I was prescribed atorvastatin several years ago. Had noticed a lapse in my memory, getting worse as the years wore on. After seeing a few articles on the lack of benefits I stopped taking it two weeks ago. No viable difference yet but I have faith as time passes I will reap the benefits. Thanks for spreading the word.

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I stopped taking my meds for blood sugar and Cholesterol

In 2021 I wish I never took them. Any doctor that tells me I need them will be fired. I worry about blood sugar but I control it with diet exercise and supplements

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I applaude you for waking up and doing what is best for you! Keep up the good work, you got this 👍

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Look into Berberine. Dr. Mobeen Syed (sp?) has some videos on YouTube.

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My hat is off to Dr. Marik.. He is correct and gives valuable advice! 💯

Best idea: Start a homestead, be self-sufficient, self-reliant. Go organic and stay locked and loaded. Screw you Western medicine.. the Devil's playground is America's Health system!

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Create community. Homesteading especially a start up is nothing anyone over 50 should be involved in unless they have multiple partners in the endeavor.

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Yes, I agree in some aspects. It all depends upon how healthy a person is, their determination, and of course circumstance. I am a widow in my late 50's. I'm doing pretty good maintaining things along with my two young grandchildren who help out. I also have a lot of bartering power for times to come. It is probably my Viking blood that helps me to carry on.. I would not want to disappoint my ancestors 😁

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No doubt every circumstance is unique and if you’re lucky enough to find one that fits you, cherish and steward it. Specifically I was speaking of the traditional “chop wood and carry water” and I should’ve mentioned that part. Certainly can be done I’m 60 I could do it no problem. But it hurts. It’s wear and tear. I’m at the point where I work smarter not harder.

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Yes, Sir, I understood where you were coming from 🙂 and I humbly wish you the best. We are all going to need blessings for real!

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Most kind of you. I am a obliged.

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Absolutely its a criminal profiteering enterprise.

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Yes, I have said it before, one can get more mileage out of a personal trainer, and a good nutritionist than they ever could out of a western train pill doctor. ™️

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I do believe I can distill further.

Walking hour a day outside with no headphones. Listening to nature.

If you don’t Rutherford yourself, know the first name of the person who does.

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I've been giving my money to establishments where I can see the whites of the owner's eyes. FTHEBIGBOXSTORES

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what is Rutherford yourself mean? Where does that come from? Thx

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“Grow it yourself”. iPhone dictation is a conspiracy to make me look stupid. What a waste on their part. I don’t need any help

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Eating organic and exercising are the two important lifestyle changes one can make to improve mental and physical health and wellness.


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Global warming due to green house gas emissions is real in only one sense: it reveals that the proponents of this non-existing phenomenon are evil and moronic at the same time. Many of the world’s global warming leaders are Satanists, Hillary Clinton, Barry Obama, Joe Biden, King Charles and that evil Pope Francis are prominent examples.

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Not my Pope

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Take your fossil fuel agitprop fake ass silicone chip fellation elsewhere. It’s ugly. We don’t want to see it

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Marik is taking down Pfizer with scorched-earth facts

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Medicine is completely captured by Big Pharma. Docs know nothing about nutrition and exercise, they are simply pimps for drug companies. Maintenance is their goal for chronic conditions not curing ill patients.

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Every Disease Known To Man Was Cured by 1935

Dr William F Koch MD, PhD gave the Cause & Cure of Cancer by 1935

Dr Royal R Rife Cured Every Known Disease with Vibrational Medicine

Dr Max Gerson Testified to U.S. Senators July 1947 and gave Cause & Cure of Cancer & other Diseases by Diet.

Dr Weston A. Price proved Human Degeneration was due to Processed foods in 1930’s.

Dr Royal Lee DDS, proved Biological Foods heals the human body, while processed foods & synthetic products are harmful to human body in late 1930’s.

Dr Johanna Budwig Cured Cancer’s with the “Budwig Protocol & Diet”.

Dr Hulda Clark was run out of the country for curing Cancer and before she left she published her six volumes book “The Cure For All Diseases”.

UMOJA Research

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I believe the problem with our current system is treating the symptoms and not the origins, so I try to begin at the beginning with her. She took excellent care of herself her entire life: no chasing women, no drinking, no smoking; playing tennis, golf, Bridge, which has made my task much easier. No joint replacements, no surgeries, 6 vaginal births. She and my dad lived the American Dream. She has a myriad of books on not getting dementia and here she has it.

