This is utterly bovine excrement fear porn. The document talks about how condensation trails can last up to days. True. They reflect the sun and create more airborne CO2. True. The amount is insignificant. The fact rema8ns, jet byproducts from combustion have lessoned over the years and we have cleaner skies because of it. There are more contrails because there are more flights.
You are a complete rube. Buying that snake oil confirms it. Funny how they were contrails from them very first jet engines in world war II. I'm positively Germans won't spraying any mind altering shadow people chemicals from the Messerschmitt me 262
In order to most expediently catch you up to speed and dispel the lies we've all been told.
Check out the Dimming Documentary on You-tube - the first few minutes alone should amaze you as they go over countless registered government patents related to actual spraying of chemicals from nozzles - the diagrams are also included - the nozzles are meant to be placed by the engine so they can lie and claim it is some particles...
Anyway, the documentary goes into ample detail including the actual scientific terminology such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Chemical Ice Nucleation, among many others.
Sure they have done those studies and secured those patents, that does not have any relationship to what's going on with white stripes in the atmosphere coming from commercial airlines. Jesus man. Are you really that daft? I mean part of me would rather think you that disingenuous as that incredibly thick.
One last thing, neither of your sources are credible. That matters.
I'm sorry, your source is less credible than news for dumbfox.....
Moreover, even if true comment not relevant to the finite resource and treasury rape being committed by fossil fuel extraction and hydrocarbon molecule rearranging entities.
To call this trash a rag, would insult the rags I know.
The article quickly gives itself away as bs. "spraying things into the atmosphere". That's not what happens in the creation of contrails. Simply reread the article with a bit of critical objectivity. It's nothing but completely out of context, disingenuous claptrap. Intentionally so. Get a grip, Bruh.
If you don't already understand that fossil fuel extraction and use as fuel or other concoctions of the molecule is the driver of our planetary Mass extinction, you don't qualify to participate in the conversation. I don't need to source anything concerning that topic. Jesus you are intentionally disingenuous here. I certainly don't appreciate it.
Accounting for both pollution reductions per plane (50% cleaner) and increased flights (68% more), aviation pollution in 2025 shows a net degradation of approximately 39% compared to 2005. Total CO₂ emissions rise from ~600 Mt to ~832 Mt, a 39% increase, as traffic growth outstrips efficiency gains.
this is only focused on the last 20 years of overall worldwide air traffic. there is some plausible deniability in using the nearly 40% increase in pollution to explain the saturation of the skies with cloudy crap. This would likely fool most people who are not all that interested in or paying attention.
In order to most expediently catch you up to speed and dispel the lies we've all been told.
Check out the Dimming Documentary on You-tube - the first few minutes alone should amaze you as they go over countless registered government patents related to actual spraying of chemicals from nozzles - the diagrams are also included - the nozzles are meant to be placed by the engine so they can lie and claim it is some particles...
Anyway, the documentary goes into ample detail including the actual scientific terminology such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Chemical Ice Nucleation, among many others.
There's no evidence of your claims whatsoever. You are using an orange to lend credibility to an apple. Those particular programs have nothing to do with your claims. They are methods of an action and you are claiming that you know the constituents and individual particulates used in those methods when they're not even mentioned in the citations you furnished.
Disingenuous b******* is the refuge of losers liars and agitrop tools
You do realize that the first point you bring up stratospheric aerosol injection, could be something like micro dust ground glacial Rock which is the exact ingredient to help all physical Earth failings that we have created in one swoop. If dispersed at 90,000 ft it would block a significant percentage of sunlight, at the proper particle size for a significant amount of time and correcting the acidity of the ocean and supplying trace minerals to Continental destination. There's no insinuation in that there is some toxic product in that method. You remind me of the game in elementary school where the teacher started this story and the kids got to run with it. Just like any other tool, they can be used for good, or evil. Too bad you weren't worked up so much about guns, current pesticides, automobiles and roads, you know the things that are blatantly killing the planet life forms in front of our eyes..
First, The credibility of your sources dubious. Highly so. They offer no concrete evidence of anything. Just claims like you. That's not how this works. Nothing the military or any other entity has done is an infinitesimal fraction of the geoengineering that we have all witnessed in the action of extracting and burning hydrocarbon genes stored deep within the Earth otherwise known as fossil fuels.
Talk about an issue that is lacking relevant. If all of your claims were true, it still would not be in the top 1000 things screwing over mankind and keeping America in a third world outhouse. The Geo engineering of removing most of the major biore regional habitats in North America is certainly a prescient topic. Longleaf pine Forest of the southeast, gone. The Eastern hardwood deciduous forest that covered half of the continent is hanging on by a fingernail. Three of its seven foundational species are gone and what is left is fractured and desecrated beyond recognition. The same with the tall grass prairies, the scrub lands of the Foothills and panhandle country. The only temperate rainforest left in the world is somewhat recognizable simply because of the mass overarching our infrastructure and the optic it gives from a satellite.
I don't care if every claim you make is true, they're not pertinent in the big picture not even amongst geoengineering in general. You should have been speaking out against geoengineering centuries ago. Hell, the Catholic is 13,000 trees to build that's an entire freaking Forest. I'm here to tell you, not what Jesus would do.....
This is utterly bovine excrement fear porn. The document talks about how condensation trails can last up to days. True. They reflect the sun and create more airborne CO2. True. The amount is insignificant. The fact rema8ns, jet byproducts from combustion have lessoned over the years and we have cleaner skies because of it. There are more contrails because there are more flights.
An excellent article and video breaking down the jet byproduct lie.
It is physically and chemically impossible.
You are a complete rube. Buying that snake oil confirms it. Funny how they were contrails from them very first jet engines in world war II. I'm positively Germans won't spraying any mind altering shadow people chemicals from the Messerschmitt me 262
You are woefully misled.
