I took the flu shot years ago after being pressured to take it and I have never gotten so sick. I was admitted to the ER with 105 degree temp. I thought I was going to die. Years later when my dr asked me when I was going to take the Covid shot I said never because of what had happened. Also, I knew it was bullshit. He said I was most likely allergic to one of the ingredients in the shot so perhaps best not to take the Covid shot. But he told me not to tell anyone that he advised me not to because he could get fired. They are still pushing this shot like crazy. I just saw a very pregnant woman at CVS getting her flu and Covid shot and it was all I could do to say don't do it. I did not. People are so indoctrinated. Keep posting Vigilant Fox. The more vigilant, the better! Thanks for all you do!
Dr. Ardis found that they used the flu shot participants as unwitting study groups for future vaccination (poison) protocols: Dr. Ardis Exposes the Influenza (Flu) Shot Fraud - If You Take IT YOU Are a Lab Rat: https://old.bitchute.com/video/QTb1GfWVy4fm [11:13mins] <---- must watch
These flu-shot campaigns - that have nothing to do with fighting the flu only turning us into human lap rats - were outlined in a 2005 video game: Predictive Programming: Video Game from 2005 Nakedly Exposes Globalist Vaccine Plan: https://old.bitchute.com/video/5IzaytCKYL5r [2:17mins]
If anyone takes the time to watch the above three videos in the order presented, you may just be shocked to learn that this world functions absolutely nothing like we've been taught.
If anything is free YOU are the product. If anything is incentivized - like grocery stores often giving 15% off of your total bill for getting the Flu shot while shopping - all bets are off. At that point, from their perspective, you're a paid subject and you've given up all your rights.
Good rule of thumb in 2025: If it's a needle, stay far far away from it.
It doesn’t blow my mind. I’m vaccine injured from the 2022 Flucelvax Quad shot. It gave me dyslexia and I have internal tremors still 2.5 years later. This shot has made my life a living hell. It included dog dna, lipid nanoparticles, aluminum adjuvants and mercury. Known neurotoxins. I’m allergic to dogs too. These shots are mad science in my opinion and nothing more than live human trials with no informed consent!!!! Created to make the “system” rich with side effects. Fk BIG PHARMA! Also, Fk the employers, CDC/FDA/HHS, Doctor offices (PCPs and Pediatricians), Medicare and Medicaid pushing these shots and paying/receiving financial incentives at human health expense. No recourse for me with over $20,000 out of pocket trying to get help.
Yes, vx injured also (CFS). One good thing that injury did for me was awaken me to what a scam the Vs are. Way back when first introduced Drs fought to decline them but we know who usually wins. My injury helped me dodge the 'safe & effective' bullet thankfully.
I had through CFS many hours to spend researching the whole thing, having given up my mousewheel job. Another perk.
I've seen the elderly succumb to the pressure of this flu one, some of them just get pneumonia and die. And the ones who narrowly escape death are told it would've been worse if they didn't take the needle.
I will never trust a white coat again. Liars all, aside from those who stepped down and gave up their careers in honouring their hippocratic oath. God bless them.
I cried watching this. Dr. Walensky should be mandated to take every damn "covid" shot and also to attend daily funerals of the children whose deaths she is responsible for. I have seen videos documenting the heart breaking grief suffered by those parents whose children died because they--the parents--were following the directions of Dr. Rochelle Walensky...I wonder how she will look in prison garb?
I really appreciate reading your articles on substack and x. I don’t pay for any subscriptions because I don’t have much income and just cannot afford it. I suggest you put a choice in your questions about what would encourage people to subscribe that allows people to answer “if I had more $$$”. Think it might be very common situation. Thank you from Australia for all of the work you do to inform the world.
Allowing senior government employees to spin through the revolving door to the Pharma $$$salary payday, after a career playing stupid (for various incentives) at the right time, has the same CORRUPTING impact as, allowing DoD flag and general officers to move directly into the Big Defense corporations upon retirement. THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.
