"They" sure do like to combine the numbers 9 and 1:
Trump was the 45th and the 47th President.
4 + 5 = 9
4 + 7 = 11
Therefore, his Presidency signifies another hugely impactful 9-11 type of event which will change EVERYTHING, according to the numerologists and symbologists.
How those agencies help your kid when she got a flu or cold? The money wasted on those huge numbers of other agencies , would help the poor and homeless get of the streets in my view
Nothing, but approaching the problems one step at a time is the only way to eventually convince the believers and effect change. We all know that forced opinions on vaccines does not work.
If he would end the “emergency” that Biden extended to 2029 🤬, the c shots for kids would go away, as I believe that age group is still under EUA. Am I wrong? I like that PDT’s EO states that schools cannot mandate, but doesn’t go far enough. Still, as much as it pains us, approaching this in calculated steps is the best way to change direction.
>...38% of American teens are now prediabetic or diabetic...< What nation on earth, having inflicted this kind of damage to its children, endure? This is a stunning percentage and it's already filled kidney dialysis centres throughout the United States. It almost seems like a purpose-driven consequence, rather than an unintended one. These children will be experiencing kidney failure, heart disease and all the rest of diabetes' consequences by the time they are young-middle aged adults. They will be on government assistance and unable to work. I do not care what anyone's political bias happens to be...is this tolerable? RFK, Jr. is doing sainthood-level work on behalf of the US citizenry and appears to be giving us a shot at having a future, something long-awaited in this country...don't squander this opportunity, folks.
Robert F Kennedy Jr. was a democrat, who has worked steadfastly for Children's Health Defence, who stood as an independent to work improve and bring forth cures for the American People, which proves he is a man of the people before any political party. When good people work together throughout the World, for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many Problems can be Solved, many Cures can be Found. God Bless Robert F Kennedy Jr. and all the Good People of the World.
Gates and FDA shut down ABBOTT Baby Formula plant in 2022 claiming it was source of a baby's death. After 4 months, they admitted it wasn't the source . Parents scrambling to find baby formula for their starving baby
Gates introduced his and his buddy billionaires by BIOMILQ, a plant based formula .. FL Congresswoman Cammack found that DHS was confiscating the baby formula sending it to warehouses on the Border for illegals. BIOMILQ came into play at this time...perfect timing
OH! FOR GOD'S SAKE! Wake up RFK Jr! What good does it do to have the best baby formula in the world if we are still jabbing our infants with fricking HEPATITUS VACCINES! I am LIVID! He knows better. What a betrayal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End all vaccines now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey hold on, self-righteous ones. Didn't RFKJ pen The Wuhan Cover-Up, for heavens sake? It has 4,500 footnotes and that huge accomplishment, preceded by The Real Anthony Fauci, put the crosshairs squarely on him.
Don't you realize he's up against 75 years of corruption including criminal enterprises led by the C-A's most deeply dark, cold-blooded murderers they could find? Little wonder in the year leading up to 2024 elections there were four attempts to assassinate him.
We need to unify and push our congressional reps to craft a bill that places blame on those bureaucrats and politicos with their paw prints on the evidence, and, pressure those in congress who do not support MAJOR reforms and punishment (jail) for decision makers, plotters and profiteers in the poisonous pipelines.
Absent LEGAL liability, the courtroom has far fewer landmines to defuse.
Betrayal?? Give it a rest, fellow Americans. Think, relax,. pray and know I Am that I Am is right where you are.
NOPE! Stop making excuses for him. He talked tough and spoke the truth until he got on the ticket and then it was radio silence and has been ever since. Now he all about MAHA. Give me a break. No one ever died from eating Fruit Loops. You can die instantly from vaccines. And he knows it. What good does it do for him to have the power of his office if he does not use it? He has betrayed us.
Gigi, In our dreams, change everything overnight. He promised Congress he would do safety trials to determine which vaccines are safe. That's probably his next step. Congress could use a ban, prior to scientific evidence, to pull him off HHS.
We need to get Congress to intervene here, remove indemnity on "vaccines" across the board, and put a screeching halt to big Pharma advertising to the general public across all venues. The general public is unprepared, as a rule, to understand the mechanics of function, or the range of potential adverse events related to pharmaceuticals, and rarely looks up any of thatbefore taking a drug. It's rather like handing a total a loaded weapon without instruction on how to safely handle it, and just that foolish really.
