Thanks for pulling together the highlights. The Dem Senators embarrass themselves at every hearing. How much Big Pharma money have they taken?

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They have taken money wherever they can get it. Gates funds anything that will deplete the population. Schumer talks constantly about nothing and has amassed millions.

And, Rachael Levine, a man, secretly took his mother from nursing home as Gov. wolf moved Covid patients in. Levine had a photo of him in a bikini on FB!

God bless Robert Kennedy. Read his book, The Real Anthony Fauci.

Warren and the others need to move to Venezuela.

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One of the all time best books I’ve ever read. It’s free at most public libraries.

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A friend in Lewes, DE, gave the book to me for my birthday a few years ago. I tried to buy it in the Christiana mall book store and they acted like it doesn’t exist for months after it was released! I can’t wait for a Robert to be approved.

Warren is an irritating and ridiculous individual.

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These are far better


or get them free attached to my free newsletter


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I read the book TWICE. SO compelling. Further compelling was the fact that it was a#1 BEST SELLER and MSM was crickets. I figured if they were scared of it, I better read it like gospel.

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Everyone should read RFK Jr's book. It is shocking and upsetting but people need to hear the truth about Dr Fauci and how he has enriched himself at the health and safety of others for decades. He's a sick little man.

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Not move dropped into

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Exactly! He can't make money showing them but they can make money promoting them

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Ask your Doctor or Pharmacist...

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That’s right. Doctors were incentivized to give the covid $hot!.

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And incentivized for every other “immunization” given as well!

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Especially the pediatricians who have blood on their hands.

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There is a list of politicians who got millions from pharmaceutical companies. Bernie sanders $23 million. He never had a real job. Has lived off taxpayers forever. Warren many million, Schumer millions. Schumer was given $66 million for campaign fund. Thought there was a limit people can give .

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Bernie- 1.9 something

Raphael 1.7mil plus

E. Warren 1.2mill plus

I saw it on substack. If I remember the article will ink here

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Obviously not enough money, some of us are still alive.

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What sane person is against finding the source of all of this sickness?

All Time Money from Pharmaceuticals _ Health Products to

US Senators, 1990-2024

Senator State Amount

Harris Kamala (D) $11,341,349.00

Biden Joe (D) $9,128,291.00

Obama Barack (D) $6,041,678.00

Clinton Hillary (D-NY) New York $4,622,654.00

Romney Mitt (R-UT) Utah $3,378,614.00

Hatch Orrin G (R-UT) Utah $2,878,132.00

Casey Bob (D-PA) Pennsylvania $2,063,304.00

McConnell Mitch (R-KY) In office Kentucky $2,027,732.00

Sanders Bernie (I-VT) In office Vermont $1,953,613.00

Warnock Raphael (D-GA) In office Georgia $1,763,425.00

Burr Richard (R-NC) North Carolina $1,642,876.00

Murray Patty (D-WA) In office Washington $1,616,081.00

Schumer Charles E (D-NY) In office New York $1,557,928.00

Menendez Robert (I-NJ) New Jersey $1,491,425.00

McCain John (R-AZ) Arizona $1,482,256.00

Blackburn Marsha (R-TN) In office Tennessee $1,380,138.00

Kerry John (D-MA) Massachusetts $1,360,204.00

Specter Arlen (D-PA) Pennsylvania $1,276,366.00

Cassidy Bill (R-LA) In office Louisiana $1,230,679.00

Warren Elizabeth (D-MA) In office Massachusetts $1,224,145.00

Wyden Ron (D-OR) In office Oregon $1,207,873.00

Blunt Roy (R-MO) Missouri $1,193,076.00

Cornyn John (R-TX) In office Texas $1,133,363.00

Scott Tim (R-SC) In office South Carolina $1,128,425.00

Oh, there's much more - https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?code=H04&cycle=All&ind=H04&mem=Y&recipdetail=S&sortorder=U

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I was led to read this post from Aaron Everitt’s Substack, Besides the Revolution today. Kennedy Hearings - Part 2. There is a chart posted of just how much they’ve taken. Tried to copy/paste for you, but iPad or Substack isn’t cooperating 🤷‍♀️

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How many grains of sand are there on the seashore?

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Sorry it s out of sequence….

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Are you supportive of this onesie?!?!


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I want an. unvaxxed onesie - and I’m not even a baby!

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I think we should send Bernie one!

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It would be great if thousands of us sent him the onesie!

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so tempting.....

