My other far less charitable epithets for the slimy three faced arsehole either disappeared (YT) after a warning or just got me banned for a month (FB) and account suspended until I deleted the comment (twat-x), which I weould never do. So far I haven't had a response from Mr Musk.
One of 'em almost reported me to the cops for a hate crime because of me sharing my opinion of what should happen to Tony Bliar and enquiring if tickets would be available if it came to pass!
You're far more charitable than I am...
My other far less charitable epithets for the slimy three faced arsehole either disappeared (YT) after a warning or just got me banned for a month (FB) and account suspended until I deleted the comment (twat-x), which I weould never do. So far I haven't had a response from Mr Musk.
One of 'em almost reported me to the cops for a hate crime because of me sharing my opinion of what should happen to Tony Bliar and enquiring if tickets would be available if it came to pass!