COVID Vaccine “Millions of Lives Saved” Myth Shattered by Real-World Data
New study reveals a chilling truth: mortality rates skyrocketed among the vaccinated, defying all expectations.
This article originally appeared on Focal Points and was republished with permission.
Guest post by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
The study titled, The Discrepancy Between the Number of Saved Lives with COVID-19 Vaccination and Statistics of Our World Data, was recently published in the Journal of Clinical Trials:
Our World Data reports that in 2021, 6.08 million more people died than in 2020. Several articles claim that COVID-19 vaccination in 2021 saved 14 million lives. Their proposition that COVID-19 vaccination saved lives was not proved by statistical data. These articles' calculations evaluate how many people would die without the vaccination. But it was never proved that vaccination saved lives. Statistical data confirm that the mortality of the vaccinated part of the population in 2021 was 14.5% higher than the mortality of the unvaccinated part of the population. The idea of saving lives with COVID-19 vaccination contradicts statistical data.
Here are the key points of this study:
6.08 million more deaths occurred in 2021 than in 2020, despite widespread COVID-19 vaccination.
Mortality rate among vaccinated individuals was 14.5% higher than among unvaccinated individuals.
If vaccines saved 14 million lives in 2021 as Watson et al claims, total deaths should have decreased, but instead, deaths increased.
Studies claiming vaccines saved lives rely on theoretical models, not direct statistical comparisons of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated mortality rates.
Negative correlation observed between vaccination rates and mortality in 37 countries.
Public health institutions refused to conduct proper comparisons of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated mortality rates.
Claims of lives saved by vaccination are based on assumptions, not statistical validation.
Set theory analysis suggests "saved lives" exist only in models, not in real-world mortality data.
As the study concludes,
Theoretical models of how many lives were saved with COVID-19 vaccination without statistical support have no scientific validity and represent a methodological fiasco of public health science. A rigorous and transparent approach to public health science is necessary to ensure that policies and medical interventions are guided by objective data rather than theoretical assumptions.
So, the next time Dr. Peter Hotez claims COVID-19 vaccines saved millions of lives, you’ll know it’s nothing but propaganda disguised as science:
Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator, McCullough Foundation
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Copyright 2025 Focal Points
Thank you. "6.08 million more deaths occurred in 2021 than in 2020, despite widespread COVID-19 vaccination." Denis Rancourt estimated 17 mn to 30 mn killed by the stabbinations and protocols worldwide over 3 years.
In the UK the death rate did not change - no 'pandemic'. It did spike after the 3 main stab programmes and during spring 2020 when they murdered 30K older people behind closed doors with midazolam.
As you said if there was a 'pandemic' death rates must skyrocket before the 'solution' or curative is introduced.
I would be VERY nervous if I was jabbed.