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332 Dirksen Bldg. Wash. DC 20510

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If he doesn't say yes we definitely should. I feel like he will. 🤞 I think Cassidy really likes him he just stands in his unwaiving principle about one part of health challenges. RFK isn't going to just stop all vaccines and he has influence on the people who know what he's saying whether he is in that office or not. Wouldn't it be better to do the testing and reassure everyone of the safety?

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Like Jimmy Dore was saying in his show today, I too am embarrassed that I supported Bernie before....

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And a case of Depends!

Maybe we could get Obama or Hillary to give him a daily enema as well!

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THAT is so funny

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Are you supportive of this onesie?!?!


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Children's Health Defense

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Hahahaha! Best comment ever. 🫵

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I might get one and frame it!

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Buy a bunch and make a dress or shirt out of them!

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What size?

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Whatever will fit Bernie after his tantrum

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... but it is 26 bucks, Christian :P...

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I do too!

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Funny, the same people we saw bullying RFK today are the exact same people who voted AGAINST ID to vote in the last election and the same people who voted AGAINST a bill that would require the deportation of illegal migrants who commit sex crimes against women and the same people who think young boys can turn into girls and compete against them in sports and use their bathrooms. I want to be very clear.

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Our votes mean absolutely nothing, and never have. from my book that was published in April 2016. We get to choose from four or five politicians that the powers put before us

You think that you elect your governing leaders. Some guys are appointed to get up there and entertain you like WWF wrestlers. You pull my leg a little, and then I will pull yours. You twist my arm a little, and then I will twist yours. Then you can win, and we go to the bar for a few drinks, count our money, and go home rich. But the politicians don’t decide, they are just puppets.

The puppeteers, the illuminati, they are the ones who choose decades ahead, who will be president, and everything else. What about voting and elections? Who owns the ballot machines, and who counts them?

I did a quick little search and found that the Bush family is involved in ownership, and also their affiliates with the CIA and other “intelligence agencies” here in good old USA. You should know of Bush’s wealth and corruption, but even more so the ways of our agencies which somehow were a target of President Kennedy, who in his attempts to expose them, was assassinated, by some coincidence. Accidently on purpose.

But that doesn’t matter, though, because our votes hold absolutely no significance whatsoever. Our politicians are puppets that are made and selected by the puppeteers. They recite rhetoric to look good, while collecting bribes and gifts, and they constantly go in and out of office in revolving doors with executive positions paying millions of dollars



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Think Aaron Russo in his interview with Alex Jones said that Rockefeller told him the next President will be Bill Clinton. At that time, Russo had no idea who Clinton was. Rockefeller was trying to get Russo to join the CFR. In the interview it’s revealed that the Rockefellers and the CIA were behind feminism in order to break up the family and provide more taxpayer workers.

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Totally correct! I follow Stop World Control and their researching also correlated with what you’re saying.. here is part of it.


For the past decades, America has been suffering under the death grip of traitors who have been strategically destroying the United States from the inside out. One Deep State criminal after the other was positioned to be president: the Bushes, Clintons, Obama - all of these were servants of the wicked elites who have a diabolical agenda for world domination.

They needed to first eliminate the patriot movement in America, and according to former British intelligence officer Alex Thompson, thousands of patriots and freedom fighters were murdered during the sixties and seventies, after the murder of John F. Kennedy. The agenda to destroy America was in full swing, and seemed unstoppable.

Many globalist organizations were formed to further the agenda of a one world government, under the total control of unelected financial elites who would enslave every soul on the face of the Earth: the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the Bank for International Settlements, the City of London, the WorldBank, the International Monetary Fund and many others.

All of these are owned and controlled by the same handful of people, some of whom are well known: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Osiris and others.

Victory was guaranteed. The world was being offered to them on a silver plate.

Humanity would soon be but a herd of brain-dead cattle, totally mind-controlled by the news media and government propaganda, to obey every evil wish of these demons.

It was game over for the human race.

The entire key for the success of these elites is one single thing, and literally nothing else. That one single key, which has opened the door for them to have access to the minds of all of mankind, is the news media.

There were very few real voices of truth that gained a prominent position of influence. Everything was controlled on all sides. Victory was guaranteed for the satanists who comprise the top of this worldwide network.

But then an earthquake happened....

In 2015, a presidential candidate emerged who was opposed to these elites. A candidate with a fiery passion to restore America and see her become a truly independent nation again, liberated from the control of these wicked overlords who own the USA through Washington, DC (which is nothing but a franchise of the elites). That candidate was Donald J Trump.

