Definitely true. One key point about timeline I've never forgotten: JFK fired Allen Dulles, CIA chief, and Dulles goes home and continues to run the CIA from his home! Then after JFK's death, Dulles gets appointed to the Warren Commission to investigate JFK's death!

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The Warren Commission was a farce. It was a complete fabrication to hide the truth. There were at least 5 gunmen comprised of mafia sharp shooters and CIA operatives. I remember watching the assassination unfold on TV that day. I was home sick with the flu from school. I watched in horror as the President's convertible slowed to a stop long enough for the final bullet to be fired from a manhole. They had to make sure he died that day. I still wonder who is actually buried at Arlington National Cemetery with the eternal flame. Is it RFK or the police officer that resembled him killed in Dallas that day with the bodies switched at the hospital. You can't make this stuff up.

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I agree. Horrific. And, what of the close-range shot from the "apparent" front of the vehicle, at least from what I saw from the Abraham Zapruda 8mm film?!

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You would enjoy reading "The Devils Chessboard" a book about the evil bastard Allen Dulles. His brother was cut from the same cloth.

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Yes, I have it, excellent! This is where I learned about the evil Dulles brothers!

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Check out "One Nation Under Blackmail"

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Volume 1 and 2

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The Arthur Schlesinger memo also adds to this narrative.

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Have heard of it. Can you share a link? Thank you

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Here's a link to the first 5 pages...chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2025/0318/157-10002-10056.pdf

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Thank you

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Is anyone really surprised to find out part of the CIA was behind the Kennedy Assassination? Why do you think it was hidden so long? I'm sure they were also behind the murder of Marilyn Monroe. She heard or saw something she shouldn't have. CIA is NOT legally supposed to operate on American soil. That makes me question what they really do? It's still happening today. Look at all the people who spoke out against the Clintons and were suddenly dead. Those were not the accidents we were lead to believe. There is still no such thing as coincidence.

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Exactly.Mike Pompeo told us what they normally do. As former CIA, bragging with that self-righteous zionist smirk on his face, "I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It’s – it was like – we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment"

God help us, this experiment has to end. 🙏

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It was interesting how he was able to Twitter post …. Especially using a Twitter tool you have to be asked or invited to use …… he hid one post after it was pointed out …. Not the second one ….. oops …. Yeah screen shots somewhere …..

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Yes, technology does have that benefit to help us get the word out and wake people up. Speaking of bad things planned by the CIA, they ( Pompeo & Co) actually hatched a plan to poison Julius Assange. 🥲

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I heard.

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Yes you’re asking the right questions!

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It is truly tragic that there are people in high level gov positions that have no regard for human life and can work within dark conspiracies to assassinate people, and then wantonly murder anyone and everyone that may have even remote information to implicate them.

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WAR is mostly for massive endless profits and to depop the strongest most Patriotic young men, then 1/2 the survivors in body & mind to be of no more danger to the "Unseen Hand" that has directed the nations and posterity toward a NWO under a O.W.Gov. for many Century's along with complicit major power players literally own Earth monetarily, albeit by FIAT;

The many unknown Patriots, with Trump & players are on this, tho are dealing with an Earth engulfing octopus with tentacles every where at all levels, in most all systems and 0rgs whether understood to be or not...!

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Dear VF

Israel Assassinated President John F. Kennedy

Who had the means, motive, and opportunity to assassinate President John Fitzgerald Kennedy? Only one group had the power and therefore, the means, as they did on June 8, 1967, September 11, 2001, and still do today. Israel assassinated President John Fitzgerald Kennedy for stopping them from obtaining nuclear weapons. That was the number one motive. Yes, there were other motives, and these were; having the American Zionist Council (AIPAC today) register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act; Executive Order 11110; ending the Vietnam War and therefore the military-industrial complex; stopping the oil depletion allowance for big oil; and splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces. All went along with it for their own psychotic reasons, but Israel obtaining nuclear weapons was the true motive. James Jesus Angleton, chief of counterintelligence for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1954 to 1975, and starting in 1951, also the head of the Israel desk and the emissary with Israel’s Mossad and Shin Bet agencies. Angleton was the liaison between Israel and the United States that facilitated this barbaric coup d’etat.

I researched and found out, of the 27 Warren Commission counsel and staff members, 18 were Jewish. The mathematical chance for 18 Jewish American males being general counsel, assistant counsel, and staff members out of the 27 on the Warren Commission is, 1 in 391,576,005,273,123,200.

Also, almost no one knows of the five Jewish members on the Warren Commission that somehow miraculously all came to the conclusion of the single bullet theory simultaneously. The totally preposterous single bullet theory, which was used to prove a lone gunman was responsible and therefore no conspiracy, was put forth by Arlen Spector (later a five-time United States Senator from Pennsylvania) and four other Jewish members of the Warren Commission. "Warren Commission staff lawyer Norman Redlich was asked by author Vincent Bugliosi in 2005 whether Specter was the sole author of the single bullet theory and he said, 'No, we all came to this conclusion simultaneously.' When asked who he meant by 'we', he said, 'Arlen, myself, Howard Willens, David Belin, and Mel Eisenberg.' Specter did not respond to Bugliosi's request for a clarification on the issue." Bugliosi, p. 301 - 306.

Mark R. Elsis


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Good assessment Mark!

