You have to love the fresh and exciting quality of Elon! The fun factor that he can say whatever comes to his mind but no one dare criticize a genius and richest man in the world! He’s my hero!

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They can attempt to criticise but it tends to backfire, given he's usually right.

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do you mean like where the genius actually thinks that vaccines are good? My book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH proves that every vaccine is harmful, and that there are few if any benefits. But I am not rich, so don't listen to me. Only rich people have good values like loving money and lot of bright shiny glittery stuff and more stuff. And we know how hard they work to earn billions of dollars, just ignore the corporate welfare and lots of publicity. Where is the backfire? I am waiting. And by the way, there are good journalists who are censored from X.

By the way, if billions of dollars is earned by hard work, what do you tell all the warehouse workers, dishwashers, construction, etc.. who work for pennies? I am an author of world changing books, have been righteous all my life, do not serve money or rich people, have well over 50,000 hours unpaid service to the people, am self educated, and Musk has NOTHING over me but his money. Stop fawning over the piece of shit. HE is enabling genocide in the occupation of Palestine, and is participating in brain chips.

Don't you see? He is helping design our destruction. Dumbasses think that he is on the peoples' side because he has so much publicity and is a good liar.

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You have an ego problem. Fix that and people might be willing to read/listen to you.

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Reading MLK s comments I think he needs to check his meds with his doc and his ego at the door. Elon is wealthy because unlike the Bidens he created things and services of great value to the population. That's the exact opposite of the Bidens, the DC parasites including Louie Freeh, most of the agency chiefs who signed the letter dismissing Hunter's laptop.

There is a reason why Boeing, Biden and the nation are struggling - the selfish abandonment of commitments to serve the public, abysmal judgement, dependence on influence peddling folks including the DC law firms to make backroom deals at the expense of the American taxpayers and citizens, and above all the absence of principled, skilled leadership focused on the mission.

If he read through the Marco Polo report on Hunter's laptop the nearly unfathomable depth of DC corruption and the stupidity that infects the State Department, FBI , DOJ and much of the rest of the country there would likely be a revolution.

I share the belief that what the public is told about vaccines is seriously compromised as the result of the companies and corruption within the government . If I wanted further information I would look to Sharyl Attkisson or RFK jr , both of whom have real knowledge, humility and a desire to serve the public.

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How dare I criticize your sacred cow. My knowledge is not real because it doesn't agree with the high profile establishment shills that you spend all your time watching as they tickle your ears and tell you what you want to hear. I have said absolutely nothing leftist, and am not left, I am criticizing Musk for his complicity in genocide, his involvement in taking down us people by his brainchips he is developing, and for the corporate welfare he gets. He is involved in the military weapon industrial complex and bribed Trump hugely to be included in the government. But that escaped your notice because the CIA dominated news media promotes him as a hero, and while you are aware of fake news, you do not recognize it on your own. Sheep led to slaughter. Gullible idiots.

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Thank you for reinforcing my judgement

Better my Sacred Cow than the responding BS

A more balanced view might start with the question - What % of the worldwide successful orbital launches during 2024 were on Space X (ELON MUSK) rockets........

I respect Musk while others worship the corrupt Biden / Harris administration...

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How about we talk facts

Inflation under 4 years of Trump 10%

Inflation under 4 years of Biden 35+ %

Biden sold about 40% of the US Petroleum reserve despite an immense increase in global instability

Y’all might get your head to a more well lit place by visiting the marco polo site and reading Hunter Biden’s actual emails ( which the FBI had long before the last election) where Hunter lists his partners including “the big guy” and also reassures Burisma that yes he will deliver “Biden influence”.

While the FBI was telling you that the Hunter Biden laptop was fake Hunter’s partner (former FBI Director Louie Freeh) was reporting back to Hunter that he was working with “top FBI officials” , foreign FBI offices and the FBI academy on matters related to Burisma.

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Is this MLK in Drag ?

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Yep, and if it weren't for the bailout during the Obama administration...He did not invent the Tesla. And certainly did not do the heavy at Space X, brilliant engineers did that. He is very clever and very lucky, like someone else we follow in the news.

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It’s about leadership, self discipline and culture ……..

Something that folks on the left have difficulty in understanding beyond their favorite sports teams

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By the way, service.. I volunteered 50,000 hours unpaid voluntary service, first 10,000 was for elderly people in their last years of life (1986-1994), then about 7,000 serving mentally ill homeless people(1988-1996), finding them permanent housing and other assistance, then serving mentally ill adult Christians by mentoring and bible teaching(2004-2014), then I have been writing books and newsletters for no pay and have risked my life and freedom for ten years and often losing my freedom on the regular. I get no praise, which is okay I don't seek fame nor fortune, but to be insulted while those rich people who lie and perform on the public stage who are all bought and phonies get your fuckin stupid misguided adoration, it is too much. Eat shit, motherfucker.

I made a conscious decision to serve humanity back in 1986 and followed through. I have labored plenty, not only volunteering, living in poverty, but also worked unskilled labor jobs of hard work to support the work I did for those I helped for no charge.

I make Theresa look lame. Go on showering the hollywood cutouts with love and admiration, but leave me alone. You obviously have absolutely no discernment over the character of those in the public eye, nor of what lies behind appearances.

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I need to be humble and unworthy for you, it seems that his highness will not tolerate somebody with confidence. You can criticize me and tell me how to behave, being in your own eyes superior in humility, with the attitude that being (you think) so humble, you can tell me to be. Mind your own business. iF you don't want to learn from me, that is on you. I did the research so that you don't have to. But in your humility, you will not seek knowledge from those whom your majesty deems to be too proud. Fuck off.