Every year we would ask, does vaccine help prevent flu? “It does on some variants, & it changes every year”. So if u get sick, it must have been a different variant. What it does? Attacks your immune system, makes you weaker & sicker. How convenient
Exactly why as a senior and many decades before that I have avoided all vaccines. You have to be nutz to be taking any vaccine or mRMA poisons as well as most drugs. If you knew the truth about big pharma's poisons, you'd run for the hills and tell your doctor to go jump off a cliff so he could save your life.
Any 'vaccine' ....childhood, flu, convid...are all to create life long patients for big pharma. How else does one make billions of profit but to make people sick. Believing one needs to go to the big pharma drug dealers...ooops sorry...GPs....to find a cure...yea right. I got the flu jab ONCE in 2009 in my more unconscious days....and i was really sick. To describe the makers of the jabs as 'disappointed' that they weren't saving the elderly is tripe. The flu jab is there to cull. Convid jab was there to cull. The Spanish flu was not a flu...it was the experimental jab given out then that killed everyone and they called it the spanish flu. Humanity on one hand is too trusting and on the other hand totally duped and have allowed ourselves to be duped by media, big pharma, medicine, politics , to name a few.
"The flu vaccine is made to cull"...yes exactly so. Several years ago my husband took one of these shots and got horribly sick with whooping cough. My grown daughter also got whooping cough from this "vaccine"
He has refused all such "vaccines" ever since.
We all need to be adults and face the facts about what "they" did with our money....It is gone...disappeared.
And worse, the "care" they offer to the elderly is toxic and possibly lethal. Our government cannot afford to take good care of the elderly. These facts have been extensively covered by those investigating the "ventilator" deaths and now the ever rising tide of death from the covid "vaccines".
It is said that a true test of how highly evolved a culture is the kind of care given to the elderly and the helpless.
Japan takes wonderful care of their seniors.
Here in the United Snakes we just kill 'em and burn 'em up as fast possible to destroy the evidence of the crime.
I have been aware for a few decades . that flu shots , "Give you the flu" and mRNA could kill you. I don't believe any of Big pHARMa lies .
but as long as Big pHARMa can get the public to believe their lies and buy their drugs , this rip off will continue . we have to be informed of the poisons in our food and drugs so we can say NO!
I never get a flu shot and have not had the flu for over 5 years. My husband use to get the shot every year and always got sick right after, sometimes several times a year. Coincidence? I think not. Do not get the flu shot!
I took my healthy but elderly cat to a new vet because we moved to another town recently. My cat had a slight injury from an ingrown claw. My cat was healthy and eating well before that. She took him another room and said she had to vaccinate him because it is "the law" before I had a chance to protest. Our old vet loved him and had given us a fake certificate so we could fly on the plane ..... I think he knew the hidden agenda.
Since that time I watch my kitty wither and wither and today he cannot get up to drink water.
I am sad....very very sad. At this point in my life he was a dear friend and companion. Many friends that had before covid "Died suddenly"
Did this vet kill my cat? I have heard others say that the "vaccines" are killing our pets. They are being "culled" just like we are.
I believe she knew she was killing him because of her demeanor.
I marvel that the parents whose children have died from the fake "vaccines" have not stormed the office of Dr. Rochelle Walinsky who assured them it was totally "safe."
Fact is these "vaccines" were designed to kill us and cause sterility.
I took the flu shot years ago after being pressured to take it and I have never gotten so sick. I was admitted to the ER with 105 degree temp. I thought I was going to die. Years later when my dr asked me when I was going to take the Covid shot I said never because of what had happened. Also, I knew it was bullshit. He said I was most likely allergic to one of the ingredients in the shot so perhaps best not to take the Covid shot. But he told me not to tell anyone that he advised me not to because he could get fired. They are still pushing this shot like crazy. I just saw a very pregnant woman at CVS getting her flu and Covid shot and it was all I could do to say don't do it. I did not. People are so indoctrinated. Keep posting Vigilant Fox. The more vigilant, the better! Thanks for all you do!
That woman's foetus was likely stillborn, or born with numerous health complications. The Hippocratic Oath is long gone.