One detail that consistently muddies the waters of this discussion is the ties between Israel/Mossad, the MIC, organized crime and the CIA. Like woven strands of a rope, there are many threads in this intricate braid and you can be right, but so can others simultaneously.

Dangerous times we live in where we can dare to speak/write such things. In the past, you and I would be on borrowed time. Perhaps.

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The CIA may have a part in the assassination but there is undeniable proof that LBJ ordered the assassination of JFK. He was a ruthless, evil man.

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But the big picture is not about a man but about a perpetual organization.

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Why do the Dems work against the American public and the admin currently in place? What is the reason for constant push for division. Do not folks want unity ever? Opportunities are greater when working together. Adversity limits everything.

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There will be Peace when the democRat Bolsheviks have the Patriots in their graves or cowed into submission. The former Soviet Union's beginnings offer the playbook from 1913.

2025=1775 Pre-pared ??? No one is coming to rescue We/Me/You but Us.

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Follow the money Jay, you know the answer. Freedom comes from our Creator, not government. Power & money, false gods. Every person, every day, has to choose:


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Makes sense. Notice how small groups in all the agencies that attacked Mr. Trump. The problem with these agencies is the cover-ups, as usual.

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My father was CIA and “died” of a heart attack around that time. We couldn’t get his body back for a month. Many suspicious things concerning his death. I’m hoping to find some information about it. Do I think the CIA murdered my father? Yes I do.

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I know this is true, but my question is; Will any of this ever change! I don’t believe so as much as I want to, but so far what I have seen is a lot of talk by everyone in this new admin, all talk! As they saying goes, Actions speak louder then words and so far the actions are not in our favor!

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Possibly "threading the needle", just How much Force can be applied while keeping the framework of the Constitution Intact; While that Constitution is being destroyed by the democRat bureaucrazy & judicial bolsheviks.

Understanding that violence is the recourse of these democRats as previously demonstrated in their "Summer of Love" with Saint George of Floyd.

Expecting More False Flag Events, MAGA news and supporters are being "Swatted" in very Large numbers, beyond the limited reporting so far.

2025=1775 Restore the Constitutional Republic

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Restore the Constitution, You say! When they are shutting us down for free speech! What happened to Khalil is egregious! He spoke out about the genocide occurring in Gaza and Thump only cares about making Gaza a resort! ITS A FACT!

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After the Last 4 Years of Silencing of American Citizen’s Free Speech by the O’biden Regime, sending Jan 6th Trespassers to prison for 5 to 15 years ….

Poor Khalil is only being Deported with his Green Card Revoked.

Go Cry Me A River!!!

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CIA involvement leaked many yrs ago, even before Stone's speculative movie, and no surprise,since JFK wanted to dismantle the CIA, as well as the Federal Reserve.

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Doubting that Rob nor Newsmax actually “uncovered” this – I’ve seen it reported by others. Diehard conservative here, but neither a fan of Newsmax (hate their format) nor Rob who are currently running a repeating ad on Salem radio trying to scare old folks into believing that Social Security is on the chopping block, and to tune in to their “special report.“ My opinion is that these people are “self promotion“ and click-and-share whores in it more for financial gain than saving our republic, and that they do us patriots no favors in contributing to the left’s astroturfing.

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Gold gold gold. All talk of returning to gold standard. Follow the money.





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Yes. Newsmax is 100% a propaganda machine. So obvious it makes me sick. Why didn't they include a copy of the unclassified document identifying the claimed assasin?

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My father worked in the Executive office under Eisenhower and Kennedy. My psychic grandmother told my dad that Kennedy should not go to Dallas as he would not return. When Kennedy was shot my dad came home that day and looked ashen. He never mentioned my grandmas remark as he thought his office would think he was nuts. You don't express the revelations of a psychic and risk your top security clearance. My father admired Kennedy and was a USNA grad and about the same age at the time. My dad died at age 45 in 1965.

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Duh? They suicided him for revealing the truth 💀

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Finding a relevant Straw in the Strawpile … and Perhaps another View is to garner the Truth as the opposite from the Avalanche of GrubMint Lies.

We/Me/You already Knew the Warren Commission was bunk. The Pathology Report on JFK from the Trump Release in his 1st Term confirmed the Frontal Head Shot.

More Importantly, President Trump has Yet to receive a Full Disclosure on the Butler, PA assassination attempt.

This isn’t Trivial !!! Where would you/me/we BE Today with Another democRat Coup president??? Si vis pacem para bellum, this ain’t over, it probably is Just Starting. Conduct yourselves Accordingly.

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Like Vince Foster, Underhill shot himself in the back of the head... twice. Suicide!

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Vince Foster and Seth Rich DemocRats Inside the Beast that had to be Eliminated.

What happened to the Weiner Laptop ??? probably more relevant to Current Events.

Anyone in the WH, DoJ or FBI even remembering it ??? Doubtful.

In another 60 years ..... It won't matter either, just like JFK today.

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George H W Bush was head of the CIA at the time. LBJ was complicit as was John Connelly. This was common knowledge in the truth seeker community. So it’s fair to say George Bush also knew as did Jeb. This family is the MOST evil family in America’s history. Followed closely by the Clintons. Justice is coming for ALL of them in the here and now and the hereafter. No one escapes the seeds they sow.

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Not so sure about "The Here & Now", though the Bushies, Clintoons, etc. should arrive in the Hereafter for their 2nd Judgement asap, imo.

I wish you well in the cominf travails, All the very best to you and yours.

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