What a stupid idea to vaccinate all these chicken, except for big pharma profit, it will never achieve herd immunity. Leave the chickens be, they’ll achieve their own immunity. Look at the mess during covid! No immunity, just continual mutations. Are these decision makers idiots or just big pharma flunkies?

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The US created the bird virus in the first place. Corruption is still alive and well.


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The U.S. should be considered a terrorist nation as it promotes and approves of a myriad of ways to murder people, jail innocent people, establish laws and rules that give it immunity from paying for the death it causes through domestic and foreign policies, its role in bankrupting honest and truthful people, its role in destroying human minds, bodies, and souls, and its role is starting wars both within and without the country.

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We need a hardcore Great Awakening for America to stop being its own worst enemy🙏

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The US! Maybe we should isolate the bad apples and educate good and neutral apples and stop culling the entire nation! Make America Great Again!

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JuliaH: What exactly does make America great again mean? The bad apples have dominated as rulers of this nation since its inception. How many in power and authority have sacrificed much for the good of the most Americans? How many truly moral, principled, always honest, and forthright men and women have been in positions of power and authority in this country where no matter the cost, stand up for what is true, right and good? A few. Not the majority.

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Has been since 9 11 for sure and probably back to post wwii and the establishment of the cia, imf, UN , "rules based liberal/democratic internationalist world order"

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I think we can say that this is all about profit and not at all about chickens.

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If they can't get you to take a VAX, VAX the animals that they say are the vectors. $$$

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Science, dumb. Blind faith, good. Jesus Christ we are doomed.

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He who controls the food supply will always be the winner. Eggs are very good for us. The cabal wants to destroy that food source. These “vaccines” are not for the good of chickens or humans but for the destruction of a wonderful food source that in the days before the cull of 166 million chickens was an inexpensive food choice. It’s the same M.O. as the Covid “vaccines” for humans…genocide of the useless eaters (that’s you and me!).

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Unfortunately that’s all true. But people still think culling or vaccinating chickens is right. It’s mind boggling that after all things Covid people are so gullible. Or are they brainwashed, stupid or both?

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It’s Covid derangement syndrome. I’m convinced it’s a permanent condition.

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Intelligent people enter and remain in cults, and vaccines have reached a cult like status.

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That’s for sure Rita. I never saw anything like what happened during Covid. So many scurrying around running for a poison shot. I was amazed. I ran the other way for all things Covid. To me it was clearly a huge deception. Nothing made sense. My common sense prevailed. I tell young parents to home school their kids to avoid vaccination and they look at me as you said, like they’re in a cult of submission. So many are brainwashed and illogical. These people think 75 vaccines is normal and necessary for their kids. I had 2 childhood vaccines and I’m a very healthy 71 year old. It’s so ridiculous. What isn’t these days?

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Here's the thing though, I believe Jim Haslam is right. Covid was a lab generated bat vaccine, and everyone who got covid essentially was vaccinated.

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That might be but as long as you don’t have spike protein in your blood I think you’re ok. I recommend for everyone to have their drs put a covid antibody test on the list when doing bloodwork since there’s no spike protein test. You’ll have no antibodies if the spike protein is gone.. From what I’ve read, the covid antibodies should only last a few weeks after inoculation and possible after contraction. Didn’t almost everyone have covid vaxed or not? I can think of very few that think they never had it although a mild cold like virus could be it. Actually I do not believe the covid virus was ever isolated so in that case there’s no way to know if what people actually had was even covid or something else. Could have been a flu. Remember flu disappeared during covid! PSR tests weren’t proper. They only tell us if a molecule is present, not if it’s active. Never used for diagnosing anything but molecule presence prior. The cycle thresholds used were way too high, I believe done on purpose to increase positive test results. It was a huge scam including the virus itself, if it was ever a virus. Hard to know what to believe. But I certainly believe the whole debacle was used to depopulate. And it worked and will still work possibly for generations because lots of young people got jabbed. Who knows if they can reproduce and what health issues the’ll have or their offspring might have. I took Dr. McCullough’s spike protein detox for a year even though I was not jabbed. I was worried about shedding. I was around lots of jabbed people. Lots of people are using ivermectin now too! We need a lots of luck as we witness so much illness and death around us. Pfizer murdered my sweet husband so it’s very personal to me and my family. Best of luck to you! Nice chatting. 💔😢

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How can people keep thinking they are stupid??? Seriously they follow their masters and their master want depopulation... How come people cant see this? Its obvious and right in front of every one clear as day --

They cull cows, chickens, mink ( not food though) put bovaer in cows that wont go into milk and make male cattle sterile -- the same who also said covid vax did not go into breastmilk which it did. --

War, abortion, sterialisation, mutilation, poison the environment -- and they worry about co2? The Only molecule they can control our behaviour with on energy prices? Which then translate into food prices ??