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Be careful, you’re beginning to sound like the word salad queen: KarmaLa Harris

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You are older, were in Vietnam. Were you drafted or volunteer? I notice that you were in the propaganda field, so you knew full well the evil lies dealt by our government, but you still defend pieces of shit like Musk, Trump, the establishment news media and most of the alternative news media, and trust their lies as being truth. Or are you not a deceiver, but just another idiot who let himself be deceived time and again? By defending any high profile celebrity, especially regarding politics, you are supporting their evil agenda. Once a spook always a spook

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First of all, I am not liberal. Second of all, I am a real revolutionist, not a fuckin keyboard warrior. I have penned three world-changing books of radical dissent and naming names, dates, documents, quotes, sources. I expose the government and those above it.

Two months after publishing the first one in May 2016(EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE subtitled TYRANNY THROUGH GOVERNMENT, RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, AND MEDIA DECEPTION) an intelligence agent went through my computer and files. A month later charges were contrived and after a kangaroo court, was put in prison. They told me that they were watching book number of sales, investigating everything about my life. I Have been very clean, was released to the streets (literally,not even to a shelter)after nine months.

I was homeless with no money for two weeks, then arrested for having no address and brought to an institution for the criminally insane (while homeless I had investigated Homeland SEcurity and exposed GEO Group) where I was put in a drug unit where I learned drugs, then taken to a back ward for drug rehabilitation. I was in that institution three times, for a total of 30 months, and was assaulted 30 times, sustaining fractured arm, ribs, and jaw. I am now, half a dozen years later, 67 years old. Every assault was by younger bigger men, and I learned self-defense.

Two much more damning and powerful books followed- THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY and ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH. Again exposing every world system as being fraudulent and oppressive and deliberately faulty. My first book started the red pill movement, the second caused a huge apostasy, and the third is waking up millions of minds.

To this day I work 80+hours a week unpaid on a newsletter which over a hundred million people read internationally daily. I have been threatened by parole with decades in prison, and with death by a judge. I continue, not under the radar. So tell me your accomplishments and great courage, motherfucker.



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I see that you were an order-follower murderer. Killing foreigners in their lands where they were defending their families from foreign invaders=you. Doing what politicians, the most evil bought liars, told you to do. Fuckin piece of shit, telling me that I am too proud. You don't have the smarts, the principles, or courage to be worthy to lick my boots.

First of all, I am not liberal. Second of all, I am a real revolutionist, not a fuckin keyboard warrior. I have penned three world-changing books of radical dissent and naming names, dates, documents, quotes, sources. I expose the government and those above it.

Two months after publishing the first one in May 2016(EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE subtitled TYRANNY THROUGH GOVERNMENT, RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, AND MEDIA DECEPTION) an intelligence agent went through my computer and files. A month later charges were contrived and after a kangaroo court, was put in prison. They told me that they were watching book number of sales, investigating everything about my life. I Have been very clean, was released to the streets (literally,not even to a shelter)after nine months.

I was homeless with no money for two weeks, then arrested for having no address and brought to an institution for the criminally insane (while homeless I had investigated Homeland SEcurity and exposed GEO Group) where I was put in a drug unit where I learned drugs, then taken to a back ward for drug rehabilitation. I was in that institution three times, for a total of 30 months, and was assaulted 30 times, sustaining fractured arm, ribs, and jaw. I am now, half a dozen years later, 67 years old. Every assault was by younger bigger men, and I learned self-defense.

Two much more damning and powerful books followed- THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY and ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH. Again exposing every world system as being fraudulent and oppressive and deliberately faulty. My first book started the red pill movement, the second caused a huge apostasy, and the third is waking up millions of minds.

To this day I work 80+hours a week unpaid on a newsletter which over a hundred million people read internationally daily. I have been threatened by parole with decades in prison, and with death by a judge. I continue, not under the radar. So tell me your accomplishments and great courage, motherfucker.



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Keep trying to catch me in error. I am no fan of Harris. No democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the vatican and globalist agenda. Epstein. Harris and I have absolutely nothing in common. I align with no democrat or republican politician. I am too well informed and intelligent and have principles, I do not shake hands with the devils.

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I might listen to you if you addressed me with "sir" you are too proud to write anything.

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🙄🙄 You yourself just said “…and that there are few if any benefits” about vaccines and that’s basically what he said. He names two that did what they were supposed to do. Only two. Out of how many hundred??? So there’s your few benefits. Don’t be so judgy because most of it is being fed by your radically infected brain.

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Who says that the vaccines really did help people as he said they did. We are misinformed by the establishment on the regular. I am not going to go back to watch that again to properly respond to you, as you are obviously going to support the shill no matter what.

EVery vaccine that I am aware of contains either mercury (older ones) or aluminum, and those are toxic to the system, particularly children, to whom they are administered. From my book:

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) gets 40% of its funding from pharmaceuticals, and I have addressed their deliberate poisoning of people in my previous book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE. They passed laws that restrict access to natural effective healthy nutrients with healing properties. Vitamins are only a fraction of the cost of pharmaceuticals and are sometimes more effective, and almost all are so safe that it is impossible to have any harmful effects from them. By law, natural products cannot state that they are effective in curing or healing any disease or malady, as the FDA does not test their worth, it is beyond their duty. Why test something’s safety if it is obviously not harmful? We cannot say the same with pharmaceuticals.

Bruesewitz vs. Wyeth was a case in which vaccines were ruled as “unavoidably unsafe” by the Supreme Court. Point made.



I did not say that some vaccines are beneficial, I said that there is some benefit to some. Every vaccine is more harmful than helpful. I am not against THIS vaccine (covid) I am against EVERY vaccine. I have done the research and am educated on the subject. My books reveal that. How many books has your hero Musk authored? He is believed because he is on establishment news media, which, by the way, my book proves is dominated by the CIA. You should know about fake news, I know its source and name names in my books, as well as sources.