Couple more:
FCDC Doctors Found Flu Vaccine Ineffective/Harmful in 1960, The Findings Were Hidden: https://old.bitchute.com/video/njqLkT3EqJsP [2:17mins]
Dr. Ardis found that they used the flu shot participants as unwitting study groups for future vaccination (poison) protocols: Dr. Ardis Exposes the Influenza (Flu) Shot Fraud - If You Take IT YOU Are a Lab Rat: https://old.bitchute.com/video/QTb1GfWVy4fm [11:13mins] <---- must watch
These flu-shot campaigns - that have nothing to do with fighting the flu only turning us into human lap rats - were outlined in a 2005 video game: Predictive Programming: Video Game from 2005 Nakedly Exposes Globalist Vaccine Plan: https://old.bitchute.com/video/5IzaytCKYL5r [2:17mins]
If anyone takes the time to watch the above three videos in the order presented, you may just be shocked to learn that this world functions absolutely nothing like we've been taught.
If anything is free YOU are the product. If anything is incentivized - like grocery stores often giving 15% off of your total bill for getting the Flu shot while shopping - all bets are off. At that point, from their perspective, you're a paid subject and you've given up all your rights.
Good rule of thumb in 2025: If it's a needle, stay far far away from it.
Thanks, TriTorch! You're always a fount of great information!
Thanks Fred!
It doesn’t blow my mind. I’m vaccine injured from the 2022 Flucelvax Quad shot. It gave me dyslexia and I have internal tremors still 2.5 years later. This shot has made my life a living hell. It included dog dna, lipid nanoparticles, aluminum adjuvants and mercury. Known neurotoxins. I’m allergic to dogs too. These shots are mad science in my opinion and nothing more than live human trials with no informed consent!!!! Created to make the “system” rich with side effects. Fk BIG PHARMA! Also, Fk the employers, CDC/FDA/HHS, Doctor offices (PCPs and Pediatricians), Medicare and Medicaid pushing these shots and paying/receiving financial incentives at human health expense. No recourse for me with over $20,000 out of pocket trying to get help.
And created to cull the herd - and WE are the herd.
You’ve got that backwards. But that’s somehow appropriate for Fox consumers. Have a nice day.
It was CBS that released the results, so now what do you say, you JackAss?
Yes, vx injured also (CFS). One good thing that injury did for me was awaken me to what a scam the Vs are. Way back when first introduced Drs fought to decline them but we know who usually wins. My injury helped me dodge the 'safe & effective' bullet thankfully.
I had through CFS many hours to spend researching the whole thing, having given up my mousewheel job. Another perk.
I've seen the elderly succumb to the pressure of this flu one, some of them just get pneumonia and die. And the ones who narrowly escape death are told it would've been worse if they didn't take the needle.
I will never trust a white coat again. Liars all, aside from those who stepped down and gave up their careers in honouring their hippocratic oath. God bless them.
So sorry to hear this.
I cried watching this. Dr. Walensky should be mandated to take every damn "covid" shot and also to attend daily funerals of the children whose deaths she is responsible for. I have seen videos documenting the heart breaking grief suffered by those parents whose children died because they--the parents--were following the directions of Dr. Rochelle Walensky...I wonder how she will look in prison garb?
I really appreciate reading your articles on substack and x. I don’t pay for any subscriptions because I don’t have much income and just cannot afford it. I suggest you put a choice in your questions about what would encourage people to subscribe that allows people to answer “if I had more $$$”. Think it might be very common situation. Thank you from Australia for all of the work you do to inform the world.
Overview Influenza and vitamin D has 100+ Influenza studies
- - - - Example titles - - - - -
FDA hired a person to study flu vaccine effectiveness, found problems, was fired
Questions about influenza vaccines by a former director of its research - Feb 2025
Influenza prevented by 40 ng levels or treated with vitamin D hammer (50,000 IU) – June 2015
Influenza infection 5X less likely if got vitamin D – small RCT Feb 2022
Influenza, pneumonia, or ear infections almost 2X more likely if low vitamin D - Jan 2023
No shots, no meds, no hospitals or anything else that the medical industrial complex offers, just say NO, and you might just live.
If you say yes you probably won’t !!!
