We've already won. They're just conducting a retreat and siphoning more fiat profits through the government teat in situ by getting guv to buy millions of garbage destined syringes. Only the willing idiots will get these shits (sic).
Mandates will get so much pushback it won't be the method of Great Resetting.
Doubtful it will be Climate…
We've already won. They're just conducting a retreat and siphoning more fiat profits through the government teat in situ by getting guv to buy millions of garbage destined syringes. Only the willing idiots will get these shits (sic).
Mandates will get so much pushback it won't be the method of Great Resetting.
Doubtful it will be Climate Change either.
Most likely - food crisis vanguard with CBDC's as the main force, driven by the 'excuse' that we need them for XYZ.
There aren't any awake people in my state. Totally blue ie liberal.
Trust me ive tried. The few people who grow veggies have openly said there are too many people in the world. No one in this state knows what is happening and they all think everything is good as long as dems are in charge.
I think the cog warfare has really been very successful.
Sure, there will be another attack (as I said, it will be a food crisis - how is that 'hopium' again?). I am mainly saying they have exhausted this tactic (for now, at least) because the population is alert and largely against it. They don't push into great resistance, in general, but shift focus to another area of less resistance. They've been operating in this manner for decades.
That is likely to continue. It's not hopium at all. It's watching their methods and analyzing how they work in order to strategize the best defense against it.
We could use a little 'hopium'...at least I could. Thank you and I do believe it is helpful to be aware without losing hope. I live too far north of the equator to farm to support myself either. But I can be smart.😉
Where haven't they been lifted? I live in Canada and my unvaxxed wife and kids just returned from Germany. there is a quarantine requirement, but the border guards didn't even mention it and public harm (er, health) has a half-assed recording that calls you every day to try and get you onto the idiotic ArriveCan. So far as I know, there are still foreign restrictions on the unvaxxed, but only US and Canada mainly.
Watch the action - ban on kids vaxxed in Denmark. Jersey changing, Fauci quitting.
I'm telling you man - we've finally won this battle. NOW - on to climate fruad or engineered food crisis or the final battle - Central Bank Slavery Money.
Kein Land führt bei dieser Invasion sein eigenes Rennen, weil es alles eine politische Agenda ist, die von den Vereinten Nationen geführt und von den Juden und ihren Marionetten (Politikern) vorangetrieben wird. Die meisten Menschen wollen einfach nicht wissen oder verstehen, dass dies eine politische Agenda ist. Einige schaffen es jedoch zu verstehen, dass Politiker absichtlich daran arbeiten, Muslime zu importieren und die Menschen zu ersetzen, aber das war's auch schon, sie sind wie ein Computer, der nicht weitermachen kann, weil das Programm es nicht zulässt.
Der Juden-Messianismus verbreitet seit fast zweitausend Jahren seine giftige Botschaft unter uns. Demokratische und kommunistische Universalismen sind neu, aber sie gekommen, um das alte jüdisch Narrativ zu verstärken. Das sind der dieselben Ideale . . . Die transnationalen, transrassischen, transkulturellen Ideale, die diese Ideologien uns predigen (jenseits von Völkern, Rassen, Kulturen) und die tägliche Nahrung in unseren Schulen, in unseren Medien, in unserer Popkultur, bei unseren Universitäten und auf unseren Straßen sind, haben unser biosymbolische Identität und unser ethnischer Stolz auf ihren minimalen Ausdruck reduziert.
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are new, but they have come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, race, culture) and are the daily sustenance in our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic Identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
In Canada? Yes, still possibility of fines, but at least now the unvaxxed CAN travel. Just odious quarantine and testing 'requirements.' So it's not totally rolled back, but wasn't expecting that. And they're pretty cautious in giving out fines - only a few. If you're polite but firm, you should be fine. And they're dropping most of the fines when you fight back. So I hear.
Hey - it's a war, not a poker game. It's not going to be easy. Gird your loins, my friend! Sharpen your sword.
We've already won. They're just conducting a retreat and siphoning more fiat profits through the government teat in situ by getting guv to buy millions of garbage destined syringes. Only the willing idiots will get these shits (sic).