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I’m actually anti-vax today. ANY vax except polio. My mother had polio and it affected her legs badly. Possibly the vax helped me not suffer the same fate. I’ll never know.

Chicken pox can gain immunity just by catching it so it doesn’t need a vax, but the risks of catching polio I lived seeing first hand. I’m not convinced the polio vaccine wasn’t helpful. It’s the ONLY example that I could give credit to. No other vax tho.

So you’re sort of speaking to the choir.

The difference between us is I’m not so radical I’ll shoot myself in the foot. Musk will protect our freedom to refuse a vaccine with vengeance. In the end that matters more to him than any vax he might find valuable, which is only two.

I don’t see someone like Musk as Pro-Vax in the same radical way typical pro vaxers are. He believes in better testing and science and proof before they are allowed to even be given and he doesn’t believe in mandates.

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I think the "truth" about vaccines is much closer to that expressed by RFKjr and Sharyl Attkisson, both of whom have done great work on the subject , including covid . Time has shown them to be far more accurate than Fauci , Biden, et. al.

With respect to COVID we now know that

A. Fauci ORDERED his people to lie and to order others to lie.

B. Fauci and others ordered the destruction of materials which were subject to FOIA requests. As one top researcher noted they searched for the terms in the FOIA request, erased the files they did not want to produce and the released only that which did not conflict with their lies.

C. The FBI identified one noted US scientist who had worked in the Wuhan lab for years under China's 1,000 Talents program. Under the program the participant agreed "to work for the best interests of China " while receiving about $750K per year plus a couple hundred thousand in expenses. The individual WAS THE CHAIR OF HARVARD'S BIOLOGY DEPT AND ALSO WORKING ON DOD PROJECTS. Of course the millions received were never reported to the IRS . He was brutally (and quietly) sentenced to a couple of months of home confinement. Perhaps one of the reasons was that Hunter was potentially facing the same charges - failing to register as foreign agent, tax evasion, filing false documents.

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Almost all pharmaceuticals are harmful, and most are addictive. The vaccines create customers for life for doctors. The polio disease ran its course and dissipated before the vaccine was dispensed. WE need to reign in all pharmaceuticals, as the FDA is corrupt as hell, and the AMA made sure that allopathic medicine, which is harmful, is the only one accepted by the general consensus due to propaganda and legal means. Naturopathic and homeopathic medicine are superior, healthier and less expensive.

LEt your food be your medicine, and let medicine be your food.

A better idea to handle the medical system than to rely on doctors who are bought by pharmaceuticals to treat you with their products is to overhaul the system. THe knowledge as to decide to vaccinate or take meds has been riddled with lies from the establishment. Choice is not always made with right knowledge. I am also running for p president, and here are my policies, some address medicine.


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Your comment reveals much more about you than it does about Elon....

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Like what? Instead of insulting for no reason, tell me how evil I am for not liking Musk who has contributed to the genocide in Israel, who is working on brainchips which will enslave humanity, and whose X still censors many journalists. HE is also a lazy rich fuck. His Tesla cars are blowing up on the regular, not built well, the batteries catch fire easily, and they are not cheap, Chinese electric cars are far better and cost 1/3 as much. Now tell me what it says about me that is so bad........

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You’re a typical

Libtard go back to your mommies basement little boy

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Speil check has identified an error .......


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First of all, I am not liberal. Second of all, I am a real revolutionist, not a fuckin keyboard warrior. I have penned three world-changing books of radical dissent and naming names, dates, documents, quotes, sources. I expose the government and those above it.

Two months after publishing the first one in May 2016(EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE subtitled TYRANNY THROUGH GOVERNMENT, RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, AND MEDIA DECEPTION) an intelligence agent went through my computer and files. A month later charges were contrived and after a kangaroo court, was put in prison. They told me that they were watching book number of sales, investigating everything about my life. I Have been very clean, was released to the streets (literally,not even to a shelter)after nine months.

I was homeless with no money for two weeks, then arrested for having no address and brought to an institution for the criminally insane (while homeless I had investigated Homeland SEcurity and exposed GEO Group) where I was put in a drug unit where I learned drugs, then taken to a back ward for drug rehabilitation. I was in that institution three times, for a total of 30 months, and was assaulted 30 times, sustaining fractured arm, ribs, and jaw. I am now, half a dozen years later, 67 years old. Every assault was by younger bigger men, and I learned self-defense.

Two much more damning and powerful books followed- THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY and ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH. Again exposing every world system as being fraudulent and oppressive and deliberately faulty. My first book started the red pill movement, the second caused a huge apostasy, and the third is waking up millions of minds.

To this day I work 80+hours a week unpaid on a newsletter which over a hundred million people read internationally daily. I have been threatened by parole with decades in prison, and with death by a judge. I continue, not under the radar. So tell me your accomplishments and great courage, motherfucker.



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Vaccines like prior to mRNA are actual vaccines. I believe that’s what Musk is talking about. Those given to children prior to school: measles/mumps/chicken pox, tetanus etc.

But MRNA are NOT vaccines, they are injecting messenger RNA and dirty DNA remnants and calling those “vaccines”

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As I have before stated, ALL vaccines are harmful. The ones back some years ago all had mercury in them, now they have aluminum. Both are toxic heavy metals. IF you had actually read my comments, a judge after hearing a case against vaccines declared that ALL vaccines are unavoidably harmful. There is no such thing as a safe vaccine.

My book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, published mid 2020 spent three chapters on the allopathic medical system, and debunked it thoroughly. It was initiated by John Rockefeller and his sidekick GAtes, one was an oil magnate, the other a pastor, neither one were scientists nor doctors.

Vaccines have never been effective nor necessary, and assure the receiver will be visiting the doctors often.

By the way, the covid bioweapon vaccines it turned out had no RNA in them, the technology is in the metals and self-assembling nanotechnology, they are making bluetooth signals and other high tech dangers, as the powers are in the process of killing off most of humanity.

