You worked in healthcare until covid.

I was a neonatal/pediatric/ECMO perfusionist respiratory therapist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston MA for 22 years. I was fired for refusing the clot shot and refused to resign. They threw away all my training and experience. Glad I didn't take that shot. I hope the people behind this get a long visit to hell.

Thank you for your work.

Dennis Gaudet RRT, RN, NPS, ECMO

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so so so sad if we lose yr skills but so proud of yr integrity to stand against all that.

& so so thankful to folk like vigilant fox for such massive input

damn near killed my daughter standing up against it all, dragged thru courts.

the people are winning

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Anesthesiologist/intensivist here. I also have a background in molecular bio research on viruses. I knew the gov't response was a scam from the first week. Refused all shots and refused to resign. Many of the nurses knew it was ridiculous and asinine. More so than the doctors much to my dismay.

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I was an RT in CT same thing …..25+ year career gone. I hope you found a new calling Dennis. The Vigilant Fox, THANK YOU I appreciate your information and mostly that you took action [!] to right the wrongs!

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Thank you nurses!! You keep the doctors from killing us...

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Shouldn't Cruz already know? How long has he been in the senate? All the Rs feigning ignorance is a sight to behold.

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I highly doubt the swamp creatures would share this information with our Congress…. Maybe the CRIMINALS in Congress but not our representatives that stand for the TRUTH and the RIGHT.

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The predictable attacks against Elon Musk and Doge from the usual suspects (Democrats, mainstream media) are a desperate attempt to change the subject. Democrats and even some Republicans don’t want anyone to look under the hood, they don’t want agencies to be audited. But considering that we have a 2 trillion annual deficit and a 36+ trillion national debt, auditing all federal agencies with a fine tooth comb is long past due.

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God love and protect Elon

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Oh what a tangled web! I kind of knew about the laundering with ngos, but this is not even that, this is just disappearing hundreds of billions. We taxpayers have been so ripped off. We work our tails off to make ends meet, go without to try to save for the future, and we are just being ripped off. None of this will stop until people who are responsible are made to pay, and I mean pay big time, none of this slap on the wrist or they get pardoned by outgoing presidents "running the country". Most people, including myself, don't mind paying taxes for a worthy cause but unfortunately that is not where it usually goes.

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The average earnings of federal employees is well over 100k…. This federal government doesn’t need our money, it needs an enema…in the shape of a pineapple turned backwards..

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Uh that's not a good thing, it's a signal of destroying the existing system:

Is the government filled highly criminal waste, fraud, and abuse? Yep. Do these magic money printers actually exist? Highly likely. Is revealing their existence a grave threat to national security? Yes, an incredibly grave threat.

So why are they allowing Musk to do this?

In order to destroy the dollar, the entire dollar reserve system which is the foundation of the world’s monetary system, and replace it with transactional a slave currency (transactional as in: you be a good person and don’t use too much carbon, eat those bugs, engage in your two minutes of hate, and don’t protest or engage in wrongthink, and we may let you buy something at the store today).

They’re constructing a total system crash with announcements like this. When the system is rebooted, they will, somehow, already have all the desired remedies in place - CBDC, Digital Identity, Social Credit Score, Vaccine Passport - and we will awaken in a nightmare world.

Problem | Reaction | Solution | Nightmare

More here: https://substack.com/@tritorch/note/c-101453455

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If it was a problem to mention those computers Musk wouldn't have mentioned them. Musk has unequivocally stated that he's doing this DOGE work to stave off the end of America. Meaning he feels he must succeed, both at identifying the waste fraud and abuse, and we must revamp the system to get away from said vulnerabilities permanently.

It's unbelievable how arrogant some people can be despite the fact that they have zero true inside knowledge.

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Read the note in the link, see Musk wearing the ‘New World Currency’ symbol from the 2018 Economist magazine in the White House

Then watch the linked video about DOGE below…

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I’m just amazed how people keep repeating Fox News talking points.

So, we believe Fox News Again? Unbelievable the propaganda being pushed right now about Elon.