My way here is :

Chickens get as natural feed as possible, no vax, no poison

Crops in garden gets no poison except what comes down from above beyond my control!!

Vax are regarded as a tool of tyranny and murder to me now! A tool to make people sick! And so far people gaslight and name call but not disprove!

Frankly i feel most people have gone clinically insane and just jab and push all kinds of shit without question and maybe we should use a scientific approach and not give for ex ALL cows bovaer and risk thousands of years of breeding work and millions of peoples lifes??

Reason is of course that the natural ways will be much more beneficial for us and the farmer - and not give WEF and the club of Rome their depopulation agenda and enslavement they want -

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Neither they are in it for the money 💵, honey

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Sorry, not just the money. Depopulation, intentionally. They knew what was in those poison jabs and pushed them on innocent people. Remember I live without my husband, Pfizer murdered him. I know others!!! Profit was just an extra, Big Pharma complied with a military intentional killing. Profit by DEPOPULATION. A grand plan indeed.

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Well it seems no one has read this story before. Lets go back in time and talk about Marek's Virus in Chickens. Its the story of a leaky vaccine that has to be never ending upgraded since the virus keeps evolving with the leaky virus and the new version is so deadly it wipes out unvaccinated animals.


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Wow, never heard of that. Yikes. 😮

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It’s in the second picture in the article but not expanded on. Many believe we may have a problem like this with Covid injections if they were more effective

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More effective? Pfizer murdered my husband. More effective at depopulation. The SV40 virus promotor replacement without FDA approval (because that info was hidden among other info) was a death sentence for anyone with gene mutations. Pfizer lied about lots of facts. They should be prosecuted royally.

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If they actually worked as advertised instead proved to be worthless at creating any form of lasting immunity. If they make a vaccine that is 50% effective this would create the marek problem

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Yukon, ok I believe they worked as desired to mass murder citizens with a Covid debacle planned for years, they just didn’t tell us. Fear induced mandates worked. People were frightened they were gonna die because they let people die on purpose in hospitals. It was horrible and criminal. Watch CHDTV’s series The People’s Study. It’s all there. There’s a long list of lies and deceptions. I’d need lots of time to state them all. Plainly, nothing that we were told was truthful because the FDA, CDC & NIH get a good portion of their funding from Big Pharma so they do as they’re told. They also have been lied to as well by Big Pharma, and do not investigate. They need their funding. That needs to change. Also pharmaceutical companies cannot be the only ones in charge of clinical trials on their products. But they currently are because the alphabet agencies are not really investigating. The citizens pay for this ridiculous situation. I’ve done lots of research since Pfizer murdered my husband and I know how they did it. It’s criminal. This is what RFK Jr. needs to bring to everyone attention. It doesn’t matter what happens afterward because we cannot allow mass murder. This is what I hope for. Healthcare has changed to managing illnesses for profit (some directly caused by drugs they approve) or in the case of Covid, for depopulation as well. Sickening situation,

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So doesn’t anyone have any authority to stop this? Or is this just like everything else.. just “outrage” .

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The US created the virus in the first place. Both the EPA and USDA are corrupt. Not sure if Kennedy can do something about it.?


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The same non-existent authority that never stopped the mRNA injections.

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Discontinuing the fraudulent testing for H5N1 via PCR would end the silliness.

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And what next? Are we going to capture every wild bird and vaccinate or exterminate them too?! What complete nonsense! Big Pharma is making their last play at the liquor cabinet before daddy gets home! There is that pesky mandate from the WEF to reduce the population by 95%🤔

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If you knew what they have already done to wild birds it would shock the ever living shit out of you. It is so bad I will not even tell you because you will not believe it

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I'll believe it. Tell us.

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The 5G??


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Fire the head of the USDA immediately!

She does not know what she is doing or she is in bed with the big Pharma.

Immediately stop them from vaccinating the chickens. Big Pharma WANTS another pandemic on your watch.

Listen to Kennedy, he knows what he is talking about. They will purposely make a leaky vaccine in hopes of creating another pandemic.

Fire her immediately. She is wasting billions of dollars and she doesn’t know what she is doing.

Big Pharma is not your friend. They FUCKED YOU WITH THE LAST PANDEMIC!

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Basically, EVERY agency head not appointed specifically by Trump should be fired. Perhaps Trump STILL does not know who his enemies are. 😫

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Not a news flash: All vaccines are leaky so why is everyone applauding his speaking out against the Bird Flu vaccine if I know All vaccines are leaky RFK has known this for a very long time. Ask Suzanne Humphreys and or Judy Mikovits. We just keep spinning info and yet the sociopaths continue to produce and push leaky vaccines. The only test of sanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result!