Allowing senior government employees to spin through the revolving door to the Pharma $$$salary payday, after a career playing stupid (for various incentives) at the right time, has the same CORRUPTING impact as, allowing DoD flag and general officers to move directly into the Big Defense corporations upon retirement. THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.
Every year we would ask, does vaccine help prevent flu? “It does on some variants, & it changes every year”. So if u get sick, it must have been a different variant. What it does? Attacks your immune system, makes you weaker & sicker. How convenient
Exactly why as a senior and many decades before that I have avoided all vaccines. You have to be nutz to be taking any vaccine or mRMA poisons as well as most drugs. If you knew the truth about big pharma's poisons, you'd run for the hills and tell your doctor to go jump off a cliff so he could save your life.
In '20, when my naturopath outlined the alternative protocol to the jab,
he also advised:
"IF you plan to have the flu shot, I would advise against it. Word is out that they
'recreating' it"
I have not had a flu shot in years.
I have instead kept on hand Boiron Oscillococcinum Homeopathic Medicine for flu
Only needed it once and that was years ago, but it worked immediately.
Any 'vaccine' ....childhood, flu, convid...are all to create life long patients for big pharma. How else does one make billions of profit but to make people sick. Believing one needs to go to the big pharma drug dealers...ooops sorry...GPs....to find a cure...yea right. I got the flu jab ONCE in 2009 in my more unconscious days....and i was really sick. To describe the makers of the jabs as 'disappointed' that they weren't saving the elderly is tripe. The flu jab is there to cull. Convid jab was there to cull. The Spanish flu was not a flu...it was the experimental jab given out then that killed everyone and they called it the spanish flu. Humanity on one hand is too trusting and on the other hand totally duped and have allowed ourselves to be duped by media, big pharma, medicine, politics , to name a few.
"The flu vaccine is made to cull"...yes exactly so. Several years ago my husband took one of these shots and got horribly sick with whooping cough. My grown daughter also got whooping cough from this "vaccine"
He has refused all such "vaccines" ever since.
We all need to be adults and face the facts about what "they" did with our money....It is gone...disappeared.
And worse, the "care" they offer to the elderly is toxic and possibly lethal. Our government cannot afford to take good care of the elderly. These facts have been extensively covered by those investigating the "ventilator" deaths and now the ever rising tide of death from the covid "vaccines".
It is said that a true test of how highly evolved a culture is the kind of care given to the elderly and the helpless.
Japan takes wonderful care of their seniors.
Here in the United Snakes we just kill 'em and burn 'em up as fast possible to destroy the evidence of the crime.
couldn't agree more.
I have been aware for a few decades . that flu shots , "Give you the flu" and mRNA could kill you. I don't believe any of Big pHARMa lies .
but as long as Big pHARMa can get the public to believe their lies and buy their drugs , this rip off will continue . we have to be informed of the poisons in our food and drugs so we can say NO!
When one dumps the virus narrative, one may begin to see that 'shots' appear as spurious as the entities they claim to treat.
I never get a flu shot and have not had the flu for over 5 years. My husband use to get the shot every year and always got sick right after, sometimes several times a year. Coincidence? I think not. Do not get the flu shot!
Some experts say our pets are being euthanized.
I took my healthy but elderly cat to a new vet because we moved to another town recently. My cat had a slight injury from an ingrown claw. My cat was healthy and eating well before that. She took him another room and said she had to vaccinate him because it is "the law" before I had a chance to protest. Our old vet loved him and had given us a fake certificate so we could fly on the plane ..... I think he knew the hidden agenda.
Since that time I watch my kitty wither and wither and today he cannot get up to drink water.
I am sad....very very sad. At this point in my life he was a dear friend and companion. Many friends that had before covid "Died suddenly"
Did this vet kill my cat? I have heard others say that the "vaccines" are killing our pets. They are being "culled" just like we are.
I believe she knew she was killing him because of her demeanor.
I marvel that the parents whose children have died from the fake "vaccines" have not stormed the office of Dr. Rochelle Walinsky who assured them it was totally "safe."
Fact is these "vaccines" were designed to kill us and cause sterility.