck (12 mg) and the next morning I could easily turn my head to the right or left, unlike the prior weeks.

As always, do your own research and make an informed decision on what is right for your own situation.

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Interesting information, thank you!

I have read that Fenbendazole is a useful and possibly necessary compliment to Ivermectin in curing/eliminating cancers.

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I was diagnosed with stage 4 triple n breast cancer a year ago. I know my onc thought I was totally screwed, both lungs were full of tumors and triple n is just a nasty, aggressive cancer.

I started taking ivermectin daily as soon as I was diagnosed.

Well .. I did so well that my iv chemo was cut short. All my tumors disappeared six months in. My mastectomy was cancelled, I never needed radiation, all my numbers returned to normal and have stayed stable.

It saved me.

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Good Lord I am so happy for you!!! May I ask how many were you taking daily and were you going with tablets or the horse paste route?

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Tablets, 24 mgs daily. I still take it.

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Thank you and May God continue to bless you with good health.💕

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Thank you, and very best wishes for your continued good health!!

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Mary… you made my day! I am so happy for you. I love the success stories that come from these simple but life changing meds.

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Curious what dosage protocol you followed? It is hard to find info on this and any information you can share would be useful. Thanks!

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I take 24 mgs daily. This site has dosage info (as does Joe tippin’s site, mycancerstoryrocks)


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Yes. On Substack search for: Fenbendazole can Cure Cancer. It contains a wealth of articles both on recent research and personal anecdotes.

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I have seen some of those article, thank you!

I take both of them once a week as a preventative measure.

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Feb 3Edited

To Mary Renaud-I do not believe arthritis, an incurable disease. Something causes it. Unless you are an athlete that has worn out the cartilage, it is not a normal part of aging. Enough medical articles point to infections causing so much of ills in life (from where it comes, bug bite or what-have-you should be explored).

There was a great doctor years ago, Dr Thomas McPherson Brown, a rheumatologist at George Washington University Medical School who worked for three different presidents in White House. He studied & then did research at Swarthmore, Johns Hopkins & Rockefeller Institute in NY & wrote over a 100 papers on arthritis. He discovered that he could cure sixty percent of his rheumatoid arthritis patients by giving them minocycline, an antibiotic, for ten months. He found Chlamydia in the joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients, which is a bacterium. There was a book on Amazon, but looks like they jacked it up in price. But go & look at the reviews where some share their stories: https://a.co/d/c7YG9Sz Also, I see a website that I guess they have followed the ideas of Dr Brown: https://www.roadback.org/

All of this doctor's studies were swept under the carpet & the profession of rheumatology has grown with many questionable meds prescribed for patients. Most doctors don't know re antibiotic treatment & the declaration decreed from the cdc is "antibiotic resistance." That's not to say there isn't some possible validity; however, if really a concern, the biggest doses are given to livestock, vaccines, etc. My cynical interpretation is that antibiotics are cheap, no longer under patent and can be curative. The emphasis on medical care has been too long profit driven. So ivermectin may not be the right gram antibiotic for arthritis, but as it showed effects for you, it may be one that could help some.

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Very interesting article, very credible as well, I’m going to read his papers on vitamins to as we use supplements 😐

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Having done some research on this and spoke to a very good source on vitamin D alone, yes it kills rats at that very heigh dose and chocolate kills dogs so not that simple!

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Turmeric is king supplement to kill cancer stem cells. Cheap spice doctors do not mention.

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I call BS.

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I was diagnosed with stage 4 triple n breast cancer a year ago. I know my onc thought I was totally screwed, both lungs were full of tumors and triple n is just a nasty, aggressive cancer.

I started taking ivermectin daily as soon as I was diagnosed.

Well .. I did so well that my iv chemo was cut short. All my tumors disappeared six months in. My mastectomy was cancelled, I never needed radiation, all my numbers returned to normal and have stayed stable.

It saved me.

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Use the horse type the Satanic scum are now adding nanotechnology into ivermectin now that they admit it cures their biological weapon covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/

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Use the horse type the Satanic scum are now adding nanotechnology into ivermectin now that they admit it cures their biological weapon covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/

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