You are absolutely right! Never in American history has an Administration put in place such an incompetent, unqualified, uneducated group of psychopaths. Karoline is remarkable for one thing! Her amazing ability to spew bullshit after blowing the President!
Her brain is clear…sharp…full of truth and reality…not fogged by irrational idiocies…of irrationality…and cognitive deficiencies…and LIES! She’s beautiful to boot!
I believe if you strive to learn, grow, develop, challenge & strengthen your mind .. many neurons in your brain can keep growing. How many people in their mid-twenties have fully challenged their minds? I'll bet Karoline's brain neurons are rapidly expanding far beyond most her age - and will continue to ~
They use to believe that you were born with only X amount of brain neurons for your entire life, and that was it. We now know that's not true. You can stimulate brain neurons with lifestyle; exercise, diet; meditation, learning new skills, music, art, etc. So, since it's fluid, who's to say what our full neurological development is?
You are correct. My point is that the brain reaches its full potential by the mid-twenties, therefore Leavitt's brain is on the same level as an older person, possibly better. Therefore, there is no reason to question her qualifications for the job at age 27.
If you’re a cunt, you’re gonna get the hate. You people live to hate…it’s your stock and trade. Hateful bullies…well…we’re coming for you so…clutch those pearls sweetie.
I especially loved the Bernie SMACKDOWN by Bobby, and calling out all the senate and congress for taking millions from BIG PHARMA for their cooperation in 'poisoning (my word)' Americans... TREASON! Lets put them in JAIL!
If the government wants me to believe it was a leak from a Chinese lab, then most likely the truth is the opposite and supported by certain facts. It was not a leak, it was a deliberate release to start the Scamdemic. Not a Chinese lab, but most likely one of the many US labs, including the 20+ in Ukraine, the records of which are in possession of the Russian military.
I am getting sick of the lies about "covid escaping a wuhan lab".
Covid was developed by the Pentagon and released near Ft Detrick Maryland. The first people that got the non-mutated real deal had their lungs "fill up with glass" and it all got blamed on e-cigarettes. Anyone remember that? How e-cigs got blamed??? That happened MONTHS before there was any mention at all about a lab in Wuhan, and when it was mentioned, there were 7 total variants in the U.S. with only 3 variants in China. That again proves the virus was released in the US, and the Pentagon had a "vax" ready to go. Only it was not a vax, it was the second kill wave shot.
It is obvious America's own government wanted whatever it was to spread by blaming e-cigarettes at first, and at "the right time" they were going to suddenly announce it was in fact a new virus to scare the hell out of the public. People really were supposed to be dying in droves everywhere. But the mutations castrated the virus, it failed early on and that saved everyone who was smart enough to realize not enough people were dying to justify a shot.
She is fantastic and finally we have someone that puts these lying jackasses in their place. Just a couple observations: I’m disappointed, after unwarranted criticisms, that she removed the Cross necklace she was wearing. She needs to stick to her convictions. Also, has anyone seen Peter Ducci in the press room?
I figured she must have gotten harsh criticism for wearing the necklace, since she didn't have it on today.
Either way, it's so apparent that she is highly moral!! And extremely intelligent. It's nice to see that combination together. 🥰
Having said that, I hope she does the bring the cross back, when she feels inclined.
Today, she looked more like a Vogue model then someone on their way to church. Both looks are nice. But the brains she brings to the table are just as jaw-dropping.
So you didn’t like what I said? Let me at least say this…on top of all her talents…she’s beautiful to boot! So there…who-ever-you are… who took my comment down! Still censoring comments!
No doubt that Karoline Leavitt was hired on based her competence, merit and skills. She's in total control of the room. WH reporters are now on their best behaviour. She shots down fake news or misrepresented truth while delivering ckear and articulate messages. Impressive!
Watching the New Administration from across the “Pond” it IS extremely Refreshing to watch things getting done, promises being fulfilled. While here in U.K. we are about to step into either a CCP-UK or a North Korean-GB as our freedom of speech or any expression of disapproval of the government will land us ALL in Prison for many, many years.
When you can’t possibly defend the insanity you’ve been spinning for years, sitting down and shutting up in the face of so much common sense sounds like a solid plan to me.
Every one of Trumps picks are a stark contrast to the clown show we endured under,Biden. Karoline is remarkable for her age. So calm and in control.
Karoline Leavitt brings honor to her job as Donald J. Trump's, White House Press Secretary.
Her intelligent, informed, prepared, clear, concise answers - are SO refreshing! ✨ 😃
She needs no binder- only her razor sharp mind & hours of hard work preparing for her job.
She is a PROFESSIONAL - along with Trump's team. 👍👍👍
The circus 🤡🤡🤡 - legally voted OUT - are gone.
Sanity & common sense - have returned. 👏👏👏
Amen Sister! 🇺🇸
She’s a broke butch body bottle blonde. A cunt. Perfect for your cabal.
Clown Show Contrast!…great description
Great minds think alike. 😀
You are absolutely right! Never in American history has an Administration put in place such an incompetent, unqualified, uneducated group of psychopaths. Karoline is remarkable for one thing! Her amazing ability to spew bullshit after blowing the President!
🤡 you’re the only clown believing this shit.