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Because only a few actually “know” all vaccines are leaky”

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Vaccines did not get rid of polio.

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Because, for whatever reasons, fair or foul, they used the oral Sabin, live virus, rather than the killed Salk version which couldn't mutate back into the harmful wild type.

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Even people who received the inactivated version which generally stops the virus before reaching the nervous system can still become infected before the immune system knocks out infection along the GI tract, and they can shed the virus to others.

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Absolutely- the inactivated version was the oral Sabin. The injected Salk version was dead virus and impossible to transmit infection.

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I thought the oral Sabin was live virus, which was the one I took, and the injected Salk version despite inactivation didn't guarantee the virus would not reach the GI tract before being destroyed by antibodies triggered by the shot, so live virus could still be shed from the infection one was potentially exposed to and not the actual vaccine. Maybe I am wrong though.

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The idea with the oral Sabin was that it produced mucosal immunity with IgA and destroyed the virus before invasion - problem was mutation of the live virus back to active form which caused multiple polio cases. The Salk killed injections killed the virus via IgG antibodies before it could gain entry to the CNS.

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No it did not it actually transmitted the virus See Dissolving Illusions by Humphreys MD to know the real ‘story’ on the deleterious effects of bad corrupted science and what vaccines have really done and don’t do to the innocent public lied to shamed and coerced to enrich the elites pockets and murder and mama innocent people trusting the science and the government who care more about power then We The People

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Personally, I do not want to eat the chickens, etc that have been vaccinated with som version of mRNA. That would be Bill Gates dream to put mRNA in our food supply so those of us who are non compliant will get our vaccine

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I would give this 10,000 likes if I could, not that I like the reality, but totally agree - I don't want to eat chickens or eggs that are genetically modified and probably filled with toxins. I had seen some news item that I thought said that RFK was able to stop this, but apparently not. Darn.

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They also, have tried unsuccessfully to duck with eggs (pardon the pun). Hence Bill Gates paying millions to develop artificial eggs!!! They don’t want us having inexpensive nutritious food! They want us eating GMO, full of MSG and other chemicals, colours, high fructose corn syrup, etc! If you starve a population of nutrients you weaken them and their children grow with low IQs! Right out of the WEF playbook! Reduce the population by 95% and keep only ones that can be controlled! They don’t want us being able in any way other than slavery!

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This absolute dumpster fire of an article pushed me to create a new Substack.

Here is a rebuttal: https://thepiledriver.substack.com/p/debunking-rfk-jrs-bird-flu-vaccine

Overall Truthfulness Score of the Original Article: 2/10

Spoiler: his claims are half-baked and fully featherbrained. Below, we dismantle each clucking claim with actual science, data, and common sense (with a side of sarcasm).

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Greed is behind this not welfare

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Leaky vaccines, eh? While creating super-bugs is a concern, the more obvious glaring issue is that the same technique of "vaccinating into a pandemic" was used on all the humans about four years ago. Guess what's likely headed our way? The more poignant issue, to my thinking, is the mRNA platforms being utilized in any and all of these DOD "counter measures", these "bioweapons." The platform itself is toxic. Why isn't that narrative surfacing, Mr. Kennedy?

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Because of your liberal media!! Not because RFK is trying to get that info out

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Leaky vaccines.

I am getting the weird deja vu moment.

Anyone else?

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Let the people decide. Most of us couldn't give a shit when the so called mad cow disease raised its ugly head. Beef was always on the menu, choice was yours whether to consume it or not. Only solution these Insane idiots can come up with is kill, kill, kill them all !

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Well, I did not want to eat meat during the mad cow season, but I thought it was not permanent, and it seems it was not. But this chicken vaxxing situation will change the DNA of every single chicken, and I do not want to eat genetically modified chickens filled with toxins. But the virus, I'm not worried about - it would die out if they left it alone. The vax, I worry about, and if they are really going to inject every chicken, darn, I'll have to go vegan. I hate this. They are intentionally destroying the food supply.

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What’s interesting is, this brouhaha seems to be limited to chickens. What about turkeys, geese or ducks? Humans eat those fowl, but not on the regular. Why aren’t ppl connecting dots… even before vax injuries, ppl have stopped making logical deductions about the world they live in, the food they eat and the shots they agree to take 🤦‍♀️

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What is RFK Jr doing about the childhood vax schedule? It still recommends Covid jabs for 6-month-olds.

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No more "vaccines"!

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Anyone thinking that killing 166 million birds or vaccinating all birds is good policy, is corrupt and has been bought by whomever stands to make the most money, like big pharma. Nobody in their right mind could possibly be so stupid and shortsighted to think this was a good idea. Follow the money and check the bank accounts.

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