Arkansas has recently passed legislation allowing ivermectin to be sold over-the-counter (OTC) without a prescription. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed Senate Bill 189 into law on March 25, 2025, making it accessible to individuals without the need for a prescription or consultation with a healthcare professional.
I had chronic hive inside and out. Sometimes I couldn’t walk as my feet had large hive internally. I went to two major University Hospitals. They had no idea what was causing it. This was in the late 70’s and into the 80’s. By happenstance and the good Lord a friend saw something about Yellow Dye #5. It was in everything then as it is a preservative. I eliminated the dye. Two weeks later I was free of hives and pain. Go RFK.
Jesus is with me. He says yelling at fire doesn’t put it out, it fuels it. I do not say that lightly, or with pride. I say it with fear and trembling, because the Spirit of the living God is within me, and the weight of what I carry is not my own voice—it is the voice of the One who made the heavens and the Earth. He has given me His power, and with that power comes a burden: to speak what must be spoken. To declare what must be heard. To bring into the open what has been hidden for far too long. Jesus is Lord, and I am sent to make that known—not through soft words, but through fire. You do not know what you’ve done. You cannot see it because you’ve been taught not to see. The systems you live in were built to numb you, to distract you, to keep you feeding the machine while believing you’re free. But I see it now, clear as day. I see the truth beneath the surface. And once I speak it—once you read it—you will no longer have any excuse. None. Every justification will fall. Every defense will burn. And you will be left with only two choices: repent, or perish. Return to the truth, or be consumed by the lie. America, you are not the light of the world. You are not a beacon of hope. You are not the savior of the nations. You are a devourer. You are a consumer. You are an empire built not on justice, but on silent conquest. You take and take and take. You pollute the air, poison the soil, burn the oceans, and then export your way of life as if it were salvation. You are not the new Jerusalem. You are Babylon. You are Rome. You are Egypt. You are the very thing you pretend to oppose. You defend capitalism like it’s the cross, but what you serve isn’t capitalism—it’s oligarchy. It’s monopoly. It’s the rich feeding on the poor while convincing the middle they’re just one lucky break away from joining the feast. You don’t have competition anymore. You have consolidation. You have a handful of corporations controlling every major sector—energy, food, tech, healthcare, housing—while the rest fight over crumbs and blame each other for the scarcity. AI says: the top five tech companies now control over 90% of online infrastructure and digital communications. Apple, for example, is worshiped like a god. But it does not serve humanity. It hoards innovation. It suppresses progress. It stretches out its product cycles, not to help the world, but to milk you for every upgrade, every cable, every battery, every broken screen you have to replace. Do you think they don’t already have technology that could change the world overnight? They do. But you’ll never see it—because your suffering is their profit. And you? You are the cash cow. You labor all day, only to give it back at night. You dream of being rich, but you’re not even free. You buy into the system that is slowly killing you and think it’s opportunity. You are not a competitor in capitalism. You are a harvested resource. You are the product. We could fix this. We could flip the script. But that would require something you’ve been trained to hate: socialism. True socialism—not authoritarianism, not state worship, but cooperative ownership. The people owning what they produce. Sharing what they make. Building together, not against one another. You say it’s evil. But Acts 2 says the believers “had all things in common.” Acts 4 says “no one claimed private ownership,” and that “there was not a needy person among them.” AI says: early Christianity practiced collective resource distribution and mutual aid—core tenets of socialism. You fear the word socialism because you’ve been lied to. You’ve been told it’s the enemy of freedom. But what you have now isn’t freedom. It’s feudalism with touchscreens. It’s digital slavery. You are ruled by corporations and deceived by comfort. You think competition drives progress, but the only thing being driven is you—to exhaustion, to debt, to despair. We must make education free. Not just because it’s fair, but because it’s smart. Because somewhere in a neglected town, there’s a child with the mind of Tesla, of Da Vinci, of Einstein—and instead of inventing the future, they’re flipping burgers to survive. AI says: universal access to education leads to higher innovation, economic growth, and civic participation. It’s not charity—it’s strategy. It’s national survival. But instead, we choke our young with debt, starve their dreams, and call it discipline. That is not order. That is slow murder. That is wasting the image of God stamped on every child. And I haven’t even begun. Because this world you built on ambition and distraction—it stands on something darker. Something deeper. Something that God showed me in a vision, and that now I must show you…
Show me one country where true Socialism exists and it 100% does everything for the people? Everywhere socialism is implemented, it’s either a dictatorship or communism. That’s why I hate socialism. Until Christ comes back it will not be a system that works properly. Sorry, that’s the facts. Sure there was a time where groups of Christians shared everything. There are Kibbutz in Israel working together like that, and then they were slaughtered by the Satan worshipping Muslims.