But keep paying all your attention to fake journalists like Vigilant Fox who focuses on the mainstream CIA-dominated news media (Trump calls it fake news), my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH proves that the CIA dominates the establishment news, and most alternative news media. I have found absolutely no intelligent well-informed voices in this comment section, showing the quality of Vigilant's reporting. All bullshit.

THis platform only allows information accepted to be released by the powers that be. I go much farther.

You can sign up for my free newsletter, with books attached.


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I was not replying to you. And I agree all vaccines have had issues. I did not claim otherwise. The issue is the term “vaccine” being used to to group DNA/RNA injections with older actual vaccines that are not created with modified human living matter. What point are you are trying to make addressing me with your rant, accusing ME of not thoroughly reading YOUR comment and then attempting to advertise yourself away from this Substack site?

Next time address your rants independently and leave people out of your comments unless they want to argue directly with you. Leave me alone with your manipulations.

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Mr Kahn there are three gentlemen in white coats waiting for you

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Have you not figured out yet that 95% of what we are told is lies and illusions? You are more ignorant than most I know.

CIA director William Casey said: "We will know that our disinformation program is complete when everything that the American public believes is false. " 1981

My book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH debunks evolution, the justice system, the education system, the health system, journalism, history, banking, and most of what we have accepted as truth. You can read it free by signing up for my free newsletter, all my books are attached to it, along with other valuable information.



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I don't know what you are commenting regarding, but if it in regard to your sacred cow Musk (I have provided links proving all I said to prove my correctness) here is evidence that he is working towards our destruction, as is tRump, the Vatican (which secretly rules over every Christian denomination and over Romerica)


Instead of insulting me, how about trying to prove me wrong on any ONE point that I made? I am correct and on spot with each matter. IF you doubt anything I mentioned, question me. Retards use insults when they have no facts, no evidence, and feel the need to win, despite they are wrong. Intelligent men of reason use debating facts and references, retards and morons just use insults with no foundation

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Would like to hear re the link to Palestine & the reason?

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Please give me the context and link that you are referring to. I covered the genocide pretty damn well the past year and more.

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I totally agree with you. He works on chips for human brains. Transhuman, he took the vaxx obviously, or it's a scam. People die, because of the vaxx. Get so ill.

He allowed his son to take drugs/hormones to stop his puberty. This is sadly insane, but he has all the money. Sure, he is okay, at all.

There are so many humans on this planet who listen to a doctor, while his only profession is, that he studied and became one. There is so much more to being a doctor.

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a bit damned arrogant and i don’t think i’ll read your wonderful ass book

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May I suggest that you change your profile, and remove the part that says that you love truth? I gave you an opportunity to view knowledge that has been changing paradigms for millions of people, with real perspective. Remember that I was also in the faith with full belief. IT was only after being separated from the influencers and thinking independently that I came to my newer concepts. I give freely, while the pharisees (Israel's rabbis and governors, today's pastors) charge plenty for their work.

The pastors are taught in seminary correctly that the bible has many lies, yet teach it as infallible inerrant truth. I taught bible for eight years, and had mentoring pastors, three of them over the years. Heaven and hell are in this life, other realms. Seek knowledge, and walk the narrow path, and that path is not religion.

1Ti 6:7  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 

1Ti 6:8  And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 

1Ti 6:9  But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 

1Ti 6:10  For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 

2Co 11:13  For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 

2Co 11:14  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 

2Co 11:15  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. 

Joh 8:44  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 

Joh 8:45  And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

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there is none righteous, no not one , Gods Word says

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Do you believe the bible? Are our politicians not all bought deceivers and causing our demise? What the bible says regarding politicians:

Rom 13:1  Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 

Rom 13:2  Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 

Rom 13:3  For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 

Rom 13:4  for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. 

Rom 13:5  Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. 

Rom 13:6  For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 

Do you think that I am cherry-picking? God put evil politicians in power for our good, and we must serve harsh slave masters with obedience. Because the bible says so.

1Pe 2:13  Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, 

1Pe 2:14  or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. 

1Pe 2:15  For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 

1Pe 2:16  Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 

1Pe 2:17  Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 

1Pe 2:18  Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust. 

1Pe 2:19  For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. 

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I was a devout true believer Christian for ten years, studied the bible independently 10,000 hours, then finally perceived the real nature of the faith, and left quickly. Jehovah is Satan. My book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY debunks the bible soundly, using many hundreds of scriptures to prove scores of points. Like you, I seek justice and truth. Give heed. My website is here, and you can sign up for my free newsletter with three books and eleven documents attached for free reading. Justice and mercy are not always congruent. I choose justice. A nation that values the concept to not being punished for wrongs deserved, and to get blessings that are not earned (the definition of grace) obviously has no principles or ethics, and is lazy and immoral.

I have been persecuted unjustly for my lack of beliefs and for exposing the government and those above it. I seek justice for myself, and for our nation. People need to be righteous for righteousness sake, not because of following commandments to avoid divine punishment, or believing nonsense to avoid a hell or achieve a heaven. Those who behave on behalf of reward and punishment are not good, they are sociopaths on a leash. Do you really need commandments to not murder, steal, commit adultery, etc...?

And I am righteous. I have impeccable integrity and have strong principles, follow my conscience, and have worked for 38 years serving humanity with 55,000 hours of it unpaid. I always consider the righteousness of actions I take, and to benefit humanity, not acting to promote selfish or greedy gain for myself. The New Testament was composed by pharisee Josephus to impose a slave and submissive mentality on Romes' citizens.

My book proves the Bible to be lies. God made you in his image, says he loves you, and also says that you deserve torment and torture forever and ever. According to the bible, and I can provide scripture if you request it, God made all in foreknowledge and predestination. HE knew how things would turn out, and made them to be so. HE has put billions of people that he says he loves into hell, and will for many billions more. And if you believe Romans 3, you believe that you are murderous and a liar. Why should i listen to a murderer and liar?

