The left/right paradigm is fake. It's nothing but theater. Both "sides" work for the same foreign donor's. It is to keep us divided and distracted with the illusion of choice. That's why they will never allow a third party, the house of cards will collapse. As long as the sheeple keep "voting" (giving consent) for their team, then the charade will continue. Wake up.
Democrats don't listen to constituents. Most of the ones still in Congress are only there because George Soros owns them. They are the party of the negative. They are going to have to stop pushing the Cloward-Priven plan to destroy America from the inside out so they can make us all live on the public dole and none of us can own our own homes, we'd have to share with those who have no work ethic at all. Sorry Not IN MY LiFE Time. You got at least 30 years before I would put an x by your names for anything but dog catcher and even then I can't promise you'd win. I'm tired of the FREELOADERS in Congress who are Demoncraps stealing MY MONEY and that of other hard working individuals. Personally I'd be happy if the lot of them were in stripes or orange jumpsuits picking up the trash on the freeways. Unfortunately, I cannot assure their safety either. So, let's send them to the sheriff who keeps his prisoners out of doors where passersby can get a good look at them. I believe the gentlemen get pink outfits and flip-flops.
Compares well with Brackamo/Big Mike, Schumer/Pelosi/Newsom, the Clown with Cane and the other useless congressionals but that would change immediately if he was given the reins
They have been: Men in girl's bathrooms. Porn in the school libraries. No ID voting. Flooding neighborhoods with criminal illegals........................................
To me it is obvious that he has been selected and his own ego will welcome this invitation. ( WWE ) World Wrestling Entertainment at its finest teamed up with the perfect combo of opposing silhouettes that appear to represent a choice. Newsom/Smith or if you prefer Smith/Newsom.
hey Stephen, good analysis but why not just drop the party loyalty bullshit and just vote for the guy speaking your language? fucking hilarious comedy rant though …
He would run AMERICA completely in the ground.
The guy is another loud mouthed grandstander 🤡
Another left wing bamboozler in the making IMHO.
Another Demon feeding off the people. Maybe he could be president of that group of wankers!
The left/right paradigm is fake. It's nothing but theater. Both "sides" work for the same foreign donor's. It is to keep us divided and distracted with the illusion of choice. That's why they will never allow a third party, the house of cards will collapse. As long as the sheeple keep "voting" (giving consent) for their team, then the charade will continue. Wake up.
MAGA is a 3rd Party !!! being fought by rinoRats & democRats. Wake Up Indeed !!!
Democrats don't listen to constituents. Most of the ones still in Congress are only there because George Soros owns them. They are the party of the negative. They are going to have to stop pushing the Cloward-Priven plan to destroy America from the inside out so they can make us all live on the public dole and none of us can own our own homes, we'd have to share with those who have no work ethic at all. Sorry Not IN MY LiFE Time. You got at least 30 years before I would put an x by your names for anything but dog catcher and even then I can't promise you'd win. I'm tired of the FREELOADERS in Congress who are Demoncraps stealing MY MONEY and that of other hard working individuals. Personally I'd be happy if the lot of them were in stripes or orange jumpsuits picking up the trash on the freeways. Unfortunately, I cannot assure their safety either. So, let's send them to the sheriff who keeps his prisoners out of doors where passersby can get a good look at them. I believe the gentlemen get pink outfits and flip-flops.
Can't improve on the four comments already made.
Fake to the Core.
Compares well with Brackamo/Big Mike, Schumer/Pelosi/Newsom, the Clown with Cane and the other useless congressionals but that would change immediately if he was given the reins
They have been: Men in girl's bathrooms. Porn in the school libraries. No ID voting. Flooding neighborhoods with criminal illegals........................................
Smith is another snake oil salesman like Newsom and not to be trusted.
Chameleon ???
People can change their minds when they realize that their worldview was wrong and based on lies, but how often does that happen ???
Just asking the question.
This giant leap, not very often. He’s not jumping the shark, he’s jumping the Grand Canyon!
Smith needs to keep his day job!
A centrist, in the center betwixt Lenin & the reformer Che Nirvana (aka Guevara).
Obama 2.0 wants to be president? Another Left-wing Wanna-Be unqualified egocentric big mouth, Hollywood connected, with a line of bull?
Lawd!!!!! Never gonna happen.
To me it is obvious that he has been selected and his own ego will welcome this invitation. ( WWE ) World Wrestling Entertainment at its finest teamed up with the perfect combo of opposing silhouettes that appear to represent a choice. Newsom/Smith or if you prefer Smith/Newsom.
hey Stephen, good analysis but why not just drop the party loyalty bullshit and just vote for the guy speaking your language? fucking hilarious comedy rant though …
Just another Jackass from the Jackass party.