Mandates will get so much pushback it won't be the method of Great Resetting.
Doubtful it will be Climate Change either.
Most likely - food crisis vanguard with CBDC's as the main force, driven by the 'excuse' that we need them for XYZ.
And how do we fight that? Not everyone is physically able to farm . Personally at my old age I don't see a solution, except to starve and die.
I suggest you make friends with those who can. :D
There aren't any awake people in my state. Totally blue ie liberal.
Trust me ive tried. The few people who grow veggies have openly said there are too many people in the world. No one in this state knows what is happening and they all think everything is good as long as dems are in charge.
I think the cog warfare has really been very successful.
Nothing has been 'won.' You're high on hopium :(
You're high on pessimism, my friend.
Sure, there will be another attack (as I said, it will be a food crisis - how is that 'hopium' again?). I am mainly saying they have exhausted this tactic (for now, at least) because the population is alert and largely against it. They don't push into great resistance, in general, but shift focus to another area of less resistance. They've been operating in this manner for decades.
That is likely to continue. It's not hopium at all. It's watching their methods and analyzing how they work in order to strategize the best defense against it.
We could use a little 'hopium'...at least I could. Thank you and I do believe it is helpful to be aware without losing hope. I live too far north of the equator to farm to support myself either. But I can be smart.😉
Where haven't they been lifted? I live in Canada and my unvaxxed wife and kids just returned from Germany. there is a quarantine requirement, but the border guards didn't even mention it and public harm (er, health) has a half-assed recording that calls you every day to try and get you onto the idiotic ArriveCan. So far as I know, there are still foreign restrictions on the unvaxxed, but only US and Canada mainly.
Watch the action - ban on kids vaxxed in Denmark. Jersey changing, Fauci quitting.
I'm telling you man - we've finally won this battle. NOW - on to climate fruad or engineered food crisis or the final battle - Central Bank Slavery Money.
Kein Land führt bei dieser Invasion sein eigenes Rennen, weil es alles eine politische Agenda ist, die von den Vereinten Nationen geführt und von den Juden und ihren Marionetten (Politikern) vorangetrieben wird. Die meisten Menschen wollen einfach nicht wissen oder verstehen, dass dies eine politische Agenda ist. Einige schaffen es jedoch zu verstehen, dass Politiker absichtlich daran arbeiten, Muslime zu importieren und die Menschen zu ersetzen, aber das war's auch schon, sie sind wie ein Computer, der nicht weitermachen kann, weil das Programm es nicht zulässt.
Der Juden-Messianismus verbreitet seit fast zweitausend Jahren seine giftige Botschaft unter uns. Demokratische und kommunistische Universalismen sind neu, aber sie gekommen, um das alte jüdisch Narrativ zu verstärken. Das sind der dieselben Ideale . . . Die transnationalen, transrassischen, transkulturellen Ideale, die diese Ideologien uns predigen (jenseits von Völkern, Rassen, Kulturen) und die tägliche Nahrung in unseren Schulen, in unseren Medien, in unserer Popkultur, bei unseren Universitäten und auf unseren Straßen sind, haben unser biosymbolische Identität und unser ethnischer Stolz auf ihren minimalen Ausdruck reduziert.
For those who do not read German: this is an utterly despicable comment that I was shocked to see on this substack
I suspect that's why they cowardly hid behind gibbering in another language, because the mods cannot read german.
Go ahead and report it and tell them what it contains, if you can. I'm unsure if the report allows you to go into detail.
Gehen saugen eine Schrotflinte judenknecht.
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are new, but they have come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, race, culture) and are the daily sustenance in our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic Identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
You have turned the Good News into Hope is Gone.
In Canada? Yes, still possibility of fines, but at least now the unvaxxed CAN travel. Just odious quarantine and testing 'requirements.' So it's not totally rolled back, but wasn't expecting that. And they're pretty cautious in giving out fines - only a few. If you're polite but firm, you should be fine. And they're dropping most of the fines when you fight back. So I hear.
Hey - it's a war, not a poker game. It's not going to be easy. Gird your loins, my friend! Sharpen your sword.
Stay strong.
Victory in battle.
War to continue.
Stay alert, warriors of freedom and truth.