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Yes. This is what I’m afraid of.

The way these techno fascist flipped is unreal.

Same with MAGA. They’ll be buying EV’s just to own the libs and prove their loyalty to MAGA. Three years fine now… They’ll be like… Give me mark so I can be free..

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-->I did not write the following<---

“I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” -Peter Thiel

Elon Musk co-opted and Peter Thiel founded a company that became PayPal.

Other executives at PayPal went on to found or lead other huge tech companies including YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit, Affirm, and many VC firms.

This group became known as the PayPal mafia because they basically controlled Silicon Valley.

Peter Thiel mentored a young JD Vance and helped him get set up in his first VC firm.

Peter Thiel and the PayPal mafia funded JD Vance's successful Senate run. Amazing because he had absolutely zero political experience.

Thiel and Musk all but forced Trump to choose JD Vance as VP in exchange for funding his presidential campaign.

The three of them, plus a lot of other tech billionaires subscribe to an ideology called the Dark Enlightenment espoused by this super weird, creepy dude: Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug.

Yarvin preaches that the media and academia represent "The Cathedral" that secretly controls power and must be dismantled.

He advocates for a corporate run, monarchy, led by a CEO-Dictator. If Trump is gone from office, perhaps by Vance organizing a 25th Amendment removal due to claims about Trump’s cognitive decline, Vance moves in and that process begins.

Remember, it was just a couple of years ago when Musk said Trump was too old to even be a CEO, let alone the president.

Yarvin says that Democracy is an "outdated software" and openly opposes it and that:

- Government agencies should be dismantled and The U.S. should be broken up into "patchworks" controlled by tech oligarchs.

- That the elite tech billionaires should rule because they have the intelligence to "fix" society

- That the "masses are asses" too dumb to govern themselves.

The strategy is to gut the government via R.A.G.E - Retire All Govt Employees to make government incapable of operating.

Then to replace government with private corporations.

To eliminate elections because they are "obsolete"

To use distraction and chaos to prevent public resistance.

Trump is their useful tool to be disposed of as soon as they can wrest control.

This is why Elon wears a black MAGA hat. They are not Trump supporters, they are "Dark MAGA"

This isn't a hypothetical. The plan is already in motion:

- Musk, Thiel, and their network are actively dismantling democratic institutions.

- JD Vance, the “MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help implement this transition.

- The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.

- If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced by a corporate-run authoritarian state.


Purpose of DOGE: Dismantle Existing System of Governance & Build Back Spiderweb AI Infrastructure: https://old.bitchute.com/video/EUer0GMfzKvl [7:03mins]

Time code: 4:30 Vance: "Accept that This entire thing is going to fall in on itself. And so the task of conservatives right now is to preserve as much as can be conserved and so when the inevitable collapse of the country comes ensure that conservatives can help --> build back <-- the country."

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How could Trump to this to America 🇺🇸

We are totally screwed.

Very interesting post. I appreciate you sharing. Thank you

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The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Cut down your TV & internet usage by 97%, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:

Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:

Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).

Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.

All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.

Musk is an evil chaos puppet of the New World Order | One World Government dark triad.

More solutions here at the bottom of this article: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/united-we-stand-divided-we-fall

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"- If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced by a corporate-run authoritarian state."

What democracy? There never was such a thing and as for the corporations running the state, that was baked into the cake from the beginning.

“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.

“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)

Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


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Yes, wasn’t they originally supposed to ratify the articles of confederation. They locked themselves up in secret and came out with a whole new system. They went beyond the original mandate. Betrayal.

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Yes. I can see it now: "We need to implement digital currency so we can better track money. You remember the Magic Money Computers we found, right? this is to protect you from that ever happening again. Trust us."

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Absolutely right, TriTorch, that is exactly what Musk and friends are doing.

Thanks and God Bless.

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Support like yours over the hast five months is the only reason i'm here to say any of this Pirate. Than you and God Bless!