The rice bran has no gluten and is non-GMO. I can't say for sure what is exactly in this formulation, and the woman who sells it probably would like to keep it that way. I know I have seen marked results in her demeanor and speaking ability since having started her on it. Her hairdresser said she wouldn't stop talking when she was getting her hair done. She has started speaking, or trying, in complete sentences. She said about the toilet paper this morning: It's a rubber roll. Not really sensical, but a complete sentence nonetheless. I'll take it. She has begun to button her housecoat herself again. She has begun to turn around in the bathroom instead of facing the toilet and wondering what she is doing in there. She is feeding herself more.

Maybe I am hoping to see changes, but others have also commented on her changes. Her blood pressure when she went to the doctor was usually 160-170 over 108. Earlier this week, it was 136 and when the nurse came out to the house, it was 124. Whatever it is, I welcome the changes and will continue giving it to her. She is on no other meds.

It is 24/7, full court press to take care of her, but I wouldn't want it any other way. My brother and sister wanted to put her in a home, but I simply cannot see that. I try to keep my own life going but when I get in the zone concentrating, something happens and I have to attend to her, etc. It's ok. She saved me many times when I was a kid. I took note of it then and told myself to remember the things she did to make my youth better. Gotta go...

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Thank you for your and your mum's story. It is so nice to hear that her condition shows signs of improvement. Bet it'll get even better, but these things take time (as you know).

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There’s so many things, I’m searching for the correct word, “wrong” with this or word salad pertaining to America’s healthcare system I mean the overall claim as to it intentional criminal negligence and grift is correct oh wow.

First, orthopedics in vaccines are about the only two things Western medicine is doing right. I started there for obvious reasons.....

A careful study of the top 25 big Pharma prescriptions in the country would tell you that very few of them have any benefit to the person receiving the medication. Many of them causing more and deadlier symptoms then the intended relief of original condition.

That said, the claims about diabetes are ridiculous. If you do not treat it at least with insulin, it will eat you up in months instead of years. It’s a hideous auto immune reaction caused mainly by our toxic from input to product agribusiness industrial complex. Sadly, that paradigm is not contained to diabetes. It’s a major factor in cancer, Crohn’s and other lower intestinal malfunctions. Fertility issues. Just for starters. To let the dominant paradigm complex label circumstances where your body attacks itself as some disease is hideous. That is a reaction to something in your environment that has caused a severe malfunction in your body.

What a great topic and article addresses. He deserves a treatise. Not some nebulous gibberish some of it completely incorrect barely scratching the surface.

Lastly, when professional journalists point out a problem, wrongdoings and or other unjust practices in our world, they compile a list which is encompassing pertaining to the sub topic and provide a real world paradigm shifting solution.

You should unsubscribe from the trash.

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He is referring, obviously (or maybe not so obviously) to type 2 diabetes and NOT to type 1 (autoimmune)diabetes which as you state MUST be treated with insulin. Patients did indeed die very regularly before the availability of insulin. That being said, type 2 can EASILY be corrected by diet this has been proven OVER AND OVER and has been known for YEARS. We have an obesity epidemic primarily from allowing the processed foods and chemical industries to take over all government oversight (much like how pharma has taken over medical). Also, people want a pill. Full stop. Gimme a pill so I can go drink my soda, eat my chips and fast food and do my thing. I see it all day every day. NO I won't improve my diet. NO I won't (and sometimes can't) exercise. This is the VAST majority of T2D.

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Dec 22, 2023Edited
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Probably not diabetes but is of concern. Dementia patients have a high risk of hypoglycemia actually (study by Feil et al). However if she is obese or overweight it COULD be indicative of T2D or has a family hx of T2D. She should be evaluated (as you are planning) for possible causes (renal, liver, infection, endocrine disorders, protein malnutrition, etc.) Medscape has a nice differential diagnosis list (DDx) to check for diseases that might be causing if you look up hypoglycemia there. Possibly try getting her to eat a more protein rich evening meal to see if that won't at least reduce the drastic morning drop.

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Nondiabetic hypoglycemia has, I read, responded well by taking dandelion tea, ginger and red ginseng, all at once, as a formula. You are getting to the underlying cause by taking these herbs, especially the dandelion tea, though the other 2 herbs are important as well. However, I'd go to a professional, trained, experienced herbalist for further advice if the patient is elderly. Also, "traditional" Chinese medical diagnosis might be helpful.

Just eating more and more protein is a symptomatic treatment if you don't search for the deeper problems, though it is true that hypoglycemics must be careful to get adequate protein. I find it tragic if not outright criminal that 99% of the dietary advice info these days is geared toward lowering blood sugar. All those advice-givers assume that everyone is either diabetic or pre-diabetic.

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Jan 10, 2024
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Thanks for your most interesting reply. It is good that you developed a routine to help your mum with her early morning low blood sugar issue. I agree with every word you say about blood pressure. The doctors don't look at "the whole picture", as they say. It is just one thing, not the whole story. The same (reversed)is true of "overweight" (moderate). You can have 20 extra pounds and yet have no pathology.

