You forgot to mention the steady diet of 'the world will end in xxx years because of global warming - oops, sorry, climate change'. If you tell someone everyday from their birth onward that they're going to die soon and there's nothing thye can do about it, they'll probably be depressed.

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That’s why everyone needs Jesus and the cares of this world will fade away!

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Excellent point. Media is depressing us.

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I can’t believe people really don’t know this in today’s world!!!

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One of these should be in your locale: https://greenlivingtribe.com/20-retailers-and-their-stance-on-carrying-apeel-produce/

Again, I am just learning about Apeel and Organipeel.

Perhaps we should simply have a policy that if it’s banned in at least two countries or the EU then it’s under review. We literally have products that are banned in Mexico, Nigeria, and China that are not banned in the United States. Our standards might be too low.

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Apeel is not currently permitted on organic produce under UK Soil Association regulation but our leading supermarkets use it on conventional fruits and veg. I no longer buy produce from the supermarkets as I don’t trust them and I grow as much of my own food as I can!

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Thanks Ashe.

Thanks ridiculously huge department of agriculture.

It should be a capitol crime to accept $ from the industry you are charged with regulating.

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Here, here!

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Well, I just learned that they put seed oils on our fruits and vegetables— Even the organic ones. I guess Publix and Trader Joe’s and some other stores refuse to do this, but quite a few of the healthier chains allow it. I had no idea. You would think organic fruits and vegetables would be seed oil free! With a 1000 chemicals banned in Europe that are still affecting our food supply it’s really hard to keep up! Its overwhelming!

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This list was updated in 2025. So the same company makes a product to use on organic fruits and vegetables that has mostly the same ingredients, but also citric acid.

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Trust me they don’t.

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Hopefully now we get into the role of SSRIs in mass school shootings and gender dysphoria.

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The “food” for sale is mostly poisonous.

Your first clue is they use “food scientists” mostly, chefs are a thing of the past. Eat like your grandparents did and you will live longer!!

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it's "frood" or franken food

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Some idiots still don't realize that the SAD is killing us.

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Demonize seed oils like they did to butter, eggs, and red meat 50 years ago!

And HFCS too!

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My guess is HFCS is truly bad but not to the hysterical extent portrayed. As in, replacing HFCS with "organic cane sugar" might reduce whatever serious health condition is being targeted by something like "13%". A start, but most of the problem will still remain. Much more effective would be telling people that soda and sugary desserts must be regarded as "treats" to enjoy occasionally, rather than to "wash down a meal" on a regular basis.

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The impact would be much larger than 13%. HFCS is a huge driver of insulin resistance and obesity. Humans ate meat, potatoes and bread for many years and obesity was present, but rare.

When high fructose corn syrup started replacing sugar in most processed foods and soft drinks, obesity and diabetes rates exploded. Getting rid of both would have a huge impact on the chronic illness epidemic.

LED lighting also drives insulin resistance. But people were already so fat, it's hard to tell what the impact was. We just know it keeps getting worse as all of these things increase.

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Again, I agree on the harm of HFCS but am skeptical that the "impact would be much larger than 13%". Especially if we are just replacing HFCS with real sugar, which IS also very bad (just less bad) for health. Do you have any real-world data or real-world evidence (not just theory) to support an effect size much larger than 13% that can be plausibly attributed to HFCS alone? I would be interested.

Anecdotally, I know multiple people with profound diabetes and insulin resistance who do not consume HFCS and some of them have not consumed HFCS in over a decade. Even exercising and cutting down carbs has only modest impact for some of them. So while I 100% support getting rid of HFCS completely, I also have to say "it ain't THAT simple". I wish it were.

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Excellent article! Perfect accompanying videos! Thank you so much for putting it together! I'm a nurse, and I tried helping one of our other nurses who has 3 children deeply affected by this. Her answer: "he's the guy that wants to get rid of vaccines, and we need them. People are dying from the measles." She wasn't interested in anything I had to say. This isn't the first time I tried with her. I hope the majority of the population isn't like her, or MAHA isn't going to work.

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Pray tell what medico (psychiatrist or other mental honcho) knows exactly what chemicals your brain is missing at any given time? They don't and never will because you are missing nothing.