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I don’t buy the innocent routine of lifelong congress/senate members. Even if they didn’t know, they are negligent in their oversight duties. I am talking about, especially, those who sit on committees. How could you be unaware of what you are signing off on, its costs and ramifications? Where is the money at? A responsible body would’ve been on it.

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They knew… They were part of it. I notice that USAID is going nowhere. How long before they are back in business?

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That's asinine on the face of it. USAID IS OVER. 83% of what they did was fraud. The feeble court cases against them cannot hope to succeed. The 17% that are actually good programs are being handled by the State dept. The rest are terminal.

And anyone involved, Republican or Democrat better plan on early retirement because if we don't stop it... America is over. We're damn close to too much debt now.

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I’ll believe it when I see it..

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Godspeed DOGE.

Government theft, money-laundering, shell game deceit HAS TO END or…we can take the Jeffersonian Solution.

Pray for DOGE success.

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Elon Musk Exposes the System Keeping Government Fraud Alive

Now, it all makes sense.


The Vigilant Fox Substack 2025 Mar 18 Tue


The Vigilant Fox X Gab Gettr Substack






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“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”

Frederic Bastiat, The Law

A message from Ron Paul: "Tyranny knows no political party and no specific ideology."

Ron Paul has been wanting to "End the Fed" and for smaller government for decades; and taught that all of this debt is created out of thin air, right?

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Not surprising, they live insulated from reality while us regular people feel the burden of their depravity…they aren’t representatives, they’re the true oppressors of mankind. Literally making us slaves with our own resources. We must be insane for letting things get this far off track. Many who fought and died for our freedom are rolling over in their graves while we’re complacent with endless entertainment…The history books will not speak well of this generation for our failures.

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Someone or ones programed the computers to do this.

I always knew our governments was laundering money, I just didn't know all the avenues.

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Still don't .. bet that..

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I’m interested in all of the topics you mentioned so keep up the good work. I see someone questioned why a senator didn’t know about the computers issuing payments in a somewhat rogue way- I didn’t understand that either although I am sure they were aware that abuse existed but I recently read a piece by a contributor that explained how hard it is to drill down on the data in these computers- hence Elon and his genius young people. There is so much data and it isn’t stored in what would be a logical way that you would have to be one of these experts to make the system yield what you want. I can’t thank them enough for their work and their courage to do this for us and our country.

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Elon has the right idea. I would venture to guess there are a lot of politicians who lined their own pockets with some of this missing money from the money laundering scheme set up decades ago. I'm not surprised. They give themselves yearly raises, too. I think their raises need to be on national ballot. Many of them owe the taxpayers money for ripping us off all these years. Can we start collecting from those owned by George Soros? I could list a few.

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A Quick Look at their bank account balances should give us a reliable list of the perps…

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I cannot vote on one of your choices over another. I am grateful for all of it and much more. Please don't narrow your focus. Keep it broad and keep us all informed. TY for all you have done, are doing, and will do in the future to help us normal folk find the real information to disseminate & discern for ourselves. TY, TY, TY 🙏🏼

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Musk says a lot of things about our government that have been proven to be untrue. Including, but not limited to, the amount of "fraud" he's uncovered (none of which is fraud) and dollars he claims to have "saved" (which amount to very little).

This " magic money computer" story is ludicrous.

Just because some guy says something does not make it true. Prove it, Musk.

In the meantime while people are distracted with "magic money computers" and lies about condoms, thousands of disabled veterans have been fired, social safety nets for the poorest in this country discontinued, victims of hurricanes and floods left literally out in the cold, etc.

The list of damages Musk has executed is too long and exhausting to continue and there for anyone to find if they look further and what this man "says" he's doing. AND what about all the monies being spent on DOGE employees at six figures a pop, wasted time and work hours, etc.

AND what about those incredible tax breaks for billionaires so they can buy another yacht or fund another exploding electric car like Tesla. What a bunch of losers who are taking you and your children's futures and eating them as snacks.

Wake up and stop buying the propaganda. The economy is being bankrupted.

America is being dissolved.

I'm all for tightening up government spending and waste but for real. Not lies.

Not when those lies hurt the least who can take it. This is sick.

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