Jewsus . . . ha ha ha . . . I'm a Teutonic pagan from the Thule Society . . .
Satanism is a Jewish cult . . .
Learn English > > > Writes Nordic Pagan Soldier
Lucifer is a Roman god that doesn't belong in a Bible written in Greek and Hebrew centuries previous to the Roman empire.
The Jewish Bible is propaganda.
Yes, I believe in beings that exist in higher form like a being of light.
I'm not interested in your Jewish propaganda.
I'm not interested in your mindless Middle East death cults.
The Jewish god is bullshit . . . so is Jewsus . . .
Writes > > > Nordic Pagan Soldier
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Jewsus . . . ha ha ha . . . I'm a Teutonic pagan from the Thule Society . . .
Satanism is a Jewish cult . . .
Learn English > > > Writes Nordic Pagan Soldier
Lucifer is a Roman god that doesn't belong in a Bible written in Greek and Hebrew centuries previous to the Roman empire.
The Jewish Bible is propaganda.
Yes, I believe in beings that exist in higher form like a being of light.
I'm not interested in your Jewish propaganda.
I'm not interested in your mindless Middle East death cults.
The Jewish god is bullshit . . . so is Jewsus . . .
Writes > > > Nordic Pagan Soldier