I would bet that most mental depression, anxiety, fears and phobias can be traced back to the thoughts that you let run wild in your mind that you treat as being reality. All thoughts are harmless in that they do not make the future. You are likely dwelling on the past and those thoughts if they are negative or hurtful or hateful as trying to be projected into the future.

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Nice thought, but wrong. The brain needs vitamins and minerals, things that are simply not in processed food. The chemicals are just the kicker.

Drs like Georgia Ede and Chris Palmer have already shown that anything on the spectrum from depression to schizophrenia is reversible with proper nutrition.

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Perhaps - but the billion dollar question is which vitamins/minerals for which individual at which point. In the absence of baseline nutrient/hormone/neuroreceptor levels this is quite challenging (even w AI).

For meds we should be able to answer similar?s. We can’t and don’t.

It would be nice to eat a naturally grown banana (serotonin precursor) and have your anxiety/depression remit.

Really nice.

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As a 3 year Carnivore, I think the answer is very easy. To the extent that you displace meat in your diet, you have nutrient deficiencies.

When you eat foods like bread, sugars, and seed oils, Just understand that these foods have zero nutritional value. Those nutrients need to be replaced. Vitamin A, D, and K. Bio available iron, copper, magnesium. All of this is present in red meat and Organs.

I don't think supplements are the answer. A proper diet based on meat protein and animal fats is the way to go.

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WashPo article “Opinion | American life expectancy is dropping - and it's not all covid's fault” has a better graph. One in article doesn’t show pandemic years drop.

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Unless Big Pharma has a backup plan to offset dollars lost because RFK Jr exposes the anti-depression cash-cow, Big Pharma will NOT allow a single person to speak out against this well documented unless depression fraud!

Time will tell if in fact RFK Jr says anything against anti depressants drugs.


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I know several who are UNwilling to even consider an alternative

I can truthfully say it has worked for me and I was dealing with depression and

anxiety but given I bombed out on all the magic big pharma offered

I was at least willing

Same is true for a cocktail of natural supplements for sleep when big

pharma's magic made my life hellish. . Ambien in particular

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I know a LOT of people that have no interest in all in changing their lifestyle. They truly believe in "a pill for an ill," because that's all they've ever known. It is sad for their families that lose out because they have been brainwashed by the psyop.

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I can’t disagree with you Rosalee. I should have specified with more clarity my main concern. It’s overwhelmingly clear that psychologist psychiatrist are right away saying to a new patient, “you need to be on?” “Or this will help you cope with?”

So many people are on psycho meds nowadays. Big Pharma spends millions on commercials convincing people will make all your problems disappear.

There are plenty of people who are in need of some kind of mental health medication, just not at the “overprescribing-levels” which is known. Middle school-High school youth’s number one fear is “climate change.” This is insane first off and second, the world isn’t ending anytime soon!

But that’s not what the “left” will have you believe. You can trace back to around 1920’s on and find every 10-12 years someone said the world would end in ten years or less. Decade after decade this same false narrative, fear mongering BS is a right of passage for those on the left.

According to AOC, I believe we have a year or so left. Her last prediction is an utter failure / disgrace. Anyway Rosalee there’s a ton of overprescribed individuals which once they start, it can be hell to stop.

Thank you for your insights.


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He has to be careful with his messaging. The masses aren't ready to be unplugged from the matrix suddenly.

Baby steps.

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yes! I feel strongly that this is why he can't just do away with, or speak out against vaccines or drugs. He's doing the baby step route, and he's doing it well. I hope he can do it within 2 years, as that is the timeline he has been set to.

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Yes quite true Tom. I have all the faith in the world with RFK Jr. unfortunately he has surrendered his position to 1. Senator Cassidy of Louisiana and to Big Pharma. I hope he throws both the middle finger and implements what he knows is so desperately needed.

Thanks Tom. I appreciate your input.


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Virtually all “antidepressants” are generic (or are an isomer, etc of existing off patent drug $$$) and did NOT separate from placebo in their pivotal FDA trials using standard statistical analysis.

So a coin toss plus side effects.

Eskatamine, (essentially ketamine after molecular patent protection) administered in a nasal spray ~in MD’s office ~once to twice weekly then tapered off and is very promising for refractory depression. Unfortunately the abuse potential and certain potential side effects are behind the scheduling (lll) and clinical administration requirements - but hope for those in despair - response is often seen within 1 hour.