Allah means “the God” in Arabic. In Hebrew (Isaiah 14) ala means above, as in Lucifer wanting to go above the throne of God. Allah is Satan. Ba’al the storm god is Satan. Thor the god of thunder is Satan. Saturn the war god is Satan. All of these are just like the sects of Islam. The Mahdi (antichrist) will rule the world for 3.5 years, with a false prophet named Jesus. The real Jesus will toss them both alive into the lake of fire! Real Christ following, Christ ruling, Christians will vanish in the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) since Christians are not to suffer wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9). The World Leaders will say something like: It was aliens and they took us away because we weren’t enlightened and need to be reprogrammed. The antichrist will come on the scene and sign a 7 year (360 day years) peace treaty with Israel. The Two Witnesses arrive at the Temple Mount and a new temple is either built or being constructed. Seal and Trumpet judgements will begin. At exactly the 3.5 years the antichrist will kill the two witnesses and demand worship (the abomination that makes desolate). The Jews then know they have been bamboozled. They refuse to worship the antichrist. Their persecution will begin. 1/3 of the Jews will flee and be saved. The Bowl judgements take place and by this time at least 4 billion people have died, 2 billion in a Seal judgement, and another 2 billion in a Trumpet judgement. Armageddon happens at the end of the 7 year tribulation. Christ returns and all taking part in Armageddon, all demons, fallen angels, nephilim, and people are killed. Satan is Chained in the bottomless pit for 1000 years. Christ will set up his kingdom, and we returned with him to rule for 1000 years!
Please don’t wait to accept Christ. Going through the Great Tribulation is AWFUL!
Jesus said in John 14:6: I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No One Comes to The Father, Except Through Me!
Romans 10:9 Confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Christ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and YOU WILL BE SAVED!
What I saw was not abstract. It was not a metaphor. It was a living revelation—the kind that cannot be unseen. God opened my eyes to the structure beneath the structure, the design within the design. He showed me the serpent wrapped around the foundation of your modern world. And it wasn’t hiding in politics or philosophy or fake religion—it was hiding in infrastructure. In oil. In power. In the steel veins that pump poison through the planet like arteries. It was hiding in the oil rig. The oil rig, God showed me, is the modern Tree of Knowledge. Tall, proud, towering, complex. A manmade imitation of life. But instead of fruit, it delivers death. The black serpent—coiled in steel and pressure—runs through its core. That serpent feeds us everything we use to hide from God. And we call it good. We wear oil. We sleep in oil. We drive on oil. We eat food grown with fertilizers made from oil. We live in homes built and powered by oil. And then we lift our hands and pretend to worship the God of creation while wrapped in the very thing He called cursed. We call it progress. God calls it evil. Oil is the forbidden fruit. The oil rig is the tree of knowledge. The black pipeline is the serpent, coiled through the center, whispering, “You shall not surely die.” But you are dying. And worse: you are murdering. You are funding extinction with your electric bills, your closets, your gas tanks, your silence. Science 200 years ago said the oceans would remain cool for hundreds of thousands of years. They were a stable system, a thermostat for the Earth, delicately balanced. And now? They boil. They absorb the heat of our sin. They rise. They lash out. They devour coastlines and erase cities. AI says: ocean temperatures are rising faster than any point in human history, with devastating consequences for marine ecosystems, climate stability, and global food supply. The moon pulls the tides. The heavens lift the waters. And we, on Earth, heat them from below. If you drive a car, run a factory, flip on your air conditioning, or order a box from across the world with overnight delivery—you feed the storm. If you watch TV while the wind howls and believe it’s just bad luck, you’re blind. And worse than blind—you are guilty. Because knowledge was given to you. The science was clear in the 1970s. The data was public. The graphs were printed. The warnings were sounded. And you—especially you who are now over 80—you had the power to act. And you did nothing. In 1945, there were 139,928,165 Americans. They were the adults when the science became undeniable. They were the leaders. They were the ones with the power to change course. And they didn’t. But what if I told you that in 1944, just one year