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A bit of history is helpful here..

Originally, America was founded by a group of devoted Christian young men who had had enough of the tyranny of the satanic British elites and their nefarious desire for total world domination.

They broke away from these satanists and fled to a new land, which they dedicated to God on July 4th, 1776. They stated in their constitution that this new country would be a land of liberty, where every person is equal under God. No more tyranny and slavery!

The British elites, however, didn't give up so easily. Before long, they managed to seize control again over the United States, and they founded Washington, DC as their headquarters from where they would once again rule over the American people.

Interestingly, Washington, DC doesn't belong to the actual nation of the United States - it is an independent sovereign state. It is, in fact, a foreign entity!

Hence, the so-called 'Deep State' was formed, also called the 'Shadow Government'. With unlawful taxation of the American people, they were able to enslave all those living in the land of the United States - even more so than when they lived in Great Britain. But this time, the people were totally unaware of how they were being ruled by foreign tyrants.

These elites suffocated, drained and oppressed the people, and enriched themselves in astronomical ways by imposing taxes on literally everything. This kept the American people in perpetual poverty, while multiplying the wealth of their wicked rulers.

It was a brilliant and extremely diabolical scheme to enslave both America and the world.

They mocked the 'Land Of The Free, Because Of The Brave'. What a joke!

Millions of US soldiers were brutally murdered as they were sent to useless wars of the elites, where the sons of America shed their blood for the furthering of the elites' evil agenda (who effectively owned the US military). So-called American patriotism was diverted to inspire a misplaced passion for wars, that were in fact nothing but acts of mass murder to establish increasing control over the world population.

The elites literally hijacked the United States and turned it completely around.

Instead of being a Godly nation and a beacon of liberty for the rest of humanity, the United States became a stronghold of satanic tyranny that terrorized the rest of the world. The exact opposite of what the USA was founded to be...

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The founding fathers were rich slave owning freemasons, (worshiped Satan) who wore white curly wigs, stockings, lace (were phony) used eloquent flatulance using words like "liberty" equality" and "freedom' much like today's politicians use "Equity" inclusive" etc. JEfferson who wrote "LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT... " had 180 slaves. the first amendment allowed for deception, and to worship satan. The constitution has no conditions to address oppression, exploitation, slavery, etc... and only rich males could vote. You need to reassess what you have been swallowing.

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Was on your side ..yet you wish to insult… these are the times of the advanced technologies to confuse all…who to trust. What is real… along with the usual truths to be called conspiracy theories! Unfortunate the wealthy become tyrannical.. just simple workforce in my past employment and found a coworker can be so cooperative..on same page…but once given positions of authority…their thinking changes…and become selfish…to choosing honoring corporate greed to now forget their thinking/respect as a basic worker! So are all the wealth .. privileged tyrannical? I had some awesome managers and business owners that treated employees with respect ..proud to work for. To see the father of a successful business die and inherited family take this awesome company down the DARK road! No more personal visits..communications. Less benefits..on and on! Sad how each generations minds and greed direct their goals! Sadly too many generations are controlled by the wealthy, deceived we have freedoms…choices…who to trust? Guess I’m following those who also trust in God! Believe your info about our vote to be useless. You’re feeling is Trump is the enemy….so was Biden and all prior POTUS’ since JFK..except Trump’s strings could not be pulled by the puppeteers. Now again here we are with these insane advanced technologies..corrupt media that has none of the journalistic integrity of the past.. what to believe??? I will never trust the DEMs and trying to be positive with Trumps direction, yet he is an elite. Will be an interesting four years… and pray that for once that there are some of the wealthy really care..seems like quite a poker game!

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CEOs were employees of the corporation. They used to make decisions that were in the best interests of the corporation, which included the employees and the customers. The investors didn’t like that. To align the CEO’s interests with their own, the rich investors proposed stock options. And would promote the idea that the purpose of a corporation is to increase its stock price. Not too surprising that companies that at one time were great to work for no longer are.

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I am no dem. You know that journalism is dominated by the CIA<or you would know if you read my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH> IF you actually watched and read what I gave you, you would see that I am on target. No democrat or republican politician gets any significant position without proving loyalty to the VAtican and globalists. My submissions in that comment prove my reasoning. I have evidence, you have no support for your words, the If you insist, I will look for the videos proving the trump assassination hoaxes were staged. the court cases were softball, trump has four thousand legal cases before he became president, he is a criminal, was charged with money laundering with Soros, was loaned billions by Rothschild banks he never piad back. MAGA is the name for the highest priesthood of satanism. I could gon on. The media and courts persecuted him to make him look anti-establishment at a time the establishment is very unpopular.