Her brain is clear…sharp…full of truth and reality…not fogged by irrational idiocies…of irrationality…and cognitive deficiencies…and LIES! She’s beautiful to boot!
The brain reaches full neurological development in age mid-twenties.
I believe if you strive to learn, grow, develop, challenge & strengthen your mind .. many neurons in your brain can keep growing. How many people in their mid-twenties have fully challenged their minds? I'll bet Karoline's brain neurons are rapidly expanding far beyond most her age - and will continue to ~
They use to believe that you were born with only X amount of brain neurons for your entire life, and that was it. We now know that's not true. You can stimulate brain neurons with lifestyle; exercise, diet; meditation, learning new skills, music, art, etc. So, since it's fluid, who's to say what our full neurological development is?
You are correct. My point is that the brain reaches its full potential by the mid-twenties, therefore Leavitt's brain is on the same level as an older person, possibly better. Therefore, there is no reason to question her qualifications for the job at age 27.
Thank you for your reply…though they took my comment down! They can’t stand truth!
Yeah…🤣🤣🤣🤣 keep eating your makeup
she is a rockstar!!
Amazing how easy that job is when you can tell the truth and not have to worry about back pedaling later.
Definitely must be easier when you don't have allow for previous lies, your own or those of others.
Haven’t heard a single word of truth. Just hatred bitchy cunty lies.
About time somebody put them in their place
Last time we had that was Sarah who they hated as I am certain will be the case for
If you’re a cunt, you’re gonna get the hate. You people live to hate…it’s your stock and trade. Hateful bullies…well…we’re coming for you so…clutch those pearls sweetie.
You must take me for someone else. . . I don't wear pearls. .
I especially loved the Bernie SMACKDOWN by Bobby, and calling out all the senate and congress for taking millions from BIG PHARMA for their cooperation in 'poisoning (my word)' Americans... TREASON! Lets put them in JAIL!
If the government wants me to believe it was a leak from a Chinese lab, then most likely the truth is the opposite and supported by certain facts. It was not a leak, it was a deliberate release to start the Scamdemic. Not a Chinese lab, but most likely one of the many US labs, including the 20+ in Ukraine, the records of which are in possession of the Russian military.
I am getting sick of the lies about "covid escaping a wuhan lab".
Covid was developed by the Pentagon and released near Ft Detrick Maryland. The first people that got the non-mutated real deal had their lungs "fill up with glass" and it all got blamed on e-cigarettes. Anyone remember that? How e-cigs got blamed??? That happened MONTHS before there was any mention at all about a lab in Wuhan, and when it was mentioned, there were 7 total variants in the U.S. with only 3 variants in China. That again proves the virus was released in the US, and the Pentagon had a "vax" ready to go. Only it was not a vax, it was the second kill wave shot.
It is obvious America's own government wanted whatever it was to spread by blaming e-cigarettes at first, and at "the right time" they were going to suddenly announce it was in fact a new virus to scare the hell out of the public. People really were supposed to be dying in droves everywhere. But the mutations castrated the virus, it failed early on and that saved everyone who was smart enough to realize not enough people were dying to justify a shot.
How does one account for the "covid test kits" being shipped worldwide in 2018? If true, any talk of a "lab leak" is false.
She is fantastic and finally we have someone that puts these lying jackasses in their place. Just a couple observations: I’m disappointed, after unwarranted criticisms, that she removed the Cross necklace she was wearing. She needs to stick to her convictions. Also, has anyone seen Peter Ducci in the press room?
I figured she must have gotten harsh criticism for wearing the necklace, since she didn't have it on today.
Either way, it's so apparent that she is highly moral!! And extremely intelligent. It's nice to see that combination together. 🥰
Having said that, I hope she does the bring the cross back, when she feels inclined.
Today, she looked more like a Vogue model then someone on their way to church. Both looks are nice. But the brains she brings to the table are just as jaw-dropping.
I think you meant Peter Doocy. Perhaps your spellcheck got it wrong. Darn that spellcheck.
You all are so easily played by the same game you accuse the other side of … you’re all fools. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Love this Woman! Fantastic Press Secretary!
Most of the LameStream media look like they're sucking on lemon's! 😂🤣😂
Amazing how easy that job is when you can tell the truth and not have to worry about back pedaling later.
Those who make stuff up can’t answer a question succinctly because they’re trying to remember which lie they told last time they were asked.
So you didn’t like what I said? Let me at least say this…on top of all her talents…she’s beautiful to boot! So there…who-ever-you are… who took my comment down! Still censoring comments!
What a composure and style! Bravo!
No doubt that Karoline Leavitt was hired on based her competence, merit and skills. She's in total control of the room. WH reporters are now on their best behaviour. She shots down fake news or misrepresented truth while delivering ckear and articulate messages. Impressive!
Watching the New Administration from across the “Pond” it IS extremely Refreshing to watch things getting done, promises being fulfilled. While here in U.K. we are about to step into either a CCP-UK or a North Korean-GB as our freedom of speech or any expression of disapproval of the government will land us ALL in Prison for many, many years.
The look on those journalists faces tells the story. They're not in Kansas anymore.
When you can’t possibly defend the insanity you’ve been spinning for years, sitting down and shutting up in the face of so much common sense sounds like a solid plan to me.