My website


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like a vaccine so called, some illnesses, viruses or whatever they are, when you have it once you don’t get it again, i suppose a vaccine is supposed to trick our system into thinking it had the so called disease and you will not get it, or it can make a mistake as in what all else is in the shot? we may never know, some may be able to and some may not, which one are we, i believe that God gave us an immune system and we look there more so than some man made hype to assure us

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OUr immune system and healthy eating would do a better job at providing good health than all pharmacueticals. And yes, vaccines have aluminum and mercury and cause disease more than prevent it.

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If vaccines are harmful…. Why am I so healthy? I have no disease and am on no medications. I have had every Covid booster since it started, every flu shot available since 1974, a slew of others required for military service, law enforcement, and travel abroad…. I have never had flu, did catch Covid once after having vaccines and it lasted only a few days-i.e. the vaccine worked- I haven’t even had a headcold but one time in the last five years. So what are you talking about? Maybe you need to look in a mirror when you call people “dumbass”.

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This came in today's email. Understand: There was no covid. Never existed. Deaths from the new sudden death syndrome are from vaccines. bioweapons. In my first book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE first published in May 2016, I warned that Gates would depopulate the planet using vaccines


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Read my response below. Somebody who wants to engage the conversation in an attempt to reach further understanding should not insult. We are on the same side. If the vaccine was so successful, why were boosters encouraged?

The real scientists who research independently have found that there are "sleeper cells" of harmful ingredients in the covid vaccines, which were bioweapons. There never was a covid disease. Tens of millions of PCR test kits were bought by scores of nations in 2018. PCR Test kits were not invented to diagnose disease, and were never meant to, being that they can find virtually any disease in anybody, sick or not.

Thus, there was the lie that asymptomatic people were said to have covid. Where did it come from? Covid was never isolated, it did not exist. Usually there are 80,000 deaths due to flu annually. IN 2020 it was reported 5,000 flu deaths, but lots of covid deaths, of similar symptoms.

This link will show you where "covid" deaths were really sourced in. IN Wuhan the people dropped dead, they were not sick in bed. Do you not realize that the new sickness of deaths of people dropping suddenly was caused by the covid "vaccines"? bioweapons.


During the shutdown, the hospitals were really empty. When they filled due to the vaccines, the hospitals murdered patients, as the doctors followed deadly protocols mandated by the government. They were paid huge sums to do so, and threatened to hush. We have been deceived. There is a huge depopulation agenda afoot. My website


More information on covid and the real problem that caused death


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Hooey…. 🤣

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great argument. I gave you links.


inventor of the PCR Test kits on them finding any disease in anybody


from my book published in May 2016

>>>>>>millenniums. The same people who are overloading nuclear reactors, spilling oil all over the oceans, destroying our drinking water, destroying our food supply by altering its genetics; are telling us that we are overpopulating the planet. I watched Bill Gates do a speech on just that. First he came up with all kinds of statistics of how many people there would be on the planet decades from now. He then used statistics to show how much food we would have, of course the numbers indicated that we would not have enough. He then gave some solutions to overpopulation. One of the solutions was vaccinations.

That confused me at first. Aren’t vaccinations a way to promote more life? The answer came a few days later in my research. Another documentary revealed that some vaccinations in Africa funded by Gates caused about 47,000 deaths. Furthermore, I learned that Gates intends to reduce world population by 15% via means of vaccinations.

In Chad, Gates-funded vaccinations recently caused 50 paralyzations. He also funds abortions. It sounds like an agenda of death for this billionaire “philanthropist” (he publicly announced


look at the evidence. Do you really think our government is good and loves you? World war is coming soon.

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I take absolutely no medical pharmaceuticals at age 67 (for full disclosure, I do take a low dose of ONE psychiatric med, having had a diagnosis since 1976) and have not for many many years. Last time I was sick was December 2019, and I took meds for five days.

I have had no vaccinations since my early childhood, around 1964. No covid. I started eating correctly, my own diet, and without reducing my sizable eating amounts, but cutting out all unhealthy foods, and not cheating an iota, I lost thirty pounds in one month. (2014). From 195 to 165. I am now 170 pounds, and 5'10".

I started exercising vigorously a while later, and tripled my strength. I do 150 situps a set. At age 60, I worked up to 250 situps a set, 60 pushups a set, and 150 squats a set. I could have done more, but due to overdoing it, injured myself, and when continuing excessive pushups caused the injury twice more, I now take it easy on my exercise.

I am in optimal health. I Have not followed any "expert" advice, but use my own research, freethinking, and my own solutions. I never had the flu, never had any illness since childhood except bronchitis four times, back before my diet and exercise, between the years 2006-2015, then again in 2019. I got bronchitis repeatedly because I took meds.

You are an exception, I am an anomoly. I authored three major books, the best one, ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH debunked allopathic medicine, which by the way, was created by oil magnate John Rockefeller and his reverend assistant Gates. Neither were doctors.

Good eating habits and exercise contribute to good health, and to better cognitive abilities as well.


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I agree with you but relax. Elon was listed on Gitmo list years ago. Pretty sure this is a fake double like many.

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IT is still me so far. "GITMO" was full of black staff, they were told to kill me, but trained me instead. But it was hell. I am no fake double, I am very real and still the best option for resistance.

