This article originally appeared on m o d e r n i t y and was republished with permission.
Guest post by @ModernityNews
A man in Seattle bought a Model S Tesla, a car that costs upwards of $76,880 new, just so he could scribble dawbings all over it and hit it with a pick axe to “protest” against Elon Musk.
Yes, really. This guy is that retarded.
‘Greg’ and his equally idiotic friend wrote “Fuk Elon Musk” on the car (someone tell him how to spell ‘fuck’ for the love of Christ) and added signs saying “Musk is a bad immigrant” and “Tesla supports Fascists.”
“We don’t like what Elon Musk is doing,” they reasoned, with Greg adding of the Tesla “I bought it just to destroy it.”
Here’s a longer version of the Frontlines report:
We’ve seen Hollywood liberal weirdos selling off their Teslas and giving the proceeds to NPR, which is almost as retarded as this, but not quite.
Buying a Tesla and then completely destroying it isn’t going to hurt Musk. He’s already got your money Greg.
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Sick and stupid