In order to most expediently catch you up to speed and dispel the lies we've all been told.
Check out the Dimming Documentary on You-tube - the first few minutes alone should amaze you as they go over countless registered government patents related to actual spraying of chemicals from nozzles - the diagrams are also included - the nozzles are meant to be placed by the engine so they can lie and claim it is some particles...
Anyway, the documentary goes into ample detail including the actual scientific terminology such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Chemical Ice Nucleation, among many others.
The Dimming Documentary:
And Far more info and patents etc can be found on:
Long story short, the evidence is abundant as it is clear to those willing to look at it.
So don't just read my words, LOOK at the evidence ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Sure they have done those studies and secured those patents, that does not have any relationship to what's going on with white stripes in the atmosphere coming from commercial airlines. Jesus man. Are you really that daft? I mean part of me would rather think you that disingenuous as that incredibly thick.
One last thing, neither of your sources are credible. That matters.
I'm sorry, your source is less credible than news for dumbfox.....
Moreover, even if true comment not relevant to the finite resource and treasury rape being committed by fossil fuel extraction and hydrocarbon molecule rearranging entities.
To call this trash a rag, would insult the rags I know.
But to not name a source at all makes you even less credible....
You are just running your mouth.
Look up in the sky once in a while.......
The article quickly gives itself away as bs. "spraying things into the atmosphere". That's not what happens in the creation of contrails. Simply reread the article with a bit of critical objectivity. It's nothing but completely out of context, disingenuous claptrap. Intentionally so. Get a grip, Bruh.
If you don't already understand that fossil fuel extraction and use as fuel or other concoctions of the molecule is the driver of our planetary Mass extinction, you don't qualify to participate in the conversation. I don't need to source anything concerning that topic. Jesus you are intentionally disingenuous here. I certainly don't appreciate it.
the faa manual ( does not address historical context of chem/contrails. it doesn't mention reasons why they are more and more prevalent compared to previous decades. so asking grok, ultimate answer for pollution increase/decrease is thus:
Accounting for both pollution reductions per plane (50% cleaner) and increased flights (68% more), aviation pollution in 2025 shows a net degradation of approximately 39% compared to 2005. Total CO₂ emissions rise from ~600 Mt to ~832 Mt, a 39% increase, as traffic growth outstrips efficiency gains.
this is only focused on the last 20 years of overall worldwide air traffic. there is some plausible deniability in using the nearly 40% increase in pollution to explain the saturation of the skies with cloudy crap. This would likely fool most people who are not all that interested in or paying attention.
You are woefully misled.
In order to most expediently catch you up to speed and dispel the lies we've all been told.
Check out the Dimming Documentary on You-tube - the first few minutes alone should amaze you as they go over countless registered government patents related to actual spraying of chemicals from nozzles - the diagrams are also included - the nozzles are meant to be placed by the engine so they can lie and claim it is some particles...
Anyway, the documentary goes into ample detail including the actual scientific terminology such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Chemical Ice Nucleation, among many others.
The Dimming Documentary:
And Far more info and patents etc can be found on:
Long story short, the evidence is abundant as it is clear to those willing to look at it.
So don't just read my words, LOOK at the evidence ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
There's no evidence of your claims whatsoever. You are using an orange to lend credibility to an apple. Those particular programs have nothing to do with your claims. They are methods of an action and you are claiming that you know the constituents and individual particulates used in those methods when they're not even mentioned in the citations you furnished.
Disingenuous b******* is the refuge of losers liars and agitrop tools
You do realize that the first point you bring up stratospheric aerosol injection, could be something like micro dust ground glacial Rock which is the exact ingredient to help all physical Earth failings that we have created in one swoop. If dispersed at 90,000 ft it would block a significant percentage of sunlight, at the proper particle size for a significant amount of time and correcting the acidity of the ocean and supplying trace minerals to Continental destination. There's no insinuation in that there is some toxic product in that method. You remind me of the game in elementary school where the teacher started this story and the kids got to run with it. Just like any other tool, they can be used for good, or evil. Too bad you weren't worked up so much about guns, current pesticides, automobiles and roads, you know the things that are blatantly killing the planet life forms in front of our eyes..
Bruh, if the only citation you have is from youtube, well, you've given yourself away.
More than 1300 geoengineering projects worldwide, including weather modification:
Keep in mind, most of the geoengineering projects are secret military, and therefore have no documented presence on the public internet.
First, The credibility of your sources dubious. Highly so. They offer no concrete evidence of anything. Just claims like you. That's not how this works. Nothing the military or any other entity has done is an infinitesimal fraction of the geoengineering that we have all witnessed in the action of extracting and burning hydrocarbon genes stored deep within the Earth otherwise known as fossil fuels.
Talk about an issue that is lacking relevant. If all of your claims were true, it still would not be in the top 1000 things screwing over mankind and keeping America in a third world outhouse. The Geo engineering of removing most of the major biore regional habitats in North America is certainly a prescient topic. Longleaf pine Forest of the southeast, gone. The Eastern hardwood deciduous forest that covered half of the continent is hanging on by a fingernail. Three of its seven foundational species are gone and what is left is fractured and desecrated beyond recognition. The same with the tall grass prairies, the scrub lands of the Foothills and panhandle country. The only temperate rainforest left in the world is somewhat recognizable simply because of the mass overarching our infrastructure and the optic it gives from a satellite.
I don't care if every claim you make is true, they're not pertinent in the big picture not even amongst geoengineering in general. You should have been speaking out against geoengineering centuries ago. Hell, the Catholic is 13,000 trees to build that's an entire freaking Forest. I'm here to tell you, not what Jesus would do.....
Do better. Focus