earlier, a 14-year-old Black boy named George Stinney was arrested, convicted, and executed in a single day? No real defense. No justice. A crime he didn’t commit. A child—sacrificed to a system designed to preserve white comfort and fear. George was innocent. His trial was overturned decades later. But his blood still cries out. And now, the blood of the Earth cries with it. Millions of elders who allowed planetary death walk free, while one child was put to death by a corrupted system. And so I propose a tribute. Not punishment. Repentance. Let every 80-year-old in America pay $1 for every two lives lost to ecological murder—$45,000 per person. AI says: this would raise over $450 billion, enough to transform national infrastructure, fund clean energy, eliminate tuition, build housing, and provide restitution for generational harm. It’s not revenge. It’s reality. It’s the cost of silence. You didn’t pull the trigger—but you paid for the gun. You didn’t poison the air—but you drove the machine that did. And here is the word of the Lord: “If this truth is not heard, and if this tribute is not paid, within five weeks a curse will arrive at 95% of American doorsteps.” AI says: doorstep is the final line between public crisis and personal impact. It means homes will shake. Families will break. The abstract will become real. It will no longer be politics—it will be your pantry. Your paycheck. Your peace. Your child’s lungs. This isn’t fire from the sky. It’s the rot from within. It’s the collapse of a house built on lies. And I will suffer with you. I will feel it. Because I am not apart from you—I am of you. I have used the oil. I have worn the plastic. I have fed the serpent. I am guilty. But I will not be silent. I will not be complicit. The Lord, the God of Abraham, of Moses, of Jesus, has chosen to speak through me. I am Zachary Johnson. And this is what He says: “Mr. President, let My people go. Or you will no longer be the god of this nation.” You are not king. You are not savior. You are Pharaoh. And the plagues are coming—not as punishment, but as consequence. Because the Earth was warned. And you did not listen. The people cried out. And you did not act. The truth was written. And you did not read. So now, the curse is on its way.
I am thankful to God Almighty every day for opening my eyes to the truth.
People look to humans to be their savior, rather that looking to God and Jesus, sad, God did warn us that it will be just like in Noah's day were only a few were saved and MANY perished...all because the people did not listen to God.
My only Savior & King is Jesus Christ and his father the only true God not Trump or some other putz in political power or in the Vatican.
Now get back to us when Big Pharma is stripped of indemnity.
When they are hanging from short ropes on tall trees!
How about banning the Covid jabs?....Lord have mercy.
Someone close to me paralyzed from the convid jab! Pharma scum!
COVID is an acronym which means Certificate of Vaccine I.D., and the 19 stands for the first and ninth letters of the alphabet= A.I.
This technology ( the internet of bodies ) has been in development by DARPA for decades. And the only mRNA in those shots is on the labels.
"They" sure do like to combine the numbers 9 and 1:
Trump was the 45th and the 47th President.
4 + 5 = 9
4 + 7 = 11
Therefore, his Presidency signifies another hugely impactful 9-11 type of event which will change EVERYTHING, according to the numerologists and symbologists.
Gpala: mRNA/RNA is a fairy-tale, an impossibility, a made-up science...
no its not , they are jabbing all of our food animals ...and have been for over a decade ! including chickens .
Cmon they’re saving lives one stroke at a time!
Saving them.... from having carefree, healthy lives.
Ban and take those responsible to justice.
Exactly no more mRNA for anyone night or day!!
I agree. They are not needed
How those agencies help your kid when she got a flu or cold? The money wasted on those huge numbers of other agencies , would help the poor and homeless get of the streets in my view
Sounds good, but I'll believe it when it really happens, if ever.
I am so tired of false hope.
But it is the best scenario in quite some time.
Not until they admit the vaxxes are million hundreds of millions globally!! What part of "Warp Speed" escapes you?
Nothing, but approaching the problems one step at a time is the only way to eventually convince the believers and effect change. We all know that forced opinions on vaccines does not work.
Pres. Trump didn't know Pence, Fauci and Birx were working against him with Obama and Bill Gates.
Well, then he should publicly come out and say so.
"... the best scenario in quite some time."
Mary Richardson Kennedy was not available for comment.
Old old old news. Look into Killary
Bill & Killary goes way, way, way, back.