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Thank you George for explaining this, sounds promising restart” so to speak for those individuals who may suffer from “situational depressive symptoms.”

I may be way off base with my interpretation though it sounds like the tapering procedure happens fairly quickly. As opposed to years of depression meds.

I’m not sure what the percentages are between long term and short term-situational ailments. Your post sounds like most people don’t need long term depression meds? From what I’ve read, long term depression, in many cases simply happens due to improper medical guidance and over prescribing Doctors.

I’m not an expert by any means though I have battled personally with, situational depression, which literally stressed me out because I felt my psychiatrist was trying to convince me my diagnosis was lifelong and I would need therapy for the rest of my life.

Anyway, thank you George for sharing this very interesting and from what you’ve said, promising solution.


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Sure, you’re welcome.

Your therapist had no business telling/leading you to believe that your depression was lifelong - because there would be no way of telling. Shame because therapy or even a strong family/social network can be very, very helpful.

IMHO the therapeutic effects of SSRIs, SNRIs chasing 5HT1 or 2 serotonin, norepinephrine etc are no better than placebo according to submitted FDA data (before statistical magic”).

Physical health and conditioning, diet when and what you eat, living environment/conditions, financial situation, relationships (crucial for most) are all complex and important factors … for a pill to “fix”.

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Thanks again George. I wasn’t comfortable at all. I found a new doctor much better and I eliminated all the SSRI’s varying “psycomeds” as I started calling them and replaced them with routine exercise and yes family.


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This is a universal message and something both parties can rally around. Unfortunately, towards the end, the narrative paints Democrats as bad and Trump good. I am afraid this polarization will make the Democrats dismiss this important health information. It will exasperate their TDS, causing them to actually attack the data. Going forward,RFK, and the important health information coming out of HHS, should be as politically neutral as possible.

We have to be patient. Eventually all the good we are doing might change some hearts and minds on the other side. But as long as we remind them (as it was blatantly done here) that it is coming from Trump, it will be too bitter a pill to swallow.

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Well said. I am a big fan of this Substack, but I entirely disagree with its "Trump good" narrative. Democrats bad, sure, fair enough. But not "Trump good". Never, no way. I am very doubtful that anyone SINCERELY believes "Trump good".

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When I say Trump good, I mean his policies, like lessening chronic disease and detoxifying our food supply. You have to separate the man from his “good” programs. In a sense, embrace the message, hate the messenger. I can live with that. I try not to let my feelings toward Trump impede him from enacting programs that are good for all of us.

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I understand where you're coming from, but I sincerely doubt that Trump has one iota of genuine interest in "lessening chronic disease and detoxifying our food supply" (if anything, the opposite if you look at his past actions overall)- it's RFK Jr. who is interested in those things, and Trump absolutely needed RFK Jr.'s supporters' votes to win the election. So yes, I think RFK Jr.'s overall goals are good, and RFK Jr. has aligned with Trump and works in Trump's administration. But that's a far cry from "Trump good". That's what I'm saying, and in spite of the good I think that RFK Jr. will do, I am very skeptical that Trump's actions OVERALL will lead to a net good (as in less death, less illness, less suffering, less depression, less poverty, less unemployment, whatever) WITHOUT fudging data- which Trump showed he is more than happy to do in 2020. I think honest data will reveal that Trump's actions overall will INCREASE those bad things, offsetting RFK Jr.'s good actions.

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they alway assure "IF xxx does not work, we can add xxxx"

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Americans have been told for decades that saturated fat is harmful and polyunsaturated oils are healthful, when the truth is the exact opposite.

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Let me know if Bobby ever starts talking about the TOXIC CHEMICALS and HEAVY METALS in American food that are the real MAJOR CAUSE of neuro-chemical imbalance.

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Then, why in the same hill has he not come out against the prep act … smoke and mirrors, bullshit

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he has to take the baby steps, plus nearly everyone around him is part of Big Pharma. He can't do everything alone. He's in charge of a lot of big agencies, most of them eaten throughout by corruption. He has to weed out the good people from the cancerous ones so he can get the help and discover who to trust

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Then, why in the Sam hill has he not come out against the prep act … smoke and mirrors, bullshit

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