Lunatic4Bizcas6 hours ago (edited)

@Michael Kahn : ¡ Exactly ! Trump is also photographed at having been at one of Jeffrey Epstein's functions, yet when confronted with the issue, Trump claimed that he never knew the guy nor had any sort of friendship with him. Trump is part and parcel of the same machine, but the fact is that he was never directly involved in politics himself and instead hovered around the periphery of the political establishment, had a considerable amount of the populous fooled into thinking that he was for the people. Trump is probably the perfect decoy for the deep state, because while many of his followers are distracted to the detestable deeds of government, Trump's party and allies from across the aisle are up to the same games of interventionism abroad and disenfranchisement of the average citizen domestically. Trump was installed as president to prevent the nation from coming undone at the seams. If Trump had not been elected then there could have been a possibility for a mass uprising against government, and that is the last thing the international cabal of elitists and deep state operatives could want. A polarized and divided nation is much easier to control and manipulate

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Sounds like you bought the kool aid.

Trump closed the nation by calling a national state of emergency, placing it in martial law, under FEMA, closed it and blamed governors. OPeration Warp SPeed. Read and watch these links

Rothschild, as you should know, owns the national bank of every nation, including the federal reserve. He is the richest and second most powerful man in the world, makes wars, does pure evil.


Trump tells the group that he is a freemason. Do not listen to the narrator. What led to his admission was the words " under the blood" spoken by a black freemason, which is occult symbolism often employed by Christian freemasons. Trump recognized that signal and responded.


Trump was given half a billion dollars by his poppa (he is not self-made as he claims) but nonetheless his foolishness constantly had him begging for loans, and bankers did not want to loan him after he showed time and again inability to repay what he borrowed. Filed for bankruptcy. So why did they finally decide to keep him afloat? He would prove to be valuable in the future. He was groomed for years to be a nice little puppet. Ross, whom he appointed as secretary of commerce, was a Rothschild banker, and had been trained in a Jesuit school, as was TRump (Fordham Univ.), had financed Trump years ago. Trump has various connections to Rothschild.



Epstein's book 5:14 and 7:14



Here is a damning video on Trump. At 5:12 it gives the names of, and the sums paid for hush money, of the half dozen children he raped. At 8:00 you see Trump with his buddy Klaus, who he says is doing a great job. There is more in this great nine minute summation of how you were fooled.


13 year old trump raped on Epstein’s island


my website where you can sign up for a free newsletter and books attached to it.


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Wow impressive…thank you for your time to share your info. so then what do we do ..neither party are trustworthy???

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The ballots are rigged, and have been for many decades. THE only solution is revolution, and I am not talking bErnie style. Armed revolution. The powers have us in their crosshairs, the Georgia Guidestones say the world population goal by the RC church is 500 million, while currently it is eight billion. I think it is even worse, that they plan to kill 99% of us. We must take matters into our own hands. They are setting up a world fascist totalitarian technocratic police state. Surveillance and CBDCs will eliminate the need for cops. One word of dissidence, one trespass, and they will be able to cut off your funding source, and you will have no purchasing or payment abilities. Totalitarian rule is their goal,and it is even worse.

The bioweapon vaccines have nanotechnology in them, and are building us into transhumanism... their technology is forty to fifty years ahead of commercial scientific research, the military developed the bioweapons, not the pharmaceuticals. I will not go into it fully here, but the military are designing our destruction and slavery. Robots and AI make us obsolete. But they need adrenochrome. YOu may now see the predicament we are in. The media will not tell you the depth of trouble that we are facing. I am simply telling it like it is, not black-pilling. There are many with us and are armed. I am one of the many who are warriors ready to defend our lives and to protect the people. but we all need to be ready for real warfare.

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Americans DO want him in there -- the corporations reaping trillions peddling toxic cheap food (and then the costly Big Pharma "cures") are terrified that he will take the agencies created and charged to protect Americans back from their corporate clutches and MAHA! Go Bobby, GO!!!!

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And uniparty makes millions from these special interests. That should be outlawed

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And the same ones who wanted people to be kicked out of jobs, stores, society for not taking an experimental shot with unknown long term effects.