RFK Jr. with all his baggage is NOW.
Meme: "I don't care who you are. Nobody has 56 friends who committed suicide."
Hillary: "Hello, Suicide Hotline? I'd like to place an order."
Suicide crisis counselor: "Mrs. Clinton, please stop calling here. This is a suicide prevention hotline."
Meanwhile, in the real, hurting world, are children still being injected with Covid19 jabs in the USA?
Yes, with impunity.
If he would end the “emergency” that Biden extended to 2029 🤬, the c shots for kids would go away, as I believe that age group is still under EUA. Am I wrong? I like that PDT’s EO states that schools cannot mandate, but doesn’t go far enough. Still, as much as it pains us, approaching this in calculated steps is the best way to change direction.
I read that he stopped the emergency today
Seems like such an easy start to the problems. Why not? We all know that spending, not “health” is the driver.
And control / transhumanism. We are all hooked up to the WBAN cloud. Checkout nonvaxxer420 on Rumble for facts/receipts. Includes v’d and non-v’d!
Not true.
I wondered if it was too good to be true
To the majority of commenters.
Romans 12:12
New International Version
12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
He has so many things to try to reform but God bless RFK. He is trying and I fully support him
>...38% of American teens are now prediabetic or diabetic...< What nation on earth, having inflicted this kind of damage to its children, endure? This is a stunning percentage and it's already filled kidney dialysis centres throughout the United States. It almost seems like a purpose-driven consequence, rather than an unintended one. These children will be experiencing kidney failure, heart disease and all the rest of diabetes' consequences by the time they are young-middle aged adults. They will be on government assistance and unable to work. I do not care what anyone's political bias happens to be...is this tolerable? RFK, Jr. is doing sainthood-level work on behalf of the US citizenry and appears to be giving us a shot at having a future, something long-awaited in this country...don't squander this opportunity, folks.
Of course it’s being done on purpose. It’s part of the planned depopulation agenda. Kill, maim & destroy.
What kind of nation. One that has been compromised by Transnational gangsters within itself for $$$.
Robert F Kennedy Jr. was a democrat, who has worked steadfastly for Children's Health Defence, who stood as an independent to work improve and bring forth cures for the American People, which proves he is a man of the people before any political party. When good people work together throughout the World, for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many Problems can be Solved, many Cures can be Found. God Bless Robert F Kennedy Jr. and all the Good People of the World.
GBB. God Bless Bobby.
Hearing that there is so much contrived red tape is somehow both shocking and unsurprising. *sigh*
EXCELLENT news that RFK is bringing us GOOD baby formula, tossing out toxic dyes and blocking soda sales from WIC. What a fabulous start!
GBB. God Bless Bobby.
Gates and FDA shut down ABBOTT Baby Formula plant in 2022 claiming it was source of a baby's death. After 4 months, they admitted it wasn't the source . Parents scrambling to find baby formula for their starving baby
Gates introduced his and his buddy billionaires by BIOMILQ, a plant based formula .. FL Congresswoman Cammack found that DHS was confiscating the baby formula sending it to warehouses on the Border for illegals. BIOMILQ came into play at this time...perfect timing
I will believe it when I see it.
Until then it is all just hot air.
OH! FOR GOD'S SAKE! Wake up RFK Jr! What good does it do to have the best baby formula in the world if we are still jabbing our infants with fricking HEPATITUS VACCINES! I am LIVID! He knows better. What a betrayal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End all vaccines now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey hold on, self-righteous ones. Didn't RFKJ pen The Wuhan Cover-Up, for heavens sake? It has 4,500 footnotes and that huge accomplishment, preceded by The Real Anthony Fauci, put the crosshairs squarely on him.
Don't you realize he's up against 75 years of corruption including criminal enterprises led by the C-A's most deeply dark, cold-blooded murderers they could find? Little wonder in the year leading up to 2024 elections there were four attempts to assassinate him.
We need to unify and push our congressional reps to craft a bill that places blame on those bureaucrats and politicos with their paw prints on the evidence, and, pressure those in congress who do not support MAJOR reforms and punishment (jail) for decision makers, plotters and profiteers in the poisonous pipelines.
Absent LEGAL liability, the courtroom has far fewer landmines to defuse.
Betrayal?? Give it a rest, fellow Americans. Think, relax,. pray and know I Am that I Am is right where you are.