It must be a lot of work for you to take care of your 92 year old mother day and night.

Exactly what does rice bran do? I know that wheat bran is not a healthy thing at all.

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Don't want to put all that info on here.

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After the Covid population control injection, everyone should consider Corporate media as the messenger of complete lies, death and distractions including the Pharmaceutical ads that sustain their profitability. Pull the plug on your TV

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If you weren’t conscious enough to realize corporate sponsored media is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you deserve whatever fucked up situation you’re getting.

You’re ridiculous comment about “population control” is morally bankrupt. Lying about a serious public health issue is the refuge of assholes and agitprop tools. I mean, if they wanted to wipe us out, it wouldn’t be any of us left.

That’s the last thing the donor class wants. They need labor capital and ignorant conspicuous consumers. Take that fucking sack of filled

Gibberish elsewhere

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Yes, you are right! They don't want to "wipe us out". They want a reduction in population. That way, there are still enough slaves left to keep them comfy with all their endless needs and wants; and enough resources and land remaining so that they can continue to live like royalty.

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You need mental healthcare ASAP

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Can you provide it, then? I'm looking forward to your wise counsel. Hope your fees aren't too high. :)

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This is why my husbands personality has changed. Also has dementia; memory loss, can't get his facts straight, and is angry all the time. So he drinks and takes gummies, He has high the bad cholesterol. On statins, has diabetes, had a heart attack 7 yrs ago and on 11 meds! In addition to the 3rd experimental carrot. I'm living in a nightmare...

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Thank you. I've been reading about hypoglycemia like crazy and have not seen anything about the weird noise she makes. No history of T2D. She weighs 95 lbs. and has always done so.

After I feed her in the am, it goes away. It is nerve-wracking.

Is it Medscape.org or .com?

Thank you!

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We have the most inefficient health system one could ever design. We have all the bad features of top down govt control AND free markets with none of the benefits. Centralization, bureaucracy, micro-management of treatment plans etc - all a disaster. The complexity and risks of running a medical practice put docs out of biz and now they work for big corporations, which utterly changed medicine in the U.S. Your scheduler and the head nurse at your Docs office have more control over your health care now than your doc has. KEEP IN MIND THAT ALL OF YOU WHO SUPPORTED "UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE" DESTROYED THE BEST SYSTEM IN THE WORLD.

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I know, clear truth enrages you. My guess is you are like most people who actually have no idea how U.S. health care works or what outcomes it produces. I'm happy to educate you but I'll only do so if you are willing to learn? Are you?

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On the cost of healthcare do we subsidize Israeli health care? Their cost is low comparison to rest & we seem to pay their way? Bless the doc he is the ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥Goat saved so many countless lost souls gave back hope & faith to his medical advice & his trusted peers. a real hero. FLCCC He & they & the few that drew a line will be honored by humanity forever. My the rest of his profession & medicine collectively wake the F up also.

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He’s correct about our sickness and death model. It has nothing to do with Covid or the vaccine. Why aren’t you screaming for by definition #UniversalHealthcare?

Disingenuous bullshit much?

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universal health care is NOT the solution to anything health related.

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Obviously it is or the fake ass puppet accounts like you would not be coming out of the woodwork.

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No post, 2 read blatant agitprop bullshit dissemination account has zero credibility. STFU

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Oh really? Do you have any cited credible sources saying such? Because I have dozens upon dozens saying it’s the best quality and price point of any system implemented anywhere on the planet. You just saying shit. Stupid shit

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I’ve lived in countries with “universal healthcare” and it’s notoriously lacking! Waiting 6 months to get treatment for a chronic illness can be a death sentence. What makes you think that MORE government involvement would be a good thing?

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My quality of life society, the demand and absolute refusal to settle for anything other than good government is a given. You have stumbled upon our downfall. It is the lack of an informed and educated electorate.

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I doubt it and even explain what universal healthcare is. I know you can’t name a country that you lived in with UniversalHealthcare because that’s just a blanket fort hood made up by a fake account

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You’re a lying tool. It’s a proven best practice. I know policy inside and out. Random liar on the phone to look good on your résumé. Sit down and be quiet

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Resorting to name calling will convince no one of your “expertise”. Did you think I was attacking you personally?! Quite the disproportionate response to my comment. And very rude… tells me all I need to know about you.

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Rude is lying. Rude is agitprop bullshit. Rude is personalizing true statements. Get over yourself.

Calling your bullshit doesn’t make me the asshole, sweetheart.

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You're kinda weird.

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I’ve got one more pro Adulting tip for you.....

Any publication that does not furnish the complete name and contact information about the author is not a reliable source.

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