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But they invite people in to steal $999. Worth of goods

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The known short term effects were horrendous enough to terrify anyone in his right mind away from taking it!

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It’s actually much worse. In animal testing, they can expose the animal to the virus they’re vaccinating against*. In the mRNA tests, all the ferrets died upon exposure. Think I’ve heard of other tests with other animals, which had the same results.

*I don’t believe in viruses any more. Using the words that make it easiest to understand.

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Democraps continue to be Americas most destructive enemies.

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No, Democrats do what Democrats have always done but once upon a time they had an opposition in the form of the Republicans that they knew would reverse any crazy things they did but for the last 60 years or so Republicans have openly joined with them to form the UNIparty and destroy the US starting with the anti-white racism of "affirmitive action", moving into the destruction of the family with the pushing of feminism and its hatred and lies about men and culminating in the destruction of the Gold standard in the 1970's that has impoverished every working and middle class person not only in America but around the world due to the US dollar's reserve currency status. The UNIparty itself was brought to fruition with the currency printing from the private Federal Reserve Bank that was used to buy up pretty much every US politician so in reality it is the FED that has destroyed America and sadly the traitors that signed that bill into law are now beyond the hangman's noose, in their first life at any rate, but the present perpetrators of that destruction are still here for the taking.

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“[Teddy]Roosevelt then said : "Pettigrew, you know the two old parties are just alike. They are both controlled by the same influences…”

- R. F. Pettigrew, “Imperial Washington,” The story of American Public life from 1870 to 1920 (1922), p 234

PETTIGREW was a United States Senator from South Dakota


However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government...

-GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796

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Again, this is another glaring exhibition of the imbeciles in Congress.

It would be fun if each Congress member wore a jump suit similar to car racing with patches showing who sponsored them.

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Appalling displays of ignorance, hostility, and seething incompetence. None of the questioners today should occupy a position of power.

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I think their votes for rfk Jr and tulsi will be secret. Not happy with that. I want the guilty to call themselves out

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These summaries are golden. Thanks!!!

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Here's another good summary, this one focusing more on the intelligent, insightful, informed responses of this great man:


Both summaries are worth reading and sharing!

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The government has an ethics department? Have they heard of Nancy Pelosi? Do they know what insider trading is? It's all about money. And you can tell which senators are in-bed and funding by big pharma.

RFK is a nightmare for them, and a god-send for the American public!

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Bernie Sanders is a major disappointment. Years ago, I was foolish enough to believe he would have made a good president. Then Hillary Clinton came along and bad rapped him from pursuing the Presidency. Probably was a good thing.

For the last four years, Sanders has received over one million dollars per year in lobby money from pharmaceutical companies. Sanders is an opportunistic shill for pharmaceutical companies.

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I only for the first time caught his craziness. I, too, was hopeful for him in the past. But never knew the Pharma connection. Really??

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Good summary. Go MAHA 🙏

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Bro - my sister and I are crying. This is so encouraging. 🙏🙏🙏

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Very 🙌🏼

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If RFK, Jr. is not confirmed, all heck is going to break loose. If the globalist block him, American's are done.

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No....we need millions in the streets of DC protesting lobbies

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Contacted my senators, even though in ILLinois!

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One has to ask what sort of brain damaged people continue to vote for these Democrat demons?

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The HHS is an unconstitutional agency that should be dismantled.

Pro-lockdown authoritarian progressives like Fauci & RFK can take their opinions about health & their delusions of grandeur where the sun doesn’t shine.

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Don't forget to shut down the FULL UNCONSTITUTIONAL IRS, along w. the other numerous Deep State entities.. like the Dept of Education (or indoctrination).. along w/ the many other agencies which are now CREATING THEIR OWN VERSION OF LAW.. RULING ON IT.. and putting Americans in JAIL WHO DON'T agree with their VERSION OF TRUTH TO POWER. OH YEAH That would be the Dems' DOJ, HOMELAND SECURITY and all those other BLOOD SUCKING agencies who participated in the many FAUX... LAWFARE EVENTS which are called UNPRECEDENTED because they are so fxxcing illegal. .. doing laundry puts in a bad mood.:)

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How would anyone know gaucho was authoritarian money making king for so long. This is a great time for reform. No glycolate where sprays. No dues. No unnecessary chemicals in food

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Thank you for the excellent summary! I watched the whole hearing. Bobby Kennedy ran circles around the democrats, most of whom came off as know nothing scolds.

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