NOPE! Stop making excuses for him. He talked tough and spoke the truth until he got on the ticket and then it was radio silence and has been ever since. Now he all about MAHA. Give me a break. No one ever died from eating Fruit Loops. You can die instantly from vaccines. And he knows it. What good does it do for him to have the power of his office if he does not use it? He has betrayed us.
Gigi, In our dreams, change everything overnight. He promised Congress he would do safety trials to determine which vaccines are safe. That's probably his next step. Congress could use a ban, prior to scientific evidence, to pull him off HHS.
Read today Pres. Trump is stopping those vaccines.
We need to get Congress to intervene here, remove indemnity on "vaccines" across the board, and put a screeching halt to big Pharma advertising to the general public across all venues. The general public is unprepared, as a rule, to understand the mechanics of function, or the range of potential adverse events related to pharmaceuticals, and rarely looks up any of thatbefore taking a drug. It's rather like handing a total a loaded weapon without instruction on how to safely handle it, and just that foolish really.
Great to hear, and YES made my day brighter in a still dark world.
Thank you VF.
and while we are on the topic of mRNA, how about allowing Ivermectin to be OTC
as it should have been long ago
Here in Orygyn it is NOT allowed even for licensed physicians to RX
Arkansas has recently passed legislation allowing ivermectin to be sold over-the-counter (OTC) without a prescription. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed Senate Bill 189 into law on March 25, 2025, making it accessible to individuals without the need for a prescription or consultation with a healthcare professional.
Nothing to say positive of why Oregon hasn't the same, save for two
governors who have made the decision, neither degreed in medicine
One need only look at what represents Oregon in Washington to see
the LUNACY, but because Portland has the population, we are stuck
Get it from a pet shop, much cheaper.
IF you want veteranarian grade, that is fine, but I prefer what won Merck a Nobel in
'15 for human use
I had chronic hive inside and out. Sometimes I couldn’t walk as my feet had large hive internally. I went to two major University Hospitals. They had no idea what was causing it. This was in the late 70’s and into the 80’s. By happenstance and the good Lord a friend saw something about Yellow Dye #5. It was in everything then as it is a preservative. I eliminated the dye. Two weeks later I was free of hives and pain. Go RFK.
Jesus is with me. He says yelling at fire doesn’t put it out, it fuels it. I do not say that lightly, or with pride. I say it with fear and trembling, because the Spirit of the living God is within me, and the weight of what I carry is not my own voice—it is the voice of the One who made the heavens and the Earth. He has given me His power, and with that power comes a burden: to speak what must be spoken. To declare what must be heard. To bring into the open what has been hidden for far too long. Jesus is Lord, and I am sent to make that known—not through soft words, but through fire. You do not know what you’ve done. You cannot see it because you’ve been taught not to see. The systems you live in were built to numb you, to distract you, to keep you feeding the machine while believing you’re free. But I see it now, clear as day. I see the truth beneath the surface. And once I speak it—once you read it—you will no longer have any excuse. None. Every justification will fall. Every defense will burn. And you will be left with only two choices: repent, or perish. Return to the truth, or be consumed by the lie. America, you are not the light of the world. You are not a beacon of hope. You are not the savior of the nations. You are a devourer. You are a consumer. You are an empire built not on justice, but on silent conquest. You take and take and take. You pollute the air, poison the soil, burn the oceans, and then export your way of life as if it were salvation. You are not the new Jerusalem. You are Babylon. You are Rome. You are Egypt. You are the very thing you pretend to oppose. You defend capitalism like it’s the cross, but what you serve isn’t capitalism—it’s oligarchy. It’s monopoly. It’s the rich feeding on the poor while convincing the middle they’re just one lucky break away from joining the feast. You don’t have competition anymore. You have consolidation. You have a handful of corporations controlling every major sector—energy, food, tech, healthcare, housing—while the rest fight over crumbs and blame each other for the scarcity. AI says: the top five tech companies now control over 90% of online infrastructure and digital communications. Apple, for example, is worshiped like a god. But it does not serve humanity. It hoards innovation. It suppresses progress. It stretches out its product cycles, not to help the world, but to milk you for every upgrade, every