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I looked it up. Why on earth would Elon go to gitmo? He is one of theirs. I am probably headed there if TRump is elected. Gitmo, to the best of my knowledge, is for prisoners of war, so-called terrorists, dissidents, etc...not rich bought fucks. Am I being tested for authenticity, or are you warning me? I haev been threatened with as bad before, and it never stopped me. I am still alive and free, and count my blessings. A little courage is called for, as the powers are in the process of murdering almost all of humanity. Bioweapon vaccines, weather warfare, DEWs, world war, 5G... if we want to survive, being afraid of speaking truth will not achieve life nor freedom, our words are imperative, and action following it moreso. I am not a coward. I will fight. I have gone through hell already, and will face it again if necessary. I have been in TRENTON STATE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL which was hell, and am willing to go again in service of fighting the powers. TPH, Gitmo, and purgatory do not stop me, do not impeed my intent to take down the devils.

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Excuse my ignorance. What is Gitmo? Many are indeed clones or masks.

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Hey, mate. I think the person talking about gtmo believes that the "white hats" are actually running the show, despite contrary evidence, and that the best course of action is to eat popcorn and worship the person they tell you is "standing up" to the "deep state". Good luck trying to figure it out. Cheers.

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Shame you don’t know how to research. Elon was deep into transhumanism, wanted chips in our brain. Guess maybe you and Joshua would line up for that demon stuff. Good luck with that.

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He's not right at all!!

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I actually enjoy the fact that you CAN criticize him....and he just doesn't care.

He's open to debate, and as said elsewhere - he's usually right.

He's a character and playful - and , imo, thinks clearly . Refreshing.

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That interview on X with him and Trump laughing hysterically about firing any workers who dare try to unionize said EVERYTHING about who he is. We already knew this abiut Trump. Just disgusting selfish dishonest (honest, ha!) human beings.

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Ignore the troll. 🤣 You’re not what he claimed you to be in his attack. When people attack the character of others just because they think differently than them, it’s a sign of mental illness. He stretches too far to make his accusations. Radical. 🥱🥱🥱

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Alright this has been fun but I gotta get back to work. Have a good day

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...ignored. easily.

You expended too much energy, Juju 😓

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Concur! 👍

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Because I disagree and have knowledge that you don't, I am a troll. YEs, I am radical, I am radically opposed to murderers and liars and phonies that most people are deceived by. I do the research. And notice that you attacked my character for disagreeing with you. From my book:

Now let us address those highly controversial vaccines. First of all, according to an informative piece I viewed in Dr. Mercola’s website, the Polio vaccine, whose results initiated the use of vaccines in America, had its effectiveness skewed in the statistics, which had been manipulated to make it appear to have been helpful. In reality, the polio had run its course, and other factors were more instrumental in stopping the disease. That was the first vaccine developed, and the idea that it was helpful, a deception, led to the development of all other vaccinations and immunizations.

The flu vaccine is not in any way effective in preventing flu, but that doesn’t prevent it from being administered by doctors.

In the 1970s, US citizens were given 23 doses of 7 vaccines. In 2014, it was 69 doses of 16 vaccines, 49 of them before age 6. Children afflicted with learning disabilities in the 1970s were one in thirty. In 2014 it was one in six.

In 1980, one in 27 children had asthma, in 2014 it was one in nine. Twenty percent more children have diabetes than in 2001.

In all my life, I had no more than half a dozen vaccinations, and I am healthier than most people. Not only are we sicker than decades ago, but we have taken more pharmaceuticals. Have diseases grown naturally in these past forty years, or have GMOs, medicines, and vaccinations caused them? Why have other diseases like ADHD, aides, Lymes disease, and others, appeared and affected us like never before, when we have reportedly advanced so much in the health field?

In the documentary THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES Episode 1, they interviewed three doctors regarding why they administered the harmful vaccines. All three claimed that it had not been taught in college- Dr. Palevsky at 13:45, Dr. Humphries at 14:30, and Dr. Thomas at 15:40. The host of the documentary displayed how a little research into the medical school at Harvard showed that they had a required course called “Immunology, Microbiology, and Pathology.” He said that they had “only one” course regarding this. How many do they need?

Other universities follow the standard that Harvard raises, so we can count on it as a given that this is standard for medical colleges. Doctors didn’t know? I don’t buy it. They can’t research? I can perceive what a doctor can’t? 

The total revenue of the global vaccine market grew from $10 billion in 2005 to $41 billion in 2015. Research is funded by the industry. Do you think those researchers want to alienate their employers? How many of these researchers stand up and report such things as tampered-with reports, or other wrong and illicit practices?

Now let us look at the politicians and how they have been whores for the pharmaceuticals.




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Oct 8Edited

Wasting your time. I won’t click on your links or read your long words. Once you talk the way you’ve been talking in these replies you loose any seriousness or credibility, which is sad because if any of your points or links could matter no one will know since your behavior makes us disregard you. Do better if you want to have an impact.

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You don't write my script. You are willfully ignorant and try to claim high moral ground. You called me a troll, yet I responded in better manner than you, I read your responses, and replied with much more knowledge than you. I have every right to criticize both you and Musk. You don't fool me, you have no argument and no knowledge, so you make an excuse for no response.

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🤣🤣🤣 and you all think Musk is high on himself. Look in the mirror. I don’t always have to broadcast my points especially when others have already stated them well already. I attack you because you attack them rather than just sticking to the issue. Had you done that I might have taken you more seriously.

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So wonderful to see somebody who doesn't care about anybody and makes light of disasters and evil. I don't see you or anybody else refuting me, as I speak truth. And it is true that I don't have a sense of humor. Life is not a joke, I am seriously trying to save humanity, I am not interested in making billions of dollars by creating ways for the government to murder billions of people and destroy humanity. That he finds that occupation to be humorous and to not care is not a positive attribute, he does lots of harm and gets lots of support by gullible fools who cannot see through the bullshit. All that matters for the masses is to be a good liar, to smile and appear friendly, and to tickle your ears with whatever you want to hear.

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I love the fact that i can choose not to listen to this spoiled diamond mine loathsome troll.

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Musk is a pathological liar like his VP Trump!

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Good grief ur nuts...he's out to srew the USA and u defend him??? U must be a millionaire or just stupid

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He's that rich. Billionaires don't have to care. It's a circuit in the brain that becomes atrophied when wealth exceeds imagination.

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Lots of people criticize him and you have to believe that the long Democrat knives will be out in full force. Why ....... because Elon believes in democracy . If our democracy survives the next 6 years Elon will have deserved a lot of the credit

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Elon only believes in elon...don't be fooled

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Sadly so few recognize the critical role of courageous, principled leadership is sports, business , politics and war. The fools who hate Elon for his successes fail to appreciate how much he has benefitted their lives.

Space X - has drastically reduced the cost, time and risk of delivering satellites and other objects to precision orbits. The greatest beneficiary is the American Taxpayer.

The Bidens have spent billions of taxpayer funds for rural internet but few if any have received service and the funds have gone into many pockets. In the meantime Elon has provided Starlink services pretty much around the world.

Elon’s secret is not massive wealth or insider influence like Hunter, rather is is LEADERSHIP, imagination and gathering great people to undertake what is often considered impossible.

If you compare SpaceX with Boeing or ULA some huge differences come to light . Space X competes based on performance not political influence. While Boeing’s senior management is located adjacent to DC where they interface with politicians, lobbyists and fixers, SpaceX his headquartered where the rockets are designed and built. Presently LA area but bound for Texas.

Space X was formed around 20 years ago. From a friend at ULA Elon went after the best young people, willing to take the risks. Innovation was encouraged even if the goal was initially deemed to be unachievable.

In 2023 80% of the worldwide mass put into earth orbit got there on Space X rockets. The Falcon launches depart on time more frequently than some major airlines.

Another comparison, it has been around a quarter century since Boeing was awarded the “critical contract” to provide the next generation tanker aircraft for the US Air Force. Boeing executives and the Pentagon’s Chief civilian acquisition officer and her daughter entered felony pleas to bribery involved with the tanker “deal”. Boeing has yet to deliver a fully functional tanker to the Air Force.

There’s an old phrase applicable to major development projects. If you want success look for design and construction talent that are focused on managing the project not the ones focused on managing the customer in lieu of meeting the performance, schedule and cost goals.

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He doesn't believe in Democracy.....where in the hell did you hear THAT particular piece of crap????

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And when it falls he will be to blame. I love your distorted optimistic view though lmfao

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Our Century's Thomas Edison

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That’s not the brag you seem to think it is. How much do you know about Edison?

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A considerable amount ….

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If you read up on Edison and recognize how he got to put his name on inventions he never made - you are absolutely correct.

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Was Edison a self serving, loathsome narcissist too?

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F if I know ; however, I do know that his intellect and inventions were a magnificent gift to our nation and the world.

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The most feeble in mind and ethics of the far left are kept awake trying to imagine offenses that Musk might have committed. Snatching Twitter from the hands of the internet censors probably cause 1.5 million premature heart deaths among Biden/Harris supporters.

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You are kidding yourself if you believe that the far left is not scheming on how to destroy Elon. Challenging the far left Democrats through the purchase of Twitter stopped the far left censorship and punishment system modeled after that of Hitler's Brown Shirts

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My only note is that people do freely criticize Elon and there is no retaliation. Elon believes in a free market economy and a free market of ideas. The critics are angry because they are able to deplatform other or they used to be until Elon bought X and thereby saved a free flow of ideas .

Yes Facebook, Twitter, and the other censors and minders are able to throttle their own platforms but people are attracted to honest exchanges of ideas. Elon's purchase of Twitter most likely saved democracy in the Western World.

The control freeks have not given up , resorting to "de-banking" firms that they dislike and deplatforming those on sites they control. However, each event only grows X

One of the things that amazes me is that you never hear about Space X personnel practices.... empowering great employees or that their President is an amazing , ass kicking smart woman.

However, especially after this election the long knives are out for Elon. You'll never hear a mainstream press reporter pause for a moment and ask...... what secret does he possess to have now be the symbol of technical innovation , launching something like 80% of the world's orbital flights.

One of his secrets is an absolute focus on innovation and quality. While other have their HQ near Washington DC where they can suck up to politicians Musk is sticking with his people. Sadly he will be leaving California thanks to the political obstruction and such.

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This now ranks as one of the most uninformed comments I've ever encountered on Substack. I love this!

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Sadly those on the left are not only criticizing him but also seeking to punish him. Instead the left should be learning from him , not fighting him.

Who do you think treasure their jobs more

A - Boeing Employees

B- ULA Employees

C - Space X Employees

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Many criticize but most of their claims vaporize in the light of day.

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He's his own man for sure!

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You just trashed the PhD behind your name…🥺😖😫😣🫣🥴….

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Fuck Elon Musk

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Elon Musk did nothing but lie here,,as he usually does - just like his lover Trump. Ex: he eliminated 140,000 employees and then asked for a 50 billion pay increase! Elon's getting drunk on power - which and powerful like Peter Thiel, Swammy boy, Charles Schwab, etc.

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He’s certainly made a lot of money but a genius is a stretch & certainly not fresh or in the least bit exciting

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Rich has and should never serve as a defense against criticism

I love Elon, not for his wealth but for his creativity and leadership.

While the "established" major defense/space contractors have their headquarters close to Washington DC, Elon is far away, with his people where the secret sauce of his vision and leadership is not wasted on the Beltway lawyers and lobbyists or their political puppets.

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IMO he will need to increase his security immediately. He is too valuable to all of us, worldwide

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I agree valuable to Trump as well

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The Declaration of Independence Quotes Showing 1-15 of 15

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.🙏

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Our Founders were wise.

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I think they would have been mminutely specific on everything if they knew Trump would come along and destroy the Constituion and become the World's dictator.

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Let’s do this thing!

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So, the dems are importing people illegally with the intention of turning the US into a one party state. That is what "our democracy" of late is all about. It is at least revolt against the letter and the spirit of the US Constitution and we know why: they're hell bent on the one world government thing which is spelt out in Agenda 2030 and which is orchestrated by the WEF and the UN. Elon is right: it is now or never.

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Send all illegal aliens back across the border and put up that fence! Then they can’t become voters to destroy us.

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I wish they'd do that yesterday! You only need an id to vote because of the illegals. Americans dont need id to vote! We are all Americans until they open the border and stop protecting us, which happens to be the federal governments truely only directive via the Constitution. Why? Why would they want to push voter id soo badly that they would open our borders?!! Thats the question!

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Trump is a wef stooge so what's now

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Musk a surprisingly relateable guy for a lib/former lib multi-billionaire. Unlike any of the other deep state created turds.

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Look at the difference between this interview with Tucker then compare it to the one with Don Le Mon.

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I don't think I've ever seen Elon Musk that relaxed in an interview setting.

Tucker Carlson brings out the best in him.

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Which would be considered the worst in anyone else. Tucky is a know liar, so why would we take anything he touches seriously? Musk makes all kinds of claims but it looks like he just pulls them outta his arse.

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An interviewee should not be “relaxed” in an interview setting… it means interviewer and interviewee are on the same team, reading from the same script, as each other, without the risk of challenging questions spoiling the mood.

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Tucker is magical

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One is a free flow of exchange of ideas.

The other is a hostile exchange of ideas between an easily indoctrinated drone and a titan.

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Elon needs to be better informed about vaccines and psychiatric medications. The history and what they actually do to the body, brain & gut.

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So Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson allude to the Covid vaccination scandal, but very swiftly fall back into line to support the ‘traditional’, vaccines, i.e. smallpox and polio.

It’s precisely because of people such as Musk and Carlson that we’re in this mess, people who are clueless about vaccines, but happy to use their influence to support the status quo.

What do these guys know about smallpox and polio vaccination? Someone get them a copy of ‘Dissolving Illusions’ and broaden their minds.

Have these men looked at the US vaccination schedule lately, the ever-increasing ‘womb to tomb schedule’ that is oh so lucrative for the vaccine industry and its cronies?

For years discussion has been suppressed on the Church of Vaccination, no heresy allowed. And now here we are, with the population injected over and over again, most recently courtesy of Trump and his Warp Speed ‘beautiful vaccines’.

And so many people coerced and mandated to submit to the medical interventions, in the US and around the world. There is no valid consent…let that sink in…

The Covid scam, and the entire international vaccination scam, is a massive disaster, injecting people with poison, stealing their money and putting them into debt…and stealing freedom.

Biggest crime of all time. Show me some big names who are willing to call this out, not this show pony controlled opposition.

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When trump gets in you will hear him speak truth about the Covid vaccine. He was scammed by Fauci and others.

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Thank you.

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I think they refer to it as the "Overton Window", or how to not get cancelled by the exceptionalists or something...

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If you don't have to show your ID when voting, you can also vote more than once. The ink that is used to mark your finger nail after you have voted in some countries can be removed.

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But indelible ink on a finger, like was done for the first post Sadam election could only be removed by amputation. That’s what we need to use.

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He’s still learning about the vax. He learns fast tho.

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Agreed- my view is there are zero safe vaccinations!

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He needs to dive deeper into the pharma/vax industry and history. He may be brilliant but on this one he is naive. Read Dissolving Illusions and The Poison Needle. Watch interviews with Sasha Latypova.

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God Wins 🙏

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Musk is amazing .

Musk makes the point that this could be the last free election.

Try to visit Pelosi's office in San Francisco without a very good ID. No Chance

What also seems to be seriously overlooked is that the Soros funded riots in Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and other cities demonstrated extensive logistical support and training plus a commonality among weapons.

This was exponentially upgraded in the Anti Israel demonstrations/riots from coast to coast . Logistical support showed much greater planning with pallets of bricks to use as weapons . Plywood and wire to build barricades and shields. Personal gas masks and other protective gear. Sharpened poles to jab at police.

They also followed the old anarchist formula of Freeze - Isolate - Destroy. when it came to their enemies .

I never heard a single Democrat note that just the riots at UCLA cost taxpayers far over $100 Million in lost UCLA employee salaries when the campus was closed. And that did not include probably $50 million physical damage plus police overtime.

There were other offenses even more abusive including demanding ID from students who "looked Jewish" and the prevention of them from passing anarchist checkpoints. Biden's gang thought this was just great and the national press pretty much ignored it. It took students going to Federal Court to obtain an order from the Judge that UCLA must protect students from being stopped and denied access because they were Jewish.

Somehow these are not seen as Civil Rights issues by the Democratic establishment.

All of this should have lead to some very strong prosecutions both based on the offenses committed. The failure to prosecute only opens the door to more massive violence during this election cycle and many Americans see the upcoming election a pivotal in the survival of our democracy.

What's needed

-Aggressive prosecution when actions go beyond freedom of speech

- Civil prosecution of those causing damage including cancellation of classes or obstruction of business ( public and private)

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There’s many good men like him around. I’m glad he stepped up to take the challenge to cut these weirdos down and get our country cleaned up and morality back in place.

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Surely you know Vigilant Fox, that all these characters are supported opposition and by engaging readers with this stuff you are distracting them from what they do have power to do in real time. The artifact of politics is taken over, it is a show peoples, moving on

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It is so awesome to

Hear someone speak truth instead of created political lies!

God protect Elon and President Trump

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A backlash from the left against electric vehicles, as the byproduct of Musk Derangement Syndrome, just might save the power grids, temporarily.

Even if the coal plants currently slated to shut down are kept online, the supply is 8% below demand this winter. Think about keeping your gas stove, etc.

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