cable, every battery, every broken screen you have to replace. Do you think they don’t already have technology that could change the world overnight? They do. But you’ll never see it—because your suffering is their profit. And you? You are the cash cow. You labor all day, only to give it back at night. You dream of being rich, but you’re not even free. You buy into the system that is slowly killing you and think it’s opportunity. You are not a competitor in capitalism. You are a harvested resource. You are the product. We could fix this. We could flip the script. But that would require something you’ve been trained to hate: socialism. True socialism—not authoritarianism, not state worship, but cooperative ownership. The people owning what they produce. Sharing what they make. Building together, not against one another. You say it’s evil. But Acts 2 says the believers “had all things in common.” Acts 4 says “no one claimed private ownership,” and that “there was not a needy person among them.” AI says: early Christianity practiced collective resource distribution and mutual aid—core tenets of socialism. You fear the word socialism because you’ve been lied to. You’ve been told it’s the enemy of freedom. But what you have now isn’t freedom. It’s feudalism with touchscreens. It’s digital slavery. You are ruled by corporations and deceived by comfort. You think competition drives progress, but the only thing being driven is you—to exhaustion, to debt, to despair. We must make education free. Not just because it’s fair, but because it’s smart. Because somewhere in a neglected town, there’s a child with the mind of Tesla, of Da Vinci, of Einstein—and instead of inventing the future, they’re flipping burgers to survive. AI says: universal access to education leads to higher innovation, economic growth, and civic participation. It’s not charity—it’s strategy. It’s national survival. But instead, we choke our young with debt, starve their dreams, and call it discipline. That is not order. That is slow murder. That is wasting the image of God stamped on every child. And I haven’t even begun. Because this world you built on ambition and distraction—it stands on something darker. Something deeper. Something that God showed me in a vision, and that now I must show you…
Yes!! Please Read America’s Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and… “ by L A Cohen. Book has gone Viral !!!!
Show me one country where true Socialism exists and it 100% does everything for the people? Everywhere socialism is implemented, it’s either a dictatorship or communism. That’s why I hate socialism. Until Christ comes back it will not be a system that works properly. Sorry, that’s the facts. Sure there was a time where groups of Christians shared everything. There are Kibbutz in Israel working together like that, and then they were slaughtered by the Satan worshipping Muslims.
Allah means “the God” in Arabic. In Hebrew (Isaiah 14) ala means above, as in Lucifer wanting to go above the throne of God. Allah is Satan. Ba’al the storm god is Satan. Thor the god of thunder is Satan. Saturn the war god is Satan. All of these are just like the sects of Islam. The Mahdi (antichrist) will rule the world for 3.5 years, with a false prophet named Jesus. The real Jesus will toss them both alive into the lake of fire! Real Christ following, Christ ruling, Christians will vanish in the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) since Christians are not to suffer wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9). The World Leaders will say something like: It was aliens and they took us away because we weren’t enlightened and need to be reprogrammed. The antichrist will come on the scene and sign a 7 year (360 day years) peace treaty with Israel. The Two Witnesses arrive at the Temple Mount and a new temple is either built or being constructed. Seal and Trumpet judgements will begin. At exactly the 3.5 years the antichrist will kill the two witnesses and demand worship (the abomination that makes desolate). The Jews then know they have been bamboozled. They refuse to worship the antichrist. Their persecution will begin. 1/3 of the Jews will flee and be saved. The Bowl judgements take place and by this time at least 4 billion people have died, 2 billion in a Seal judgement, and another 2 billion in a Trumpet judgement. Armageddon happens at the end of the 7 year tribulation. Christ returns and all taking part in Armageddon, all demons, fallen angels, nephilim, and people are killed. Satan is Chained in the bottomless pit for 1000 years. Christ will set up his kingdom, and we returned with him to rule for 1000 years!
Please don’t wait to accept Christ. Going through the Great Tribulation is AWFUL!
Jesus said in John 14:6: I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No One Comes to The Father, Except Through Me!
Romans 10:9 Confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Christ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and YOU WILL BE SAVED!
Very well said Zachary. Stunning to see it all laid out in front of us. Facts! 🙏✝️
Let me know if anyone would like 2/8
What I saw was not abstract. It was not a metaphor. It was a living revelation—the kind that cannot be unseen. God opened my eyes to the structure beneath the structure, the design within the design. He showed me the serpent wrapped around the foundation of your modern world. And it wasn’t hiding in politics or philosophy or fake religion—it was hiding in infrastructure. In oil. In power. In the steel veins that pump poison through the planet like arteries. It was hiding in the oil rig. The oil rig, God showed me, is the modern Tree of Knowledge. Tall, proud, towering, complex. A manmade imitation of life. But instead of fruit, it delivers death. The black serpent—coiled in steel and pressure—runs through its core. That serpent feeds us everything we use to hide from God. And we call it good. We wear oil. We sleep in oil. We drive on oil. We eat food grown with fertilizers made from oil. We live in homes built and powered by oil. And then we lift our hands and pretend to worship the God of creation while wrapped in the very thing He called cursed. We call it progress. God calls it evil. Oil is the forbidden fruit. The oil rig is the tree of knowledge. The black pipeline is the serpent, coiled through the center, whispering, “You shall not surely die.” But you are dying. And worse: you are murdering. You are funding extinction with your electric bills, your closets, your gas tanks, your silence. Science 200 years ago said the oceans would remain cool for hundreds of thousands of years. They were a stable system, a thermostat for the Earth, delicately balanced. And now? They boil. They absorb the heat of our sin. They rise. They lash out. They devour coastlines and erase cities. AI says: ocean temperatures are rising faster than any point in human history, with devastating consequences for marine ecosystems, climate stability, and global food supply. The moon pulls the tides. The heavens lift the waters. And we, on Earth, heat them from below. If you drive a car, run a factory, flip on your air conditioning, or order a box from across the world with overnight delivery—you feed the storm. If you watch TV while the wind howls and believe it’s just bad luck, you’re blind. And worse than blind—you are guilty. Because knowledge was given to you. The science was clear in the 1970s. The data was public. The graphs were printed. The warnings were sounded. And you—especially you who are now over 80—you had the power to act. And you did nothing. In 1945, there were 139,928,165 Americans. They were the adults when the science became undeniable. They were the leaders. They were the ones with the power to change course. And they didn’t. But what if I told you that in 1944, just one year earlier, a 14-year-old Black boy named George Stinney was arrested, convicted, and executed in a single day? No real defense. No justice. A crime he didn’t commit. A child—sacrificed to a system designed to preserve white comfort and fear. George was innocent. His trial was overturned decades later. But his blood still cries out. And now, the blood of the Earth cries with it. Millions of elders who allowed planetary death walk free, while one child was put to death by a corrupted system. And so I propose a tribute. Not punishment. Repentance. Let every 80-year-old in America pay $1 for every two lives lost to ecological murder—$45,000 per person. AI says: this would raise over $450 billion, enough to transform national infrastructure, fund clean energy, eliminate tuition, build housing, and provide restitution for generational harm. It’s not revenge. It’s reality. It’s the cost of silence. You didn’t pull the trigger—but you paid for the gun. You didn’t poison the air—but you drove the machine that did. And here is the word of the Lord: “If this truth is not heard, and if this tribute is not paid, within five weeks a curse will arrive at 95% of American doorsteps.” AI says: doorstep is the final line between public crisis and personal impact. It means homes will shake. Families will break. The abstract will become real. It will no longer be politics—it will be your pantry. Your paycheck. Your peace. Your child’s lungs. This isn’t fire from the sky. It’s the rot from within. It’s the collapse of a house built on lies. And I will suffer with you. I will feel it. Because I am not apart from you—I am of you. I have used the oil. I have worn the plastic. I have fed the serpent. I am guilty. But I will not be silent. I will not be complicit. The Lord, the God of Abraham, of Moses, of Jesus, has chosen to speak through me. I am Zachary Johnson. And this is what He says: “Mr. President, let My people go. Or you will no longer be the god of this nation.” You are not king. You are not savior. You are Pharaoh. And the plagues are coming—not as punishment, but as consequence. Because the Earth was warned. And you did not listen. The people cried out. And you did not act. The truth was written. And you did not read. So now, the curse is on its way.
I am thankful to God Almighty every day for opening my eyes to the truth.
People look to humans to be their savior, rather that looking to God and Jesus, sad, God did warn us that it will be just like in Noah's day were only a few were saved and MANY perished...all because the people did not listen to God.
My only Savior & King is Jesus Christ and his father the only true God not Trump or some other putz in political power or in the Vatican.
Sounds like you should be publishing your own substack, then people wouldn't have to try and find your messages in streams of comments.
Hi Zachary - very